intive-FDV / DynamicJasper

Dynamic Reports using Jasper Reports
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
241 stars 128 forks source link
dynamic-reporting excel pdf reporting


DynamicJasper (DJ) is an API that hides the complexity of JasperReports, it helps developers to save time when designing simple/medium complexity reports generating the layout of the report elements automatically. It creates reports dynamically, defining at runtime the columns, column width (auto width), groups, variables, fonts, charts, crosstabs, sub reports (that can also be dynamic), page size and everything else that you can define at design time.

DJ keeps full compatibility with Jasper Reports since it's a tool that helps create reports programmatically in a easy way (it only interferes with the creation of the report design doing the layout of the elements).

You can use the classic .jrxml files as templates while the content and layout of the report elements are handled by the DJ API.

Maven dependency


Documentation and Examples

Find documentation and examples at

Report Concept

This API is intended to solve the 99% of the classic reports that consist in a number of fields (that are going to be columns in the report), then the report may have some “repeating groups” defined using a field as a criteria. Some columns may have variables (with operations such as SUM or COUNT) for some of the fields. All this tasks can be done automatically by the DJ through a very easy-to-use API.

You can redefine at runtime the column order, “repeating groups”, variables, styles, conditional styles, etc. Its completely dynamic!!!


Most of the features are provided directly by Jasper Reports (great tool guys!), nevertheless through the DJ API some of the results are achieved with really no effort.

Dynamic column report: Columns can be defined at runtime, which means you also control (at runtime) the column positioning, width, title, etc.

Repeating groups / Breaking groups: Create repeating groups dynamically using simple expressions as criteria or complex custom expressions. Each repeating group may have a header and/or footer, which can have a variable showing the result of an operation (SUM, COUNT or any other provided by Jasper Reports).

Automatic report layout: Just define a minimum set of options and DJ will take care of the layout. It’s not an issue to generate the same report for different page sizes and orientation many more!

Dynamic Crosstabs: Jasper Report’s popular crosstabs can now be created dynamically in an easy and convenient way.

Sub reports

Sub reports are supported; they can also be dynamically created. Concatenating many reports in a single one (e.g.: a single PDF) can be a hard task. Using DynamicJasper it is really easy get reports of different nature in a single one. Styles: Each column can have its own style for its title and detail data (defining border, border color, font size, type and color, background color, etc.).