iopietro / Travianz-Legacy

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For developers and testers. 8.3.3 version #518

Closed Shadowss closed 6 years ago

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

We must a full evaluation of the entire version and put all bugs in 1 posts. To see what bugs is still remaining and what need testings.

And other bugs I didn't find yet or that I forgot.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Yep, troops will die in this order: Reinforcements, Prisoners (in other villages), Own home troops, Own Away troops.

RevertIT commented 6 years ago

@iopietro Does this bug means after you fix it, we don't have to manually spawn artifact and ww?

Artifacts (and WW villages) should spawn in the map after some amount of days from the start of the server.

iopietro commented 6 years ago


velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro Can it make sense to leave it in the server administrator's execution? Like it's described here #395

iopietro commented 6 years ago

I think that I'll follow that issue as a example, because I'll put the options you listed there, in the installation. WW and Artifacts creation should be automatic, but when they should spawn, should be decided during the installation. We should then remove the option to manual spawn natars and WW/building plans (from the Admin/Multihunter panel).

iopietro commented 6 years ago


After I sent a hero to the reinforcements with the troops, destroying the village, the hero with the troops disappeared and the tavern shows that the hero is alive. A real bug."

Does this bug happen when: 1) I reinforce a village a village with my hero. 2) My village is destroyed by someone. 3) My hero is alive but lost in the darkness.


velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

There is a village A and a village B. The hero is registered in the village B. We send him reinforcements with troops to the village A. He is still registered in the village B. We destroy the village B and the hero with the troops disappears from the village A. In the tavern and statistics he is displayed alive.

Will get: 3. My hero is alive but lost in the darkness.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Fixed in 89bebae.

The capital is now changed automatically if destroyed.

RevertIT commented 6 years ago

@iopietro Thanks for the answer. Can't wait for automatized ww and natars.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Good morning guys

I remember a problem in World of Wonder after release the Building Plans.

So troops from WW must consume 25% less crop after Building Plans are released.

Another thing on STATISTICTS we must find a section for PLUS accounts


Third problem

While negative crop on dorf3 the timer must decrease

All red timer are from negative crop




Apear NEVER while negative crop

Four problem

Starvation doesn`t work.

Troop Movements:

» | 22 Attackin 0:09:26 hours


  | Lumber: | 50000 | per hour   | Clay: | 50000 | per hour   | Iron: | 50000 | per hour   | Crop: | -26421811 | per hour


  | 7998807 | Praetorian   | 2999553 | Equites Imperatoris   | 8998659 | Equites Caesaris

Same amount of troops after 30 minutes. You can check @iopietro , same password like Admin username but username is Shadow

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Good morning,

1) Starvation fixed in bd033334c41ca674b93946fc2d4713b852066c7b (it wasn't working due to a little mistake). 2) Plus feature (statistics): it's already in the list. 3) Dorf3.php, crop production: I don't know how it was in the T3.6 version.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Great , thanks for fixing.

In T3.6 version the time decrease if you have negative crop.

By the way , i`am very placefull about new raid list section , looks awesome

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@iopietro i cant add more than 7 villages to raidlist even created a second raid list and i cant add any village... also is possible add a function to add a village to raid list by name of the village ?

about dorf3

simply as that , if crop in storage is 0 then show 0:00:00 if crop is 90.0000 (example) then show how much time left to reach 0 crop

iopietro commented 6 years ago

1) I don't know how to reproduce it, does it give any errors?

It works for me: immagine

2) Yep, I'll do that

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Additions in 90221cf19f233e56358207e12d3e1bc15cbfcaff: 1) Negative crop production in Dorf3.php. 2) Artifact of the fool next effect time displayed in the treasury. 3) Natars automation system. 4) Natars timers. Etc.

@eliopinho Tell me if you can't add farms even with 90221cf19f233e56358207e12d3e1bc15cbfcaff, thanks.

We're very close from the release of the 8.3.4 version.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@iopietro at the moment all tests i made is in this server from shadowss As soon i can , i will test it !

The game development is going great

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Great release. I think i must reinstall all server.

Ler me know if you want to make a new release or must wait to complete all task from that topic.

One thing i should must to be modified. Natars accout must ro be created automaticaly on server installation

iopietro commented 6 years ago

If you don't want to reinstall it, you can add these lines of code into your config.php file:

// ***** Natars Spawn Time define("NATARS_SPAWN_TIME",260); define("NATARS_WW_SPAWN_TIME",260); define("NATARS_WW_BUILDING_PLAN_SPAWN_TIME",260);


Then delete the "Natars" account from the database (do it by adding it to the "deleting" table with 0 as a timestamp and then refresh the page), after doing that, truncate the "artefacts" table)

I'll fix other 3-4 bugs and then we can release the 8.3.4 version.

The Natars account creation is decided during the installation, you can set how many days you want.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Great job for our community. Must major release i think must to be code automatic functio that i post upside. For conquer send resource etc.

But in next version

iopietro commented 6 years ago

It'll be done after the whole refactoring.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@iopietro : cannot add village in farm list ... nothing happened when press CREATE.

Another thing. After you implemented automated Natars system , you put also the Automated messages ? How to conquer an artifact , and Natars WW Village , etc.

PS : Server updated. Truncate artifact table and artifact chrono table.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss I just made a full reinstallation of the server and everything works. In the old, everything worked as well. I would recommend that you do the same full reinstallation. For example, on your server, I could not set a residence for the target catapults, always exhibited randomly.

@iopietro I can add to the raid list troops that I have not even explored yet. I do not have any Imperians. I have only Legionnaires.


edit: something else


Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Hmmm if i would a full reinstallation will lost all accounts.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

Yes, that's for sure. I forgot that I'm the only one on my server :)

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Maybe i must wait to release 8.3.4 until full reinstall of server.

I modified the ARTIFACT RELEASE TEXT @iopietro : please can you verify the img code ?

After Natars are created , WW Village not start countdown in left of page.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@shadowss 1) I have to reproduce that raid list bug on my server, and actually i don't know how to reproduce it. I'll try, I know what caused it. (Just for being secure, were you playing with the latest version?)

2) The timer will start 5 days / server speed before the release of Artifacts/WW villages/WW building plans.

3) I'll see your code.

4) @velhbxtyrj Yeah, I'll do a rework about that, for example, I'll remove catapults, rams, etc. From the raid list because they can't even loot resources. However, not researched troops can be added in raid lists, that's not a bug (you'll not be able to start that raid list tho).

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@iopietro : Thanks for your work and for looking to that Automated Messages

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss, What image should I add for Artifacts and WW Villages messages?

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

For artifacts


For plans


This sould be ok

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Ok, good.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

After artifact spawn something went wrong....

Appears Building Plans Spawn but might Appear first WW Village


Anyway after countdown arrives at 0 but no BUILDING PLANS apper in Treasurey and no message mass receive.

They only appear on Natars account


iopietro commented 6 years ago

If that is your server, they have been created correctly:


Shadowss commented 6 years ago

It must appear on small artifact. All

And the spawn? Why first appears building plans? First must appears ww village. Also no message receive

iopietro commented 6 years ago

You decide when Natars/Artifacts, WW villages and WW building plans are spawned, you can set it from the config.php file.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Will make it a screen on config when i'll arrive home. But please make visible artifacts on small artifact section

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Ok, I added WW building plans to the "small artifacts" section of the treasury, in the bdd896573cddb4d171e80c96d6b3eca5c9e46023 commit.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Great. What's happend witg automated messages? Nothing receive when plans was released

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

I have a little idea. At the moment we have two identical news boxes: Newsbox 1 and Newsbox 2. Why not do news in the Newsbox 2 about the appearance of Natars. For example: Natars spawn: day/month/year, WW villages spawn: day/month/year, Construction plans spawn: day/month/year.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss I tested it in my local server and everything works fine.

To test it in your server: 1) Set NATARS_SPAWN_TIME, NATARS_WW_SPAWN_TIME and NATARS_WW_BUILDING_PLAN_SPAWN_TIME to 100000 (in the config.php file) 2) Delete Natars account (by inserting "3" in the "deleting" table with "0" as a timestamp, then refresh the page and wait for about 40 seconds) 3) Truncate the "artefacts" table 4) Set NATARS_SPAWN_TIME to 0 and refresh the page, then wait for about 60 seconds. 5) Set NATARS_WW_SPAWN_TIME to 0 and refresh the page, then wait for about 5 seconds. 6) Set NATARS_WW_BUILDING_PLAN_SPAWN_TIME to 0 and refresh the page, then wait for about 10 seconds.

The 4 step should create Natars and artifacts, the 5 WW villages and the 6 WW building plans (with the three relative system messages).

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj, It's a good idea! Two newsboxes with the same informations, are useless.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

Artefact of the slight fool should be 10. There are only five of them now.


iopietro commented 6 years ago

I read that village artifacts effect should be 48, we have now 47 village artifacts effect, so I only have to add one artifact of the slight fool, previously they were 10 because of the 5 artifacts of the fool account effect, but artifacts of the fool only exist with village and unique effects.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

It seems to me or the name needs to be reversed?


velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago


  1. I read the information now on the number of all artifacts and everywhere they write that their 10 Artefact of the slight fool with the effect of the village and 1 Artefact of the unique fool with the effect of the account.

  2. WW villages were created in the amount of 13. Artifacts also created in the amount of 13. Everything works.

  3. You did a great job :) It's aerobatics.

  4. The question of the appearance of the second phase of the scrolls of construction. What are the conditions for their appearance?

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@iopietro : on test server on config file :

// ***** Natars Spawn Time define("NATARS_SPAWN_TIME",99); define("NATARS_WW_SPAWN_TIME",100); define("NATARS_WW_BUILDING_PLAN_SPAWN_TIME",101);

So why building plans appers first ??

The GameEngine of game is :

After 150 days appers artefacts After 200 days appers WW After 250 days appers PLANS

So i set 99 100 and 101 days. Because the server started at that time about 98 days.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj, You're right, my mistake, the texts are reversed

1) Can you please link me some of those articles? So I can see the right amount of every artifacts.

2) Yep :), in the future I'll insert an installation option to decide how many WW villages/WW building plans the game have to spawn (and maybe how many artifacts have to be spawned etc.) It will be 100% customizable :).

3) Thanks, I appreciate :).

4) WW building plans will spawn after X days (where X is set during the installation) only if the Natars account is already created and there are no other WW building plans in the server.

@shadowss, Because Natars account was already on the server and you did have a WW Village, so my algorithm thought that WW villages were already spawned, you have to delete every WW village, every artifacts and the natars account, otherwise it can't work (because I put in my algorithm many protections)

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Ahh ok , i understand , will reinstall all server after release 8.3.4 💃

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro Perhaps this article will be useful for further work on the appearance of artifacts.

This guide to artifacts:

Some excerpts from this guide are worth paying attention to:

Intensity of Artefact There are 87 Artefacts in total; and 8 types with varying effectiveness. The difference in intensity can be divided into Village Artefact, Account Artefact or Unique Artefact.

Artefact of the Fool Village/ Account = Different effect every 24 hours; can be good or bad NB: Artefact also changes scope (village artefact could become an account artefact, and vice versa) Unique = Different effect every 24 hours; can only be GOOD Read more about someone's experience of this Artefact: (link)

I could not find that information in English which is available in Russian (the number of all artifacts)

Considering all the available information, we can assume that we do not really have five artifacts in reality. During the appearance of the natars, they have 83 villages. 83 to take away the capital is 82 villages with artifacts + five missing and we get 87 as a guide that I indicated above.


velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro Forgot to learn more about this:

  1. WW building plans will spawn after X days (where X is set during the installation) only if the Natars account is already created and there are no other WW building plans in the server.

During installation, we set the following values:

Natars Spawn: 20 days WW villages Spawn: 50 days Construction plans Spawn: 60 days

Everything was created at the time indicated by us. We built a Wonder of the world at level 50. Next, we need additional scrolls for construction, which must be at the counterpart of the alliance. They should appear some time after the Wonder of the world reaches level 50.

edit: What are the conditions for the appearance of additional scrolls?

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Ok, so I'll increase them to 10. I'll save the other articles for the refactor.

All WW building plans spawn at the given days, no other plans spawn after reaching the level 50 of a WW.