iocast / atom-esdoc

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Atom ESDoc package

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Atom package for quick esdoc comment generation. Forked from Atom easy JSDoc by Tom Andrews


apm install esdoc


Control-Shift-d or Control-Shift-j to add comment templates.

To add comments for any piece of code, position the cursor anywhere on the line preceding the line you wish to comment on.

 * functionComment - description
 * @param  {type} argA description
 * @param  {type} argB description
 * @param  {type} argC description
 * @return {type}      description
function functionComment (argA, argB, argC) {
    return 'esdoc';
 * This is an empty comment
var a = 'A';


Comments now are automatically continued if the user hits enter (new line event) while inside of a block (/**..., // etc.).


Pressing enter or tab after /** will yield a new line and will close the comment, if the following line is a valid JavaScript code.


I'll be adding features periodically, however bug fixes, feature requests, and pull requests are all welcome.


Update registry:

/Applications/ publish vX.X.X