intl-tools / t

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This package provides a function t() which serves as a way to mark user-facing strings for translation. These strings are not translated at runtime but can be statically extracted for translation offline.

The only thing t() does at runtime is string interpolation. This is well typed using TypeScript.

The first parameter to t() should always be a string literal, it should never be a variable or expression. Protip: Use eslint-plugin-t to enforce this.


// βœ… Correct Usage
t('Good morning!');

// βœ… Correct Usage
t('Hello {name}!', { name: 'Alice' });

// 🚫 TypeScript Error - Wrong property name
t('Hello {name}!', { firstName: 'Bob' });

// 🚫 TypeScript Error - Missing property `name`
t('Hello {name}!', {});


  1. Install using your favorite package manager

    npm install @intl/t
    # -- or --
    yarn add @intl/t
  2. Optionally make t() a global

    (TODO: Add instructions for this, including adding to global.d.ts and eslint config, jest)

  3. Consider installing the eslint plugin eslint-plugin-t


In React (or React Native) apps you might have special styling that needs to be applied to a portion of a sentence or phrase. You don't want to break up a sentence into multiple t() calls [^1] so we provide a special syntax for this.


// Be sure to import the React version of `t()`
import { t } from '@intl/t/react';

// Wrap spans of text in an html-style tag (of any name), then provide a
// resolver for each tag name
t('Hello <b>world</b>!', {
  b: (content) => <span class="bold">{content}</span>,

// You can use value placeholders as well as tags
t('Hello <b>{name}</b>, click <a>here</a> to continue!', {
  a: (content) => <a href="">{content}</a>,
  b: (content) => <strong>{content}</strong>,

// You can use any name for the html-like tags
t('Please <loginLink>login</loginLink> to to continue.', {
  loginLink: (content) => <a href="">{content}</a>,

// In React Native, all strings must be wrapped in a <Text> element, so we have
// a "fallback resolver" denoted by "_"
t('Hello <b>world</b>!', {
  b: (content) => <Text style={styles.bold}>{content}</Text>,
  _: (content) => <Text>{content}</Text>,

// The above is rendered as:
  <Text>Hello </Text>
  <Text style={styles.bold}>world</Text>


[^1]: Breaking up a sentence into multiple t() calls will essentially hard-code a specific word order to the sentence, however word order can be different in different languages, so we want to avoid this.