intersystems / language-server

Repository for the VS Code Language Server
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InterSystems Language Server

Note: The best way to install and use this extension is by installing the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack and following the documentation here.

This is a LSP compliant language server for InterSystems ObjectScript powered by Node.js and written primarily in TypeScript. It is maintained by InterSystems.


Supported Platforms

This extension can be installed on the following platforms:

alpine-x64 alpine-arm64
darwin-x64 darwin-arm64
linux-x64 linux-arm64


This extension requires that the vscode-objectscript extension be downloaded and enabled.

InterSystems Product Compatibility

All InterSystems products that include the Atelier APIs (Caché/Ensemble from 2016.2 onward, all versions of InterSystems IRIS) are supported.

Setup Notes

If the configured user for connection to a server does NOT have the %All Role, execute the following query on the server to enable all of this extension's features. This is not necessary when connecting to InterSystems IRIS version 2021.1.3+, 2022.1.2+, or 2022.2+.

GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA %Dictionary TO %Developer

Configuration Settings

Visit the Settings Reference page of the documentation for a list of all configuration settings provided by this extension. Changes to these settings can be made in the Visual Studio Code user settings editor.

Syntax Color Customization

This extension is packaged with four default themes, two light and two dark, that are Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AAA compliant when editing InterSystems files. They have been developed with usability and accessibility in mind and are recommended for all users. Users may also use any VS Code theme downloaded from the marketplace or included by default. While the coloring provided by those themes will be syntactically correct, not all themes provide support for advanced features, such as coloring method arguments differently than local variables. If you wish to customize the colors assigned to InterSystems semantic tokens, there are two approaches, which are detailed below.

Custom Styling Rules

To customize the colors for one or more of these semantic tokens, add the editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations code block to your user or workspace settings.json file. For example:

"editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations": {
    "enabled": true, // enable for all themes, but see note below
    "rules": {

Note that setting "enabled": false in the object shown above does not merely disable the rules within the object. Instead it disables semantic token coloring in all themes and languages, unless you have also changed "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled" from its default value of "configuredByTheme".

Custom Themes

To create your own custom color theme that provides coloring for InterSystems semantic tokens or modify your existing theme to do so, use the semanticHighlighting and semanticTokenColors settings in your theme definition json file. For example:

"semanticHighlighting": true,
"semanticTokenColors": {
  "ISC_Error": {"foreground": "#ff8484", "bold": true},
  "ISC_Comment": "#80bd66",
  "ISC_StringLiteral": "#d4b57c",
  "ISC_NumericLiteral": "#d4b57c",
  "ISC_ClassName": "#4EC9B0",
  "ISC_ClassMember": "#DCDCAA",
  "ISC_DocComment": "#80bd66",
  "ISC_Parameter": "#ff75f4",
  "ISC_System": "#85a6ff",
  "ISC_Command": "#ffffff",
  "ISC_Keyword": "#85a6ff",
  "ISC_LocalVariable": "#ade2ff",
  "ISC_LocalVariableUnset": "#ade2ff",
  "ISC_PublicVariable": "#64c9ff",
  "ISC_SQLKeyword": "#ffffff",
  "ISC_SQLFunction": "#85a6ff",
  "ISC_Neutral": {"foreground": "#ffffff", "italic": true},
  "XML_Grayout": "#aaaaaa",
  "ISC_Operator": "#ffffff",
  "ISC_Delimiter": "#ffffff",
  "ISC_MarkupText": "#ffffff"

Semantic Token Reference

This extension provides the following high-level semantic tokens for coloring similar features across all supported languages:

ID Description
"ISC_ClassMember" InterSystems-wide class member token.
"ISC_ClassName" InterSystems-wide class and routine name token.
"ISC_Command" InterSystems-wide command token.
"ISC_Comment" InterSystems-wide comment token.
"ISC_Delimiter" InterSystems-wide delimiter token.
"ISC_DocComment" InterSystems-wide documentation comment token.
"ISC_Error" InterSystems-wide error token.
"ISC_Keyword" InterSystems-wide keyword token.
"ISC_LocalVariable" InterSystems-wide local variable token.
"ISC_LocalVariableUnset" InterSystems-wide unset local variable token.
"ISC_MarkupText" InterSystems-wide markup text token.
"ISC_Neutral" InterSystems-wide neutral token.
"ISC_NumericLiteral" InterSystems-wide numeric literal token.
"ISC_Operator" InterSystems-wide operator token.
"ISC_Parameter" InterSystems-wide parameter token.
"ISC_PublicVariable" InterSystems-wide public variable and global token.
"ISC_SQLFunction" InterSystems-wide SQL function token.
"ISC_SQLKeyword" InterSystems-wide SQL keyword and datatype token.
"ISC_StringLiteral" InterSystems-wide string literal token.
"ISC_System" InterSystems-wide system function and variable token.