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Visual Studio Code Ionic Extension
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App doesn't start since version 1.86.0 #155

Open Borongaj opened 4 weeks ago

Borongaj commented 4 weeks ago

If I install version 1.85.5, all works fine.

Here is my current project configuration :


Ionic CLI : 7.1.5 (/opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli) Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 7.7.1 @angular-devkit/build-angular : 17.3.6 @angular-devkit/schematics : 17.3.6 @angular/cli : 17.3.6 @ionic/angular-toolkit : 11.0.1


Capacitor CLI : 5.7.0 @capacitor/android : 5.7.0 @capacitor/core : 5.7.0 @capacitor/ios : 5.7.0


cordova-res : not installed globally native-run : 2.0.1


NodeJS : v18.18.2 (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/node@18/18.18.2/bin/node) npm : 9.8.1 OS : macOS 14.3.1


dtarnawsky commented 4 weeks ago

Between 1.85.5 and 1.86.0 there was a small change to how the cap run command was run. In v1.85.5 it would call cap run --configuration=development Whilst in v1.86.0 it will omit the --configuration parameter because it isn't a valid option for cap run and in Capacitor 6 it will error out.

@Borongaj, in v1.85.5 could you capture what is run in the output window of VS Code and paste here, then run in v1.86.0 do the same thing so that I can compare what was run. At the moment I cannot reproduce this error, so another option would be to provide code.

Borongaj commented 3 weeks ago

Using v1.87

[Ionic] Pixel 5 API 31 (emulator) Android 12... Workspace: mobiles npx ionic cap run android --target=Pixel_5_API_31 --livereload --external --public-host= capacitor sync android ✔ Copying web assets from www to android/app/src/main/assets/public in 300.51ms ✔ Creating capacitor.config.json in android/app/src/main/assets in 6.45ms ✔ copy android in 339.78ms ✔ Updating Android plugins in 8.41ms [info] Found 14 Capacitor plugins for android: @capacitor-community/apple-sign-in@5.0.0 @capacitor-community/facebook-login@5.0.0 @capacitor-community/fcm@5.0.1 @capacitor/app@5.0.3 @capacitor/camera@5.0.4 @capacitor/device@5.0.6 @capacitor/geolocation@5.0.4 @capacitor/haptics@5.0.4 @capacitor/keyboard@5.0.7 @capacitor/push-notifications@5.0.4 @capacitor/share@5.0.4 @capacitor/splash-screen@5.0.4 @capacitor/status-bar@5.0.4 @codetrix-studio/capacitor-google-auth@3.3.2 ✔ update android in 80.69ms [info] Sync finished in 0.424s ng run app:serve --host= --port=8100 --public-host= [ng] Warning: This is a simple server for use in testing or debugging Angular applications [ng] locally. It hasn't been reviewed for security issues. [ng] Binding this server to an open connection can result in compromising your application or [ng] computer. Using a different host than the one passed to the "--host" flag might result in [ng] websocket connection issues. You might need to use "--disable-host-check" if that's the [ng] case. [ng]
[ng] - Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)... [ng] ✔ Browser application bundle generation complete. [ng] Initial chunk files | Names | Raw size [ng] vendor.js | vendor | 8.42 MB | [ng] main.js | main | 582.78 kB | [ng] styles.css, styles.js | styles | 344.71 kB | [ng] polyfills.js | polyfills | 333.54 kB | [ng] runtime.js | runtime | 14.11 kB | [ng] | Initial total | 9.67 MB [ng] Lazy chunk files | Names | Raw size [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_home-lg_home_component_ts.js | core-pages-home-lg-home-component | 5.52 MB | [ng] polyfills-core-js.js | polyfills-core-js | 304.25 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_components_profile-form_profile-form_component_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 260.29 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_search-modal_search-modal_page_ts.js | core-pages-home-lg-home-component | 165.55 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-datetime_3_entry_js.js | - | 147.42 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_cgu_cgu_page_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 127.13 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-item_8_entry_js.js | - | 96.51 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-edit_organization-edit_page_ts.js | core-pages-organization-edit-organization-edit-page | 86.34 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-app_8_entry_js.js | - | 80.79 kB | [ng] common.js | common | 78.46 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-select_3_entry_js.js | - | 78.41 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-modal_entry_js.js | - | 78.27 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-textarea_entry_js.js | - | 70.15 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_dashboard_dashboard_component_ts.js | dashboard-dashboard-component | 67.41 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-input_entry_js.js | - | 64.38 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_auth_auth_component_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 59.77 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-popover_entry_js.js | - | 59.23 kB | [ng] default-node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_data-0f3ab200_js.js | - | 57.99 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-alert_entry_js.js | - | 54.90 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-detail_organization-detail_page_ts.js | core-pages-organization-detail-organization-detail-page | 54.31 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-refresher_2_entry_js.js | - | 54.28 kB | [ng] polyfills-dom.js | polyfills-dom | 53.11 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-range_entry_js.js | - | 50.89 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_event-list_event-list_page_ts.js | core-pages-event-list-event-list-page | 49.71 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-toast_entry_js.js | - | 47.75 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_tabs_tabs_routes_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 46.17 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-menu_3_entry_js.js | - | 45.17 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_components_card-event_card-event_component_ts.js | core-pages-alert-list-alert-list-page | 43.27 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-segment_2_entry_js.js | - | 41.60 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-button_2_entry_js.js | - | 40.04 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-nav_2_entry_js.js | - | 37.75 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-searchbar_entry_js.js | - | 37.51 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-radio_2_entry_js.js | - | 35.78 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-toggle_entry_js.js | - | 35.62 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-item-option_3_entry_js.js | - | 35.06 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_signup_signup_page_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 33.70 kB | [ng] Warning: /Users/laurentgleizes/Documents/Dev/Ionic/Margaret/mobiles/node_modules/@capacitor-community/apple-sign-in/dist/esm/web.js depends on 'scriptjs'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts. [ng] For more info see: [ng] Error: ../shared/environments/environment.ts:16:21 - error TS2591: Cannot find name 'require'. Do you need to install type definitions for node? Try npm i --save-dev @types/node and then add 'node' to the types field in your tsconfig. [ng] 16 desktopVersion: require("../../web-ssr/package.json").version, [ng] ~~~ [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-action-sheet_entry_js.js | - | 33.16 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-margaret_organization-margaret_component_ts.js | core-pages-organization-margaret-organization-margaret-component | 33.13 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-details_organization-details_component_ts.js | organization-details-organization-details-component | 32.88 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-route_4_entry_js.js | - | 32.67 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-camera_entry_js.js | pwa-camera-entry-js | 32.59 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_subscription_subscription_component_ts.js | subscription-subscription-component | 31.64 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-accordion_2_entry_js.js | - | 29.11 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_event-detail_event-detail_page_ts.js | core-pages-event-detail-event-detail-page | 28.27 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-tab-bar_2_entry_js.js | - | 27.78 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_members_members_component_ts.js | members-members-component | 27.55 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_input-shims-b90ca55f_js.js | input-shims-b90ca55f-js | 27.38 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-fab_3_entry_js.js | - | 27.38 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-checkbox_entry_js.js | - | 27.34 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_favorite-list_favorite-list_page_ts.js | core-pages-favorite-list-favorite-list-page | 27.29 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_components_input-shims_js.js | input-shims-js | 26.79 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-picker-internal_entry_js.js | - | 25.69 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_profile_profile_page_ts.js | core-pages-profile-profile-page | 23.81 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_alert-list_alert-list_page_ts.js | core-pages-alert-list-alert-list-page | 23.62 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-progress-bar_entry_js.js | - | 21.77 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-breadcrumb_2_entry_js.js | - | 21.34 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_password-new_password-new_component_ts.js | core-pages-password-new-password-new-component | 20.65 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-picker-column-internal_entry_js.js | - | 19.64 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-datetime-button_entry_js.js | - | 18.86 kB | [ng] node_modules_stencil_core_internal_client_shadow-css_js.js | shadow-css-js | 18.53 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-loading_entry_js.js | - | 18.48 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-card_5_entry_js.js | - | 15.86 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-back-button_entry_js.js | - | 15.74 kB | [ng] default-node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_form-controller-014aa89f_js-node_modules_ioniccore-187d79.js | - | 14.67 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-reorder_2_entry_js.js | - | 14.20 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-infinite-scroll_2_entry_js.js | - | 14.05 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-col_3_entry_js.js | - | 13.69 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_camera_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 12.13 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-tab_2_entry_js.js | - | 10.84 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_password-reset_password-reset_component_ts.js | core-pages-password-reset-password-reset-component | 10.77 kB | [ng] src_app_core_components_password-check_password-check_component_ts-src_app_validators_passwor-60cd1e.js | core-pages-password-new-password-new-component | 10.27 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-split-pane_entry_js.js | - | 9.25 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_ion-icon_entry_js.js | - | 8.91 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_alert-events_alert-events_component_ts.js | alert-events-alert-events-component | 8.82 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-spinner_entry_js.js | - | 8.60 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-chip_entry_js.js | - | 8.07 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor-community_apple-sign-in_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 7.97 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_devices_devices_component_ts.js | devices-devices-component | 7.79 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-onboarding_organization-onboarding_component_ts.js | organization-onboarding-organization-onboarding-component | 7.28 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_device_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 6.90 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_index-d64f34ea_js.js | index-d64f34ea-js | 6.84 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_components_index9_js.js | index9-js | 6.67 kB | [ng] node_modules_codetrix-studio_capacitor-google-auth_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 6.49 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-ripple-effect_entry_js.js | - | 6.37 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor-community_facebook-login_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 6.37 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_event_event_component_ts.js | event-event-component | 6.36 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-avatar_3_entry_js.js | - | 6.05 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_welcome_welcome_page_ts.js | core-pages-welcome-welcome-page | 5.69 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-img_entry_js.js | - | 4.77 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-action-sheet_entry_js.js | pwa-action-sheet-entry-js | 4.23 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-camera-modal-instance_entry_js.js | pwa-camera-modal-instance-entry-js | 4.07 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-camera-modal_entry_js.js | pwa-camera-modal-entry-js | 3.84 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_geolocation_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 3.55 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_components_swipe-back_js.js | swipe-back-js | 3.41 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-backdrop_entry_js.js | - | 3.39 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_status-tap-2b335fb7_js.js | status-tap-2b335fb7-js | 2.94 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_components_status-tap_js.js | status-tap-js | 2.78 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_app_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 2.75 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-toast_entry_js.js | pwa-toast-entry-js | 2.73 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_share_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 2.06 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-text_entry_js.js | - | 1.94 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_ionicons_js.js | - | 1.53 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_loader_js.js | - | 1.37 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_index_js.js | - | 864 bytes | [ng] Build at: 2024-05-30T10:42:09.902Z - Hash: 2312d591822ab697 - Time: 29948ms [ng] ✖ Failed to compile. [INFO] Development server running!


   Use Ctrl+C to quit this process

capacitor run android --no-sync --target Pixel_5_API_31 ✔ Running Gradle build in 26.96s ✔ Deploying app-debug.apk to Pixel_5_API_31 in 21.90s [INFO] App deployed to device!

   Development server will continue running until manually stopped.

   Use Ctrl+C to quit this process

Using v1.85.5

[Ionic] Pixel 5 API 31 (emulator) Android 12... Workspace: mobiles npx ionic cap run android --target=Pixel_5_API_31 --livereload --external --configuration=staging --public-host= capacitor sync android ✔ Copying web assets from www to android/app/src/main/assets/public in 1.07s ✔ Creating capacitor.config.json in android/app/src/main/assets in 5.67ms ✔ copy android in 1.16s ✔ Updating Android plugins in 11.34ms [info] Found 14 Capacitor plugins for android: @capacitor-community/apple-sign-in@5.0.0 @capacitor-community/facebook-login@5.0.0 @capacitor-community/fcm@5.0.1 @capacitor/app@5.0.3 @capacitor/camera@5.0.4 @capacitor/device@5.0.6 @capacitor/geolocation@5.0.4 @capacitor/haptics@5.0.4 @capacitor/keyboard@5.0.7 @capacitor/push-notifications@5.0.4 @capacitor/share@5.0.4 @capacitor/splash-screen@5.0.4 @capacitor/status-bar@5.0.4 @codetrix-studio/capacitor-google-auth@3.3.2 ✔ update android in 132.39ms [info] Sync finished in 1.298s ng run app:serve:staging --host= --port=8100 --public-host= [ng] Warning: This is a simple server for use in testing or debugging Angular applications [ng] locally. It hasn't been reviewed for security issues. [ng] Binding this server to an open connection can result in compromising your application or [ng] computer. Using a different host than the one passed to the "--host" flag might result in [ng] websocket connection issues. You might need to use "--disable-host-check" if that's the [ng] case. [ng]
[ng] - Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)... [ng] ✔ Browser application bundle generation complete. [ng] Initial chunk files | Names | Raw size [ng] vendor.js | vendor | 8.42 MB | [ng] main.js | main | 582.73 kB | [ng] styles.css, styles.js | styles | 344.71 kB | [ng] polyfills.js | polyfills | 333.54 kB | [ng] runtime.js | runtime | 14.11 kB | [ng] | Initial total | 9.67 MB [ng] Lazy chunk files | Names | Raw size [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_home-lg_home_component_ts.js | core-pages-home-lg-home-component | 5.52 MB | [ng] polyfills-core-js.js | polyfills-core-js | 304.25 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_components_profile-form_profile-form_component_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 260.29 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_search-modal_search-modal_page_ts.js | core-pages-home-lg-home-component | 165.55 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-datetime_3_entry_js.js | - | 147.42 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_cgu_cgu_page_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 127.13 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-item_8_entry_js.js | - | 96.51 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-edit_organization-edit_page_ts.js | core-pages-organization-edit-organization-edit-page | 86.34 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-app_8_entry_js.js | - | 80.79 kB | [ng] common.js | common | 78.46 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-select_3_entry_js.js | - | 78.41 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-modal_entry_js.js | - | 78.27 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-textarea_entry_js.js | - | 70.15 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_dashboard_dashboard_component_ts.js | dashboard-dashboard-component | 67.41 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-input_entry_js.js | - | 64.38 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_auth_auth_component_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 59.77 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-popover_entry_js.js | - | 59.23 kB | [ng] default-node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_data-0f3ab200_js.js | - | 57.99 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-alert_entry_js.js | - | 54.90 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-detail_organization-detail_page_ts.js | core-pages-organization-detail-organization-detail-page | 54.31 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-refresher_2_entry_js.js | - | 54.28 kB | [ng] polyfills-dom.js | polyfills-dom | 53.11 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-range_entry_js.js | - | 50.89 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_event-list_event-list_page_ts.js | core-pages-event-list-event-list-page | 49.71 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-toast_entry_js.js | - | 47.75 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_tabs_tabs_routes_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 46.17 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-menu_3_entry_js.js | - | 45.17 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_components_card-event_card-event_component_ts.js | core-pages-alert-list-alert-list-page | 43.27 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-segment_2_entry_js.js | - | 41.60 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-button_2_entry_js.js | - | 40.04 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-nav_2_entry_js.js | - | 37.75 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-searchbar_entry_js.js | - | 37.51 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-radio_2_entry_js.js | - | 35.78 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-toggle_entry_js.js | - | 35.62 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-item-option_3_entry_js.js | - | 35.06 kB | [ng] default-src_app_core_pages_signup_signup_page_ts.js | core-pages-tabs-tabs-routes | 33.70 kB | [ng] Warning: /Users/laurentgleizes/Documents/Dev/Ionic/Margaret/mobiles/node_modules/@capacitor-community/apple-sign-in/dist/esm/web.js depends on 'scriptjs'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts. [ng] For more info see: [ng] Warning: /Users/laurentgleizes/Documents/Dev/Ionic/Margaret/mobiles/src/polyfills.ts is part of the TypeScript compilation but it's unused. [ng] Add only entry points to the 'files' or 'include' properties in your tsconfig. [ng] Warning: /Users/laurentgleizes/Documents/Dev/Ionic/Margaret/mobiles/src/zone-flags.ts is part of the TypeScript compilation but it's unused. [ng] Add only entry points to the 'files' or 'include' properties in your tsconfig. [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-action-sheet_entry_js.js | - | 33.16 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-margaret_organization-margaret_component_ts.js | core-pages-organization-margaret-organization-margaret-component | 33.13 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-details_organization-details_component_ts.js | organization-details-organization-details-component | 32.88 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-route_4_entry_js.js | - | 32.67 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-camera_entry_js.js | pwa-camera-entry-js | 32.59 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_subscription_subscription_component_ts.js | subscription-subscription-component | 31.64 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-accordion_2_entry_js.js | - | 29.11 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_event-detail_event-detail_page_ts.js | core-pages-event-detail-event-detail-page | 28.27 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-tab-bar_2_entry_js.js | - | 27.78 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_members_members_component_ts.js | members-members-component | 27.55 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_input-shims-b90ca55f_js.js | input-shims-b90ca55f-js | 27.38 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-fab_3_entry_js.js | - 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| 9.25 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_ion-icon_entry_js.js | - | 8.91 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_alert-events_alert-events_component_ts.js | alert-events-alert-events-component | 8.82 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-spinner_entry_js.js | - | 8.60 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-chip_entry_js.js | - | 8.07 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor-community_apple-sign-in_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 7.97 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_devices_devices_component_ts.js | devices-devices-component | 7.79 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_organization-onboarding_organization-onboarding_component_ts.js | organization-onboarding-organization-onboarding-component | 7.28 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_device_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 6.90 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_index-d64f34ea_js.js | index-d64f34ea-js | 6.84 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_components_index9_js.js | index9-js | 6.67 kB | [ng] node_modules_codetrix-studio_capacitor-google-auth_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 6.49 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-ripple-effect_entry_js.js | - | 6.37 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor-community_facebook-login_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 6.37 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_event_event_component_ts.js | event-event-component | 6.36 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-avatar_3_entry_js.js | - | 6.05 kB | [ng] src_app_core_pages_welcome_welcome_page_ts.js | core-pages-welcome-welcome-page | 5.69 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-img_entry_js.js | - | 4.77 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-action-sheet_entry_js.js | pwa-action-sheet-entry-js | 4.23 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-camera-modal-instance_entry_js.js | pwa-camera-modal-instance-entry-js | 4.07 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-camera-modal_entry_js.js | pwa-camera-modal-entry-js | 3.84 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_geolocation_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 3.55 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_components_swipe-back_js.js | swipe-back-js | 3.41 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-backdrop_entry_js.js | - | 3.39 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_status-tap-2b335fb7_js.js | status-tap-2b335fb7-js | 2.94 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_components_status-tap_js.js | status-tap-js | 2.78 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_app_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 2.75 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_pwa-elements_dist_esm_pwa-toast_entry_js.js | pwa-toast-entry-js | 2.73 kB | [ng] node_modules_capacitor_share_dist_esm_web_js.js | web | 2.06 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-text_entry_js.js | - | 1.94 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_ionicons_js.js | - | 1.53 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_loader_js.js | - | 1.37 kB | [ng] node_modules_ionicons_dist_esm-es5_index_js.js | - | 864 bytes | [ng] Build at: 2024-05-30T10:48:28.060Z - Hash: 885a75ae8ec93a61 - Time: 40742ms [ng] ✔ Compiled successfully. [INFO] Development server running!


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capacitor run android --no-sync --target Pixel_5_API_31 ✔ Running Gradle build in 4.39s ✔ Deploying app-debug.apk to Pixel_5_API_31 in 8.09s [INFO] App deployed to device!

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dtarnawsky commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @Borongaj , this gives me enough information to fix the problem. Your app requires the configuration=staging argument when it is run with live reload.

dtarnawsky commented 3 weeks ago

This should now be fixed in v1.88 released just now.