ioantsaf / hacked_insta_unliker

Python script to detect and remove suspicious likes from Instagram
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hacked Insta Unliker

Python script to detect and remove suspicious likes from Instagram

Created mainly for the victims of the Nano Defender/AdBlocker malware

Uses the instagram_private_api library to access Instagram


Python 3.6+ is required

pip install -r requirements.txt



The file config.json.example can optionally be copied to config.json, to define your username and password and change some default values:

The values s_min and s_max are used to avoid rate limiting. If you want the script to run fast, you can set both values to 0. Your account may receive a temporary lock, if you have many likes to remove.

When you enter your credentials while the script runs, they are only used once and will not be saved.



The script scans for likes to users you do not follow, for posts after 1/9/2020 (the threshold can be configured in the parameter date_threshold_str in config.json).
It then shows the suspicious likes' users, and offers the option to exclude some users from removing likes to.
Finally, when you choose to proceed, all non-excluded suspicious likes are removed.