invokermain / pymssql-utils

A small library that wraps pymssql to make your life easier.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
9 stars 2 forks source link


pymssql-utils is a small library that wraps pymssql to make your life easier. It provides you with a higher-level API as well as various utility functions for generating dynamic queries.

This module features:

This module's enforced opinions (check these work for you):

When you shouldn't use this module:

Please raise any suggestions or issues via GitHub.


This library is tested and stable. There will not be any breaking changes to the public API without a major version release. There is also scope for expanding the library if new features are requested.


See the repository's GitHub releases or the



This library can be installed via pip: pip install --upgrade pymssql-utils. This library requires Python >= 3.7.

If you want to serialize your results to JSON you can install the optional dependency ORJSON by running pip install --upgrade pymssql-utils[json].

If you want to cast your results to DataFrame you can install the optional dependency Pandas by running pip install --upgrade pymssql-utils[pandas].


For querying the database this library provides two high-level methods:

This separation of pymssql's execute is to make your code more explicit and readable.

Here is an example for running a simple query and accessing the returned data:

>>> import pymssqlutils as sql
>>> result = sql.query(
[{'now': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 21, 23, 31, 11, 272299, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)}]

And running a simple execution:

>>> import pymssqlutils as sql
>>> result = sql.execute(
      "INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (1, 'test')",

Specifying Connection

There are two ways of specifying the connection parameters to the SQL Server:

  1. Passing the required parameters (see pymssql docs) to query or execute like in the quickstart example above. All extra **kwargs passed to these methods are passed on to the pymssql.connection().
  2. Specify the connection parameters in the environment like the example below, this is the recommended way (however, any parameters given explicitly to a method will take priority).
import os
import pymssqlutils as sql

os.environ["MSSQL_SERVER"] = ""
os.environ["MSSQL_USER"] = "my_login"
os.environ["MSSQL_PASSWORD"] = "my_password123"

result = sql.execute("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (%s, %s)", (1, "test"))

There is a helper method to set this in code, see set_connection_details below.

Executing SQL


The query method executes a SQL Operation which does not commit the transaction & returns the result.

    operation: str,
    parameters: SQLParameters = None,
    raise_errors: bool = True,
) -> DatabaseResult:


Returns a DatabaseResult class, see documentation below.


The execute method executes a SQL Operation which commits the transaction & optionally returns the result (not by default).

    operations: Union[str, List[str]],
    parameters: Union[SQLParameters, List[SQLParameters]] = None,
    batch_size: int = None,
    fetch: bool = False,
    raise_errors: bool = True,
) -> DatabaseResult:


Returns a DatabaseResult class, see documentation below.

There are two ways of using this function:

Passing in a single operation (str) to operations:

Passing in multiple operations (List[str]) to operations:

Optionally batch_size can be specified to use string concatenation to batch the operations, this can provide significant performance gains if executing 100+ small operations. This is similar to fast_executemany found in the pyodbc package. A value of 500-1000 is a good default.

DatabaseResult Class

One big difference between this library and pymssql is that here execute and query return an instance of the DatabaseResult class.

This class holds the returned data, if there is any, and provides various useful attributes and methods to work with the result.

Attributes & Properties


Error handling

Both query & execute take raise_errors as a parameter, which is by default True. This means that by default pymssql-utils will allow pymssql to raise errors as normal.

Passing raise_errors as False will pass any errors onto the DatabaseResult class, which allows you to handle errors gracefully using the DatabaseResult class (see above), e.g.:

import pymssqlutils as db

result = db.query("Bad Operation", raise_errors=False)

if not result.ok: # result.ok will be False due to error

    # write the error to logging output
    result.write_error_to_logger('An optional query identifier to aid logging')

    # the error is stored under the error attribute
    error = result.error 

    # can always re-raise the error
    result.raise_error('Query Identifier')

This can be useful in situations where you do not want the error to propogate, e.g. if querying the database as part of an API response.

Utility Functions


The set_connection_details method is a helper function which will set the value of the relevant environment variable for the connection kwargs given.

Warning: this function has program wide side effects and will overwrite any previously set connection details in the environment; therefore its usage is only recommended in single script projects/notebooks. All the connections details will also be visible in your code.

The preferred method in production scenarios is to set the environment variables directly.

def set_connection_details(
    server: str = None,
    database: str = None,
    user: str = None,
    password: str = None
) -> None:



The substitute_parameters method does the same parameter substitution as query and execute, but returns the substituted operation instead of executing it. This allows you to see the actual operation being run against the database and is useful for debugging and logging.

    operation: str,
    parameters: SQLParameters
) -> str:


Returns the parameter substituted SQL operation as a string.


>>> substitute_parameters("SELECT %s Col1, %s Col2", ("Hello", 1.23))
"SELECT N'Hello' Col1, 1.23 Col2"


The to_sql_list method converts a Python iterable to a string form of the SQL equivalent list. This is useful when creating dynamic SQL operations using the 'IN' operator.

    listlike: Iterable[SQLParameter]
) -> str:


Returns the SQL equivalent list as a string


>>> to_sql_list([1, 'hello',])
"(1, N'hello', N'2021-03-22T10:56:27.981173')"
>>> my_ids = [1, 10, 21]
>>> f"SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN {to_sql_list(my_ids)}"
'SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1, 10, 21)'


The model_to_values method converts a Python mapping (e.g. dictionary of Pydantic model) to the SQL equivalent values string. This is useful when creating dynamic SQL operations using the 'INSERT' statement.

    model: Any,
    prepend: List[Tuple[str, str]] = None,
    append: List[Tuple[str, str]] = None,
) -> str:


Returns a string of the form: ([attr1], [attr2], ...) VALUES (val1, val2, ...).

Warning: prepended and appended columns are not parameter substituted, this can leave your code open to SQL injection attacks.


>>> my_data = {'value': 1.56, 'insertDate':}

>>> model_to_values(my_data, prepend=[('ForeignId', '@Id')])
"([ForeignId], [value], [insertDate]) VALUES (@Id, 1.56, N'2021-03-22T13:58:33.758740')"

>>> f"INSERT IN MyTable {model_to_values(my_data, prepend=[('foreignId', '@Id')])}"
"INSERT IN MyTable ([foreignId], [value], [insertDate]) VALUES (@Id, 1.56, N'2021-03-22T13:58:33.758740')"


Type Parsing

pymssql-utils parses SQL types to their native python types regardless of the environment. This ensures consistent behaviour across various systems, see the table below for a comparison.

Windows Ubuntu
SQL DataType pymssql-utils pymssql pymssql-utils pymssql
Date date date date str
Binary bytes bytes bytes bytes
Time1 time time time str
Time2 time time time str
Time3 time time time str
Time4 time time time str
Time5 time time time str
Time6 time time time str
Time7 time time time str
Small DateTime datetime datetime datetime datetime
Datetime datetime datetime datetime datetime
Datetime2 datetime datetime datetime str
DatetimeOffset0 datetime bytes datetime str
DatetimeOffset1 datetime bytes datetime str
DatetimeOffset2 datetime bytes datetime str
UniqueIdentifier str bytes str ???


Install pytest to run non-integration tests via pytest ., these tests mock the cursor results allowing the library to test locally.

To test against an MSSQL instance install pytest-dotenv. Then create a .env file with "TEST_ON_DATABASE" set as a truthy value, as well as any connection environemt variables for the MSSQL server. These tests will then be run (not-skipped), e.g. pytest . --envfile .test.env

Why pymssql when Microsoft officially recommends pyodbc (opinion)?

There are other minor reasons someone might prefer pymssql, e.g.:

  1. pymssql supports for MSSQL specific data types such as Datetimeoffset.
  2. pymssql's parameter subsitution is done client-side improving debug/logging ability.
  3. pymssql's drivers are easily installed, meaning that your code 'just works' in more environments without extra steps, e.g. this!