io-aero / io-avstats

Aviation Event Statistics
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IO-AVSTATS - Aviation Event Statistics Application

Key Functionalities of IO-AVSTATS

Currently, IO-AVSTATS includes the following applications:


This is a quick start guide. Detailed instructions can be found in the documentation under Requirements, Installation and First Steps.

  1. Run the following commands:
    sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
    sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  1. Add the following entries to your ~/.bashrc file:
    export LANG=C.UTF-8
    export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
    export PYPI_PAT=<tbd>
  1. Install Python 3.12

  2. Install Conda or Miniconda

  3. Install Docker Desktop

  4. Install the MS Access Database Engine - only necessary for database updates

  5. Install RazorSQL - only necessary for database updates

  6. Clone this repository:

    git clone

  7. Create the virtual environment:

    make conda-dev

  8. Switch to the created virtual environment:

    conda activate ioavstats

  9. Create a file named .settings.io_aero.toml which contains the database access data

  10. Test the whole functionality:

    make final

  11. All Makefile commands can be found by running:

    make or make help

Recommended Makefile Targets:
action                    action: Run the GitHub Actions locally.
conda-dev                 Create a new environment for development.
conda-prod                Create a new environment for production.
dev                       dev: Format, lint and test the code.
docker                    Create a docker image.
docs                      docs: Create the user documentation.
everything                everything: Do everything pre-checkin
final                     final: Format, lint and test the code and create the documentation.
format                    format: Format the code with Black and docformatter.
lint                      lint: Lint the code with ruff, Bandit, Vulture, Pylint and Mypy.
mypy-stubgen              Autogenerate stub files.
pre-push                  pre-push: Preparatory work for the pushing process.
pytest-ci                 Run all tests with pytest after test tool installation.
pytest-first-issue        Run all tests with pytest until the first issue occurs.
pytest-ignore-mark        Run all tests without marker with pytest.
pytest-issue              Run only the tests with pytest which are marked with 'issue'.
pytest-module             Run test of a specific module with pytest.
tests                     tests: Run all tests with pytest.
version                   Show the installed software versions.


The whole functionality of IO-AVSTATS can be used with the script run_io_avstats. The script is available in versions for Ubuntu and Windows 10/11 and provides the following functionality:

r_s_a   - Run the IO-AVSTATS application
u_p_d   - Complete processing of a modifying MS Access file
l_n_a   - Load NTSB MS Access database data into PostgreSQL
c_p_d   - Cleansing PostgreSQL data
c_l_l   - Correct decimal US latitudes and longitudes
f_n_a   - Find the nearest airports
v_n_d   - Verify selected NTSB data
l_a_p   - Load airport data into PostgreSQL
a_o_c   - Load aviation occurrence categories into PostgreSQL
l_c_s   - Load country and state data into PostgreSQL
l_c_d   - Load data from a correction file into PostgreSQL
l_s_e   - Load sequence of events data into PostgreSQL
l_s_d   - Load simplemaps data into PostgreSQL
l_z_d   - Load ZIP Code Database data into PostgreSQL
s_d_c   - Set up the PostgreSQL database container
c_d_s   - Create the PostgreSQL database schema
u_d_s   - Update the PostgreSQL database schema
r_d_s   - Refresh the PostgreSQL database schema
c_f_z   - Zip the files for the cloud
c_d_i   - Create or update an application Docker image
c_d_c   - Run Docker Compose tasks - Cloud
c_d_l   - Run Docker Compose tasks - Local
version - Show the IO-AVSTATS version


The complete documentation for this repository is contained in the github pages here. See that documentation for installation instructions

Further IO-Aero software documentation can be found under the following links.

Directory and File Structure of this Repository

1. Directories

Directory Content
.github/workflows GitHub Action workflow.
.streamlit Streamlit configuration files.
.vscode Visual Studio Code configuration files.
cloud_old Legacy cloud related files.
config Configuration files.
data Application data related files.
dist docker2ex application files.
docs Documentation files.
ioavstats Python script files.
libs Contains libraries that are not used via pip.
resources Selected manuals and software.
scripts Supporting Ubuntu and Windows Scripts.
tests Scripts and data for pytest.

2. Files

File Functionality
.dockerignore Configuration of files and folders to be ignored with Docker.
.gitattributes Handling of the os-specific file properties.
.gitignore Configuration of files and folders to be ignored with Git.
.pylintrc Pylint configuration file.
Dockerfile Build instructions for the docker2exe application images. Text of the licence terms.
logging_cfg.yaml Configuration of the Logger functionality.
Makefile Tasks to be executed with the make command.
mypy.ini Mypy configuration file.
pyproject.toml Optional configuration data for the software quality tools. This file.
run_io_avstats Main script for using the functionality in a productive environment.
run_io_avstats_dev Main script for using the functionality in a development environment.
run_io_avstats_test Main script for using the functionality in a test environment.
run_ioavstats Main script for using the functionality based on a Docker executable.
settings.io_aero.toml Configuration data.
setup.cfg Optional configuration data.

Converting the application into an executable file with docker2exe

Target Platforms

The tools support creating executables specifically for Ubuntu, or Windows. This allows for precise targeting based on deployment needs.

Platform-Specific Build

The process of creating an executable is required to be conducted on the operating system for which the executable is intended. This means building a Windows executable on a Windows machine and a linux executable on a Ubuntu machine.

Use of Makefile

Both docker2exe utilizes the Makefile of io-avstats to facilitate the construction of executables.


The executable files for docker2exe are downloaded from the GitHub Releases page. Note that the executable for Windows has been renamed to docker2exe-windows-amd64.exe and is located in the dist directory of the application. Visit the docker2exe tool page for more details and to access the source code.

Creating the Executable File