ionelmc / cookiecutter-pylibrary

Enhanced cookiecutter template for Python libraries.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1.25k stars 207 forks source link
cookiecutter cookiecutter-template python template

====================== cookiecutter-pylibrary

Cookiecutter_ template for a Python library.


.. contents:: Table of Contents


This is an "all inclusive" sort of template.


Projects using this template have these minimal dependencies:

To get quickly started on a new system, just install setuptools <> and then install pip <>. That's the bare minimum to required install Tox and Cookiecutter. To install them, just run this in your shell or command prompt::

pip install tox cookiecutter

Usage and options

This template is more involved than the regular cookiecutter-pypackage <>_.

First generate your project::

cookiecutter gh:ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary

You will be asked for these fields:

.. note:: Fields that work together usually use the same prefix. If you answer "no" on the first one then the rest won't have any effect so just ignore them. Maybe in the future cookiecutter will allow option hiding or something like a wizard.

.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1

* - Field
  - Default
  - Description

* - ``full_name``
  - .. code:: python

        "Ionel Cristian Maries"
  - Main author of this library or application (used in ``AUTHORS.rst`` and ````).

    Can be set in your ``~/.cookiecutterrc`` config file.

* - ``email``
  - .. code:: python

  - Contact email of the author (used in ``AUTHORS.rst`` and ````).

    Can be set in your ``~/.cookiecutterrc`` config file.

* - ``website``
  - .. code:: python

  - Website of the author (used in ``AUTHORS.rst``).

    Can be set in your ``~/.cookiecutterrc`` config file.

* - ``repo_username``
  - .. code:: python

  - GitHub user name of this project (used for GitHub link).

    Can be set in your ``~/.cookiecutterrc`` config file.

* - ``project_name``
  - .. code:: python

  - Verbose project name, used in headings (docs, readme, etc).

* - ``repo_hosting_domain``
  - .. code:: python

  - Use ``"no"`` for no hosting (various links will disappear). You can also use ``""`` and such but various
    things will be broken (like Travis configuration).

* - ``repo_name``
  - .. code:: python

  - Repository name on GitHub (and project's root directory name).

* - ``package_name``
  - .. code:: python

  - Python package name (whatever you would import).

* - ``distribution_name``
  - .. code:: python

  - PyPI distribution name (what you would ``pip install``).

* - ``module_name``
  - .. code:: python

  - This template assumes there's going to be an "implementation" module inside your package.

* - ``project_short_description``
  - .. code:: python

        "An example package [...]"
  - One line description of the project (used in ``README.rst`` and ````).

* - ``release_date``
  - .. code:: python

  - Release date of the project (ISO 8601 format) default to today (used in ``CHANGELOG.rst``).

* - ``year``
  - .. code:: python

  - Copyright year (used in Sphinx ````).

* - ``version``
  - .. code:: python

  - Release version (see ``.bumpversion.cfg`` and in Sphinx ````).

* - ``c_extension_support``
  - .. code:: python

  - .. _c_extension_support:

    Support C extensions (will slightly change the outputted ````). Available options:

    * ``"yes"`` - to generate a Python C extension
    * ``"cffi"`` - to generate CFFI bindings against a C library
    * ``"cython"`` - to generate a Cython extension

* - ``c_extension_optional``
  - .. code:: python

  - Make C extensions optional (will allow your package to install even if extensions can't be compiled)
* - ``test_matrix_separate_coverage``
  - .. code:: python

  - Enable this to have a separate env for measuring coverage. Indicated if you want to run doctests or collect tests
    from ``src`` with pytest.
* - ``setup_py_uses_setuptools_scm``
  - .. code:: python

  - Enables the use of `setuptools-scm <>`_. You can continue using
    bumpversion_ with this enabled.
* - ``tests_inside_package``
  - .. code:: python

  - Collect tests that are inside the package (in other works, tests that are installed with the package).

    The outside of package `tests` directory will still exist and be collected.
* - ``command_line_interface``
  - .. code:: python

  - Option to enable a CLI (a bin/executable file). Available options:

    * ``plain`` - a very simple command.
    * ``argparse`` - a command implemented with ``argparse``.
    * ``click`` - a command implemented with `click <>`_ - which you can use to build more complex commands.
    * ``no`` - no CLI at all.

* - ``command_line_interface_bin_name``
  - .. code:: python

  - Name of the CLI bin/executable file (set the console script name in ````).

* - ``license``
  - .. code:: python

        "BSD license"
  - License to use. Available options:

    * BSD license
    * MIT license
    * ISC license
    * Apache Software License 2.0

    What license to pick?

* - ``coveralls``
  - .. code:: python

  - Enable pushing coverage data to Coveralls_ and add badge in ``README.rst``.

* - ``codecov``
  - .. code:: python

  - Enable pushing coverage data to Codecov_ and add badge in ``README.rst``.

    **Note:** Doesn't support pushing C extension coverage yet.

* - ``scrutinizer``
  - .. code:: python

  - Add a Scrutinizer_ badge in ``README.rst``.

* - ``codacy``
  - .. code:: python

  - Add a Codacy_ badge in ``README.rst``.

    **Note:** After importing the project in Codacy, find the hexadecimal project ID from settings and replace it in badge URL

* - ``codeclimate``
  - .. code:: python

  - Add a CodeClimate_ badge in ``README.rst``.

* - ``sphinx_docs``
  - .. code:: python

  - Have Sphinx documentation.

* - ``sphinx_theme``
  - .. code:: python

  - What Sphinx_ theme to use.

    Suggested alternative: `sphinx-py3doc-enhanced-theme <>`__
    for a responsive theme based on the Python 3 documentation.

* - ``sphinx_doctest``
  - .. code:: python

  - Set to ``"yes"`` if you want to enable doctesting in the `docs` environment. Works best with
    ``test_matrix_separate_coverage == 'no'``.

    Read more about `doctest support in Sphinx <>`_.

* - ``sphinx_docs_hosting``
  - .. code:: python

  - Leave as default if your documentation will be hosted on readthedocs.
    If your documentation will be hosted elsewhere (such as GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages),
    enter the top-level URL.

* - ``pypi_badge``
  - .. code:: python

  - By default, this will insert links to your project's page on
    Note that if your package is not (yet) on PyPI, this will cause tox -e docs to fail.
    If you choose "no", then these links will not be created.

* - ``pypi_disable_upload``
  - .. code:: python

  - If you specifically want to be sure your package will never be
    accidentally uploaded to PyPI, you can pick "yes".

Developing the project

To run all the tests, just run::


To see all the tox environments::

  tox -l

To only build the docs::

  tox -e docs

To build and verify that the built package is proper and other code QA checks::

  tox -e check

Releasing the project

Before releasing your package on PyPI you should have all the tox environments passing.

Version management ''''''''''''''''''

This template provides a basic bumpversion_ configuration. It's as simple as running:

You should read Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 <>_ before bumping versions.

Building and uploading ''''''''''''''''''''''

Before building dists make sure you got a clean build area::

rm -rf build
rm -rf src/*.egg-info


Dirty ``build`` or ``egg-info`` dirs can cause problems: missing or stale files in the resulting dist or
strange and confusing errors. Avoid having them around.

Then you should check that you got no packaging issues::

tox -e check

And then you can build the sdist, and if possible, the bdist_wheel too::

python clean --all sdist bdist_wheel

To make a release of the project on PyPI, assuming you got some distributions in dist/, the most simple usage is::

twine upload --skip-existing dist/*.whl dist/*.gz dist/*.zip

In ZSH you can use this to upload everything in dist/ that ain't a linux-specific wheel (you may need setopt extended_glob)::

twine upload --skip-existing dist/*.(whl|gz|zip)~dist/*linux*.whl

For making and uploading manylinux1 <>_ wheels you can use this contraption::

docker run --rm -itv $(pwd):/code bash -c 'set -eux; cd code; rm -rf wheelhouse; for variant in /opt/python/*; do rm -rf dist build *.egg-info && $variant/bin/python clean --all bdist_wheel; auditwheel repair dist/*.whl; done; rm -rf dist build *.egg-info'
twine upload --skip-existing wheelhouse/*.whl
docker run --rm -itv $(pwd):/code bash -c 'set -eux; cd code; rm -rf wheelhouse; for variant in /opt/python/*; do rm -rf dist build *.egg-info && $variant/bin/python clean --all bdist_wheel; auditwheel repair dist/*.whl; done; rm -rf dist build *.egg-info'
twine upload --skip-existing wheelhouse/*.whl


`twine <>`_ is a tool that you can use to securely upload your releases to PyPI.
You can still use the old ``python register sdist bdist_wheel upload`` but it's not very secure - your PyPI
password will be sent over plaintext.


See CHANGELOG.rst <>_.

Questions & answers

There's no Makefile?

Sorry, no Makefile yet. The Tox_ environments stand for whatever you'd have in a Makefile.

Why does tox.ini have a passenv = *?

Tox 2.0 changes the way it runs subprocesses - it no longer passes all the environment variables by default. This causes all sorts of problems if you want to run/use any of these with Tox: SSH Agents, Browsers (for Selenium), Appengine SDK, VC Compiler and so on.

cookiecutter-pylibrary errs on the side of convenience here. You can always remove passenv = * if you like the strictness.

Why is the version stored in several files (pkg/,, docs/

We cannot use a metadata/version file [#]_ because this template is to be used with both distributions of packages (dirs with and modules (simple .py files that go straight in site-packages). There's no good place for that extra file if you're distributing modules.

But this isn't so bad - bumpversion_ manages the version string quite neatly.

.. [#] Example, an file.

Not Exactly What You Want?

No way, this is the best. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you have criticism or suggestions please open up an Issue or Pull Request.

.. _Travis-CI: .. _Tox: .. _Sphinx: .. _Coveralls: .. _ReadTheDocs: .. _Setuptools: .. _Pytest: .. _AppVeyor: .. _Cookiecutter: .. _Nose: .. _isort: .. _bumpversion: .. _bump2version: .. _Codecov: .. _Scrutinizer: .. _Codacy: .. _CodeClimate: