.. start-badges
.. list-table:: :stub-columns: 1
* - docs
- |docs|
* - tests
- | |github-actions|
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* - package
- | |version| |wheel| |supported-versions| |supported-implementations|
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.. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/python-lazy-object-proxy/badge/?style=flat :target: https://python-lazy-object-proxy.readthedocs.io/ :alt: Documentation Status
.. |github-actions| image:: https://github.com/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy/actions/workflows/github-actions.yml/badge.svg :alt: GitHub Actions Build Status :target: https://github.com/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy/actions
.. |coveralls| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy/badge.svg?branch=master :alt: Coverage Status :target: https://coveralls.io/github/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy?branch=master
.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy/branch/master/graphs/badge.svg?branch=master :alt: Coverage Status :target: https://app.codecov.io/github/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy
.. |version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/lazy-object-proxy.svg :alt: PyPI Package latest release :target: https://pypi.org/project/lazy-object-proxy
.. |wheel| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/wheel/lazy-object-proxy.svg :alt: PyPI Wheel :target: https://pypi.org/project/lazy-object-proxy
.. |supported-versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/lazy-object-proxy.svg :alt: Supported versions :target: https://pypi.org/project/lazy-object-proxy
.. |supported-implementations| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/implementation/lazy-object-proxy.svg :alt: Supported implementations :target: https://pypi.org/project/lazy-object-proxy
.. |commits-since| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy/v1.10.0.svg :alt: Commits since latest release :target: https://github.com/ionelmc/python-lazy-object-proxy/compare/v1.10.0...master
.. end-badges
A fast and thorough lazy object proxy.
Note that this is based on wrapt
_'s ObjectProxy with one big change: it calls a function the first time the proxy object is
used, while wrapt.ObjectProxy
just forwards the method calls to the target object.
In other words, you use lazy-object-proxy
when you only have the object way later and you use wrapt.ObjectProxy
when you
want to override few methods (by subclassing) and forward everything else to the target object.
import lazy_object_proxy
def expensive_func():
from time import sleep
print('starting calculation')
# just as example for a very slow computation
print('finished calculation')
# return the result of the calculation
return 10
obj = lazy_object_proxy.Proxy(expensive_func)
# function is called only when object is actually used
print(obj) # now expensive_func is called
print(obj) # the result without calling the expensive_func
pip install lazy-object-proxy
To run all the tests run::
This project is based on some code from wrapt
_ as you can see in the git history.
.. _wrapt: https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/wrapt