introlab / opentera

OpenTera - Open TeleRehabilitation Server and Micro-Services
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 9 forks source link
flask healthcare iot micro-services python redis rehab robotics sensors server telehealth teleoperation telepresence telerehabilitation twisted videoconference webrtc

About OpenTera

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OpenTera is a micro-services based backend primarily built to support research projects. Focusing on years in the research field, common features between the different projects emerged:

To address those common features, OpenTera was designed with an architecture based as much as possible on recognized standards and best practices.


What can OpenTera do for you?

In its essence, OpenTera provides an adaptable data structure on which you can base your developments. With its modular and service-based design, it is possible to tailor specific needs based on the OpenTera framework.

Applications of the OpenTera backend are not limited to research projects, and could also be applied in a clinical environment, where clinicians have to communicate with patients. Such fields include but are not limited to: tele-rehabilibation (physical, social, mental), robotic tele-operation and remote activity monitoring.

The OpenTera micro-services structure allows:

You are welcome to participate in this effort. Leave us comments or report Issues.





OpenTera Telehealth Platform

OpenTera Telehealth Platform

OpenTera+ Clinical Telehealth Software

OpenTera+ Clinical Telehealth Software

Documentation and getting started

Detailled information is available in the docs


OpenTera is licensed under Apache License 2.0 .

Related Open Source Projects




OpenTera is based or uses the following Open Source technologies :
