iopietro / Travianz-Legacy

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For developers and testers. 8.3.3 version #518

Closed Shadowss closed 6 years ago

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

We must a full evaluation of the entire version and put all bugs in 1 posts. To see what bugs is still remaining and what need testings.

And other bugs I didn't find yet or that I forgot.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

Edit: My list here

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Edit: My list is in the first comment.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@iopietro whats going with ww villages / building plans / artefacts ??

captura de ecra 2018-04-06 as 14 17 43 captura de ecra 2018-04-06 as 14 18 02 captura de ecra 2018-04-06 as 14 18 11 captura de ecra 2018-04-06 as 14 18 20

iopietro commented 6 years ago

I don't know, i've not tried them yet.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

ok, lets get work on the bugs and leave this to the end..

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago
  1. Before artifacts, you can add that the removal of the village does not work if the artifact is captured by the hero. 1.1. If you capture a village of natars with an artifact of the leaders, then the artifact remains in the possession of the natars. he must automatically change his owner.
  2. Up to the main attacking bugs, you can add, the warriors do not die during the campaign in the attack at minus the value of the crop.

More I do not remember what else were bugs :(

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj, Thanks, I added those bugs to the list.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

I have an ancient plan on my server. Also you have 2 on my server. What`s wrong ?

PS : if you complete all this we must drink all two bottle of Jack Daniel`s

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss The ancient plan has nothing to do with this :)

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss, Yeah, lol.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

News box system must to be editable from Admin panel , to annouce news like Easter Peace , etc.

Dayran commented 6 years ago

what good to know are active

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Good morning and Happy Easter to all.

Maybe you will complete the code for vacation mode (to activate when server is install or activate in admin panel).


Must to be coded in the Profile. I remember this is completly functional (you cannot attack player , you cannot send resource , you cannot login in vacation mode). But not freez the travian time , all resource will produce , all army will be instructed (not correctly , must to block to enter in vacation if you have troops in training) , must block if you have reinforcements on other players , must block function if other player have reinforcement on you. Etc.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Good morning, happy Easter to you too (in Italy it was on the 1th of April)!

Yeah, the conditions to enter in the vacation mode need to be coded. I think that adding an option in the installation, to activate/deactivate the vacation mode, should be fine.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Yeah , Italy is great country with may place to visit. I stay in my vacation of summer 2 weeks on Rimini / Ravena (Lido Adriano) , i travel 1600 km on Italy , go to Rome , visit all monuments and historical places , go to San Marino , Venice. Great country , great people. Ahh and i visit 2 days Mirabilandia Park , great place.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Of course :)! I love Italy too (Ok, I'm a little biased because it's my native country, lol), I love its food, its places, monuments, beaches and its amusement parks! Mirabilandia Park is great, Gardaland Park is great too :)!

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj : can you make some cleaning on the Issue Topics ? Close issue that is already solved or is not like real travian

agony09 commented 6 years ago

I think it's great to see that things are moving forward with development. I am very happy and thank you very much to all who go to so much trouble. I would like to remind you once again of an idea: Maybe it would be possible to implement this someday. That would be very nice.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss As far as possible, I do it.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

hack Wtf ? :))

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

It was a search for possible security problems)

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

battle Enter on your account and post the report. I`m curious if battle system works fine

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

Have you updated the code on the server? As for me, this system works fine already :)

All troops with improvements at level 20


Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Yes of course . Let`s make a sim on here :

You have any durability artefact ?

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

And now the question about the capture of the artifact the village of Natar. I reread a lot of data and everywhere it is written that the village the natars should disappear after the capture of the artifact, in some sources it is written that the village should turn into an oasis. Who that thinks about it. I mean the village is not with 0 population, but 1+

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss yeah, "Hacked by iopietro" was a test for searching security issues that I've resolved in a later commit, lol.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@iopietro : ahh ok no problem @velhbxtyrj : must repeat the attack with you heaving this artefact :

The architects unique secret

All buildings in the area of effect are stronger. This means that you will need more catapults to damage buildings protected by this artifacts powers. Natars Hemons Scrolls   account building stronger with (5x) Treasury Level 20 2018-02-01 11:37:57 Active

PS : let me rebuild your WW at 98 level , and make sure you capture the artefact.

Also when you receive the report must add a INFORMATION like this :


The defender was sustained by the artefact : The architects unique secret

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss This artifact should not bear the impact on the very wonder of the world. Only on other buildings.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Wrong ! Artefact makes effect also on Word of Wonder

Also UNIQUE DIET CONTROL have effects on World of Wonder toops.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago


Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Hmmm, from where is this pictures ?

Also this is a good map to add in Admin Panel , like already exist map in Admin Panel b4629f56bf5b0a48c18eb23a69ebd6fb

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Ahh understand , only that artefact not affect WW

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj, I don't know, but destroying the village after the capture of the WWuilding plan sounds more logical to me.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@iopietro : maybe you make a map on admin panel with artefact distribution like i post

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro @Shadowss Look at this text on this link:


Shadowss commented 6 years ago

I update my first post.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss, Yes, I'll do that map, it's a good idea. @velhbxtyrj, Ok, so it's a bug.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj, Our bugs/improovements lists are in the first message of Shadowss, we should remove them from our messages, to not have duplicates.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Great . Can you do that? I am not on the pc

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Deleting the lists or making the map?

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

I wanted to suggest this in order to unite everything in one message. I also want to suggest integrating all the new functions in one message, like this: #472

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

I will add a little to my previous message. 1. In one issue, combine all the bugs (which has already been done). 2. In another issue, combine all the innovations that do not relate to this version and must be customizable through the admin panel (enable / disable this or that new mechanics). 3. In the third issue all for spam that would not clog the first and second points :)

iopietro commented 6 years ago

I like 2. and 3. ideas :)!

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Ok this is the pictures for PEACE SYSTEM. Maybe you can make this 3 systems to automate message when is activated. And also artefact , i`ll translate the text to english

christmas easter new year

First text of the artefact :

Whispering rumors echo through the villages, sharing legends told only by the best storytellers. It refers to NATARS, the most feared warrior of the TRAVIAN world. Their killing is the dream of any hero, the purpose of any fighter. No one knows how NATARS got to get such power, and their warriors so cruel. Determined to discover the source of the NATARS power, the fighters send a group of elite spies to spy them. I do not go through many hours and come back with fear in their eyes and balancing fantastic theories: it seems that the natural power comes from the mysterious objects they call artifacts that they stole from our ancestors. Try to steal the artefacts of her, and you can control their power.


The time has come for claiming artifacts. Collaborate with your alliance and bring your worriors to get these wanted objects. However, NATARS will not give up without war to the artefacts ... nor your enemies. If you are successful in retrieving artifacts and you will be able to reject enemies, you will be able to collect the rewards. Your buildings will become incredibly strong and mightest, and the troops will be much faster and will consume less food. Capture the artifacts, bring glory over your empire and become new legends for your followers.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Ok another things on the artefacts problem.

You must have ONLY 1 ARTEFACT with account effect and other 2 with village effect.

At any one time each player is only allowed to use a maximum of three artefacts, of which only one can have an account or unique scope. Players may however hold more than 3 artefacts but only the 3 oldest artefacts will be used. To hold more than 3 artefacts, additional artefacts must be captured by chiefing the village in which the desired new artefact is located. To capture a second artefact with an unique or account scope, this chiefing method must be used, as the standard limit is one unique/account and two village artefacts per account. Furthermore any village artefacts will overwrite the bonus of account or unique artefacts of the same type for the village they are in effect for.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss As I understand, now work all artifacts together? For example, if we have two unique artifacts, do they both work?

Shadowss commented 6 years ago


iopietro commented 6 years ago

Yeah, the artifact activation system needs to be reworked from scratch. They're now activating immediately after the conquest, with no limiting rules.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Ahh yeah 24 hours. Maybe after resolve all this major bugs we can make a BETA release of 8.3.4