iobis / quality-taskteam

OBIS data quality task team
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OBIS Data Quality Assessment and Enhancement Project Team (QCPT)

Motivation and scope

Data quality is important for any downstream users of the biodiversity data in the OBIS network. It can have significant impacts on the ease at which data from different sources can be re-used and the conclusions that can be drawn. Thus, ensuring the best quality data is a major concern for any OBIS node. To that aim, this task team was set up to further develop a common framework for the assessment and management of the quality of data submitted to OBIS.

The scope of this task team includes:

Goals and outcomes

The task team aims to:

The measures of success include:


The best way to engage with this project is via its issue tracker.


members ORCID roles/liaison
Yi-Ming Gan 0000-0001-7087-2646 Co-chair, Co-chair of OBIS Grand Unified Data Model Project Team (GUMPT)
Ruben Perez Perez 0000-0003-0974-3401 Co-chair
Ward Appeltans 0000-0002-3237-4547 OBIS Secretariat
Pieter Provoost 0000-0002-4236-0384 OBIS Secretariat
Elizabeth Lawrence 0000-0002-5304-941X OBIS Secretariat, supporting OBIS Vocabulary Infrastructure Project Team
Serita Van Der Wal 0000-0002-7426-8777 OBIS Secretariat
Abby Benson 0000-0002-4391-107X Chair of OBIS Grand Unified Data Model Project Team (GUMPT)
John Nicholls 0000-0002-6677-2316 Chair of OBIS Historical Data Project Team (HDPT), Chair of OBIS Communication and Outreach Task Team
Ana Carolina Peralta 0000-0003-0830-9814 Chair of OBIS Capacity Development Task Team
Georgia Sarafidou 0000-0002-1700-3000 Chair of OBIS Historical Data Project Team (HDPT)
Johnny Konjarla 0000-0003-3181-0498
Hanieh Saeedi 0000-0002-4845-0241