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.. |github-actions| image:: https://github.com/ionelmc/python-redis-lock/actions/workflows/github-actions.yml/badge.svg :alt: GitHub Actions Build Status :target: https://github.com/ionelmc/python-redis-lock/actions
.. |requires| image:: https://requires.io/github/ionelmc/python-redis-lock/requirements.svg?branch=master :alt: Requirements Status :target: https://requires.io/github/ionelmc/python-redis-lock/requirements/?branch=master
.. |coveralls| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/ionelmc/python-redis-lock/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github :alt: Coverage Status :target: https://coveralls.io/r/ionelmc/python-redis-lock
.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/ionelmc/python-redis-lock/branch/master/graphs/badge.svg?branch=master :alt: Coverage Status :target: https://codecov.io/github/ionelmc/python-redis-lock
.. |version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/python-redis-lock.svg :alt: PyPI Package latest release :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-redis-lock
.. |wheel| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/wheel/python-redis-lock.svg :alt: PyPI Wheel :target: https://pypi.org/project/python-redis-lock
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Lock context manager implemented via redis SETNX/BLPOP.
Interface targeted to be exactly like threading.Lock <https://docs.python.org/2/library/threading.html#threading.Lock>
Because we don't want to require users to share the lock instance across processes you will have to give them names.
.. code-block:: python
from redis import Redis
conn = Redis()
import redis_lock
lock = redis_lock.Lock(conn, "name-of-the-lock")
if lock.acquire(blocking=False):
print("Got the lock.")
print("Someone else has the lock.")
.. code-block:: python
conn = StrictRedis()
with redis_lock.Lock(conn, "name-of-the-lock"):
print("Got the lock. Doing some work ...")
You can also associate an identifier along with the lock so that it can be retrieved later by the same process, or by a different one. This is useful in cases where the application needs to identify the lock owner (find out who currently owns the lock).
.. code-block:: python
import socket
host_id = "owned-by-%s" % socket.gethostname()
lock = redis_lock.Lock(conn, "name-of-the-lock", id=host_id)
if lock.acquire(blocking=False):
assert lock.locked() is True
print("Got the lock.")
if lock.get_owner_id() == host_id:
print("I already acquired this in another process.")
print("The lock is held on another machine.")
The dogpile is also known as the thundering herd effect or cache stampede. Here's a pattern to avoid the problem without serving stale data. The work will be performed a single time and every client will wait for the fresh data.
To use this you will need django-redis <https://github.com/jazzband/django-redis>
_, however, python-redis-lock
provides you a cache backend that has a cache method for your convenience. Just install python-redis-lock
.. code-block:: bash
pip install "python-redis-lock[django]"
Now put something like this in your settings:
.. code-block:: python
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'redis_lock.django_cache.RedisCache',
'LOCATION': 'redis://',
'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient'
.. note::
If using a django-redis
< 3.8.x
, you'll probably need redis_cache
which has been deprecated in favor to django_redis
. The redis_cache
module is removed in django-redis
versions > 3.9.x
. See django-redis notes <https://github.com/jazzband/django-redis#configure-as-cache-backend>
This backend just adds a convenient .lock(name, expire=None)
function to django-redis's cache backend.
You would write your functions like this:
.. code-block:: python
from django.core.cache import cache
def function():
val = cache.get(key)
if not val:
with cache.lock(key):
val = cache.get(key)
if not val:
val = ...
cache.set(key, value)
return val
In some cases, the lock remains in redis forever (like a server blackout / redis or application crash / an unhandled
exception). In such cases, the lock is not removed by restarting the application. One solution is to turn on the
parameter in combination with expire
to set a time-out on the lock, but let Lock()
keep resetting the expire time while your application code is executing:
.. code-block:: python
# Get a lock with a 60-second lifetime but keep renewing it automatically
# to ensure the lock is held for as long as the Python process is running.
with redis_lock.Lock(conn, name='my-lock', expire=60, auto_renewal=True):
# Do work....
Another solution is to use the reset_all()
function when the application starts:
.. code-block:: python
# On application start/restart
import redis_lock
Alternatively, you can reset individual locks via the reset
Use these carefully, if you understand what you do.
will use 2 keys for each lock named <name>
- a string value for the actual locklock-signal:<name>
- a list value for signaling the waiters when the lock is releasedThis is how it works:
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ionelmc/python-redis-lock/master/docs/redis-lock%20diagram%20(v3.0).png :alt: python-redis-lock flow diagram
To run the all tests run::
:OS: Any :Runtime: Python 2.7, 3.3 or later, or PyPy :Services: Redis 2.6.12 or later.
bbangert/retools <https://github.com/bbangert/retools/blob/0.4/retools/lock.py>
_ - acquire does spinloopdistributing-locking-python-and-redis <https://chris-lamb.co.uk/posts/distributing-locking-python-and-redis>
_ - acquire does pollingcezarsa/redis_lock <https://github.com/cezarsa/redis_lock/blob/0.2.0/redis_lock/__init__.py>
_ - acquire does not blockandymccurdy/redis-py <https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py/blob/3.5.3/redis/lock.py>
_ - acquire does spinloopmpessas/python-redis-lock <https://github.com/mpessas/python-redis-lock/blob/b512eef0fc5e1e2e82a6a31f65cd88c2c37dfe4b/redislock/lock.py>
_ - blocks fine but no expirationbrainix/pottery <https://github.com/brainix/pottery/blob/v1.1.5/pottery/redlock.py>
_ - acquire does spinloop