intfoundation / int

Node.js implementation of INT Chain 3.0
MIT License
22 stars 8 forks source link

INT Chain

Official Node.js implementation of the INT Chain protocol.

Environment dependence

Building int requires a version 8 Node.js (version 8.9 or later of version 8). You can install it from Node.js official website(

Installation Instructions

(1) Clone the repository to a directory of your choosing

git clone

(2) entry into the first level of int project.

cd .../int

(3) install node_modules of int project dependency.

npm install

Start a miner

node src/tool/startDMiner.js --minerSecret ... --coinbase ... .......

    --minerSecret                    It's required to give signature to block
    --coinbase                       It's required to receive block reward.
                                     Please keep the private key of the coinbase, do not tell others.
    --blocklimit                     The max sum of transactions limit in a block. 
                                     Max value is 80000000,and default value is 20000000.
    --port                           Network communication port of P2P,default value is 8553|8554.
    --loggerLevel                    The log leverl [all, trace, debug, info, warn, error, off]
    --hander                         The location of the handler file, which is the entry of the chain handler

Start a peer

node src/tool/startDPeer.js .......

    --test                           Connect the test net
    --main                           Connect the main net
    --dataDir                        Data storage location
    --loggerConsole                  Print log or not
    --loggerLevel                    The log leverl [all, trace, debug, info, warn, error, off]
    --rpchost                        The host that peer can communicate by RPC,defaut value is localhost
    --rpcport                         The RPC server port,default value is 8555


The INT Chain Command Line Interface.



Install INT CLI globally with

$ npm install -g int-cli

Now you can run INT CLI using following command anywhere

$ int-cli


Install INT CLI to your node_modules folder with

$ npm install --save int-cli

Now you can run INT CLI using following command

$ node_modules/.bin/int-cli


INT CLI  [ Node: 8.x.x, CLI: 3.0.x]

    --version                        Print INT Chain version
    --help                           Show help
    --test                           Connect the test net
    --main                           Connect the main net
    --loggerConsole                  Print log or not
    --loggerLevel                    The log leverl [all, trace, debug, info, warn, error, off]
    --rpchost                        The host that peer can communicate by RPC,defaut value is localhost
    --rpcpot                         The RPC server port,default value is 8555