ionic-team / vscode-ionic

Visual Studio Code Ionic Extension
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This extension for Visual Studio Code features:

Creating Ionic Projects

Running on Android

Running on iOS

Adding Capacitor

Upgrading Packages

Upgrade to a particular version

Capacitor Migration

Native Project Settings

By opening the Configuration item you can set native projects settings:

Angular Migrations

Follow up with manual steps documented at and run a npm install afterward to verify if there are any dependencies that also need updating to support the version of Angular you are updating to.

Splash Screen and Icons

A splash screen and icon image can be set:

Error Assistant

Detects errors in swift, java, typescript, eslint, jasmine and jest files after operations.

Capacitor Preview

If you click Run > Web you will notice a QR Code. This can be scanned with this app which will launch and run your application. You now have a running application on your mobile device that will reload if you make a code change and save ("Live Reload").

Note: The App has a limited set of plugins which will work with your application.

Nx Support

Detects a Nx workspace and provides a Nx Project selector for apps. When an Nx project is selected menu options will reflect what the project is capable of (eg running a native iOS or Android app). The scripts section will also include the common Nx commands for build, test, lint and e2e.

Note: The extension only provides support for node package upgrades at the root of your Nx workspace.

Mono Repos in Folders

Detects a workspace where subfolders contain Ionic applications and provides a project selector.

Npm Workspaces Support

Detects when npm workspaces are used as part of a mono repo and provides a workspace selector.

pnpm Workspaces Support

Detects when pnpm workspaces are used as part of a mono repo and provides a workspace selector.

Lerna Support

Detects when Lerna is used as part of a mono repo and provides a workspace selector.

Yarn Workspaces Support

Detects when Yarn workspaces are used as part of a mono repo and provides a workspace selector.

Live Reload with HTTPS

The feature (Settings > Use HTTPS) will create a certificate and serve your application using HTTPS. Instructions to trust the certificate on web, iOS and Android are displayed.

Note: This feature is currently only available with Angular projects and will temporarily install a plugin due to a quirk with the Android web view not trusting user installed CA Certificates.

Debugging for Web

For debugging (adding breakpoints, inspecting variables and seeing console logging) use the options under the Debug folder. Debugging for web will launch a separate web browser instance that is debuggable (Google Chrome by Default). You can also choose Microsoft Edge from the settings option.

Debugging for Android

Debugging for Android can be done by first running for Android. Any web view instances found will appear under the Debug folder. This allows any in-app browser instances to also be debugged. Note: When debugging the extension will run a static web server on http://localhost:80 which is used to serve source map files which allows breakpoints to work correctly in VS Code.

Debugging for iOS

Debugging for iOS is not supported yet. Use Safari's debugging options documented here.

Submit Feedback

File an issue to provide feedback on bugs and feature requests.