intersystems / language-server

Repository for the VS Code Language Server
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Add support for automatic indenting when formatting #293

Open isc-bsaviano opened 9 months ago

isc-bsaviano commented 9 months ago

For example,


for value = "Red","Green","Blue" {
write value, !


For value = "Red","Green","Blue" {
   Write value, !

Originally reported as

cvertee commented 6 months ago

For the love of god... PLEASE let the user choose whether he wants to Uppercase first letters of commands or not. Lowercase everything is literally an industry standard in every language ever, PLEASE don't ruin the standard and hundreds of codebases, we already have ##class syntax for that :skull:

isc-bsaviano commented 6 months ago

@cvertee That's a configurable setting: Documentation for all settings can be found here.

cvertee commented 6 months ago

@isc-bsaviano oh, ok, thanks!