The IOOS CodeLab is a collection of tutorials and examples of how to access and utilize the many IOOS technologies and data sources available. This site is geared towards scientists and environmental managers interested in “diving deep” into the numbers and creating original plots and data analysis. Most notebook examples are written in Python, however, we also have a growing number of notebooks written in Matlab, and R.
See the rendered version at
To suggest a notebook or ask questions please open an issue at:
Install jupyter-book:
conda install jupyter-book
Clone the ioos_code_lab repository.
git clone
Once you have cloned the repository, you have all the required notebooks cloned onto your system
(in the /jupyterbook/content
Run the following command to build the JupyterBook.
jupyter-book build jupyterbook/
The command should be run relative to the jupyterbook/
If you are in the jupyterbook/
directory, you can build the book using
juyter-book build .
Your book's HTML pages are here:
You can look at your book by opening this file in a browser:
Or, use the full link displayed in the terminal to view the website.
To entirely remove the folders in the _build/
jupyter-book clean jupyterbook/ --all