ionic-team / vscode-ionic

Visual Studio Code Ionic Extension
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bunx option #135

Closed Bader-Idris closed 1 month ago

Bader-Idris commented 2 months ago


After the latest bun update, I tried many bunx commands with ionic and capacitor, and they all worked well, those commands are:

bunx cap run android
bunx vite build && bunx cap copy
bunx cap sync --inline
bunx vite build && bunx cap copy
bunx vite --no-open --host= --port=8100
bunx vite --open --host= --port=8100
bunx cap add ios


please add the option of using bun with its Bun Package Execute, because it's faster than npx, and as you know, it has a promising future

dtarnawsky commented 2 months ago

bun is supported. There is even an option to migrate to Bun by clicking the ... button next to Project Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 5 51 29 AM

It does run all Bun based comands instead when it detects a bun.lockb file:

Did you find a case where a bun based project called npx instead?

Bader-Idris commented 2 months ago

After spending some time using your tools, it's clear that considerable effort has gone into your development. However, I've found that the documentation lacks the user-friendliness necessary for a smooth experience. It feels like searching for a needle in a haystack.

To enhance the usability of the documentation, I suggest focusing on both user experience (UX) and information architecture. By prioritizing a user-centric approach and organizing the content in a more intuitive manner, users will be able to easily find the information they need. This will not only improve satisfaction but also increase the efficiency of using your tools.

dtarnawsky commented 2 months ago

Bun support isn't documented yet because of bun for windows. Its only partially working and I'm waiting on bug fixes before releasing any documentation on the feature.

Bader-Idris commented 2 months ago

I meant for ionic and specifically for capacitor

Especially fixing the get started field, I read it all but without grasping the crucial steps of building a robust capacitor platform

dtarnawsky commented 1 month ago

Just to close out this issue. The extension is using bun commands if bun is used by the project. If there is a specific command that could be improved / changed for bun then please open another issue. The general comment about documentation I'll treat separately to this issue.