iopietro / Travianz-Legacy

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For developers and testers. 8.3.3 version #518

Closed Shadowss closed 6 years ago

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

We must a full evaluation of the entire version and put all bugs in 1 posts. To see what bugs is still remaining and what need testings.

And other bugs I didn't find yet or that I forgot.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'll look into it.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss are you shore update right ? error on barracks still going

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@eliopinho That's because that old version training needs to be deleted from the database manually

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@eliopinho : database cleared , you can try it now

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

all fine.. what you do ? :)

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

I`m delete all data from s1_training

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

Maybe someone will be interested :) I'm not 100% sure of the reliability of this information

History of changes Changes to the game

15 September 2004 7 days of newbie protection. Within 7 days after the start, it is generally impossible to send troops to the player (including reinforcements) New population calculation due to buildings 16 September 2004 Players can be excluded from the alliance 20 September 2004 Reports of battles and reconnaissance operations are shown in a review of the village in a particular village The number of population can be entered in the simulator of battles 24th September 2004 The maximum trading rate is 2: 1 25th September 2004 The internal forum of the alliance is done; you can put a link to an already used forum Resources for sale can be stolen Now it is impossible to create a tree-by-tree type sentence 30th September 2004 Intelligence reports are shown to the defender only if your scouts have killed at least one enemy scout. 1 st October 2004 New function (Plus): Direct links - with the help of them you can go directly to some building, or some external resource. 2 October 2004 Offers on the market are sorted Abolition of sending troops within 90 seconds. 8th October 2004 Smileys and basic BB-codes (b, i, u) on the built-in forums of alliances 9th October 2004 Protection of the beginner - 14 days, instead of one week 13th October 2004 Small changes in design Travian Plus has ceased to be free 15th October 2004 The new advantage of the Gauls: a 2-fold greater cache 30th October 2004 a review of all villages at once (plus only) 5 th November 2004 Alliances: Invitations can be canceled Alliances: small changes in alliances forums Alliances: Separation of "Attacks" and "Alliance News" 14th November 2004 A new type of troops (senator, leader, leader): with them you can capture enemy villages Settlers and upgrades have become more expensive 26th November 2004 Forgotten passwords can now be restored 27th November 2004 All messages / reports on the page can be highlighted with a single click (plus only) 05 December 2004 Market: You can select offers only 1: 1 or the rest (plus only) 14th December 2004 Market: offers can now be set for "only their alliance" and "Maximum N hours of transportation" 22nd December 2004 Capital protection: if a player has no more than 3 villages, a settlement with a palace can not be captured Catapults: Villages with 0 population can be completely destroyed (if this is not the last village) December 28th, 2004 A small increase in the capacity of the warehouse, starting at level 7 2 nd of January 2005 New building: "Master of Buildings" New building: "Wonder of the World" Graphical statistics (plus only) New building: "Large warehouse" 17th January 2005 The maximum penalty of morale for battles and captures is reduced from 50% to 33% 12th March 2005 The Beginning of Traviana T2 19-Mar-2005 The palace and the residence require a main building of the 5th level, and the palace - also the embassy of the 1st level 24th March 2005 The message icon continues to light, if you see the message, but have not yet read Upgrades in the smithy of weapons / armor for troops consuming more than 1 grain / hour, have become cheaper 2 April 2005 A new formula for calculating culture 27th April 2005 New information on buildings 06-May-2005 Overview of the village center is available again (only a plus) 8th May 2005 Buildings can be destroyed from the main building of the 10th level Cavalry gets more bonus from upgrades New distribution of pictures of villages 15th May 2005 Big card (plus only) Your alliance, allies, and NAPs are shown on the map (only a plus) More gradations of the population when mapping the villages (0-99, 100-249, 250-499, 500+) May 23rd, 2005 New images for the city wall and the earth wall 13th June 2005 The fence of the Gauls became twice as strong 16th June 2005 The palace opens an additional expansion slot - at the 15th level By the name of the troops in the barracks, stable, academy and smithies, you can go to their description in the certificate. 27th June 2005 The village can be completely destroyed if it is not the last (0 inhabitants) 09th July 2005 You can spend holidays in the Town Hall. Celebration (Big Celebration) gives a bonus when capturing. Works in both directions. 10th August 2005 New payment method by phone (PayByCall) 14th August 2005 New building: Chamber of Commerce 29th November 2005 New building: arena New building: great barracks New building: great stable June 30, 2006 (Start of Travian T3) Capitals: Each player can have no more than one capital, in which the resource fields can be raised to infinity (in theory). The capital can not be captured. Oases: the map contains forests, clay mines, mountains and grain fields filled with wild animals and can be robbed. Heroes: ordinary warriors can be assigned heroes. The hero has 5 characteristics and he gets experience in combat. Improved graphics: Resource fields now also have their own graphics. Trapper: a new protective structure for the Gauls. He can capture enemy troops. More was the map: 2.5 times, than before and therefore allows to accommodate more players. A new formula for the EC: the required number of units of culture, has increased even more for the villages after the 3rd. A new formula of battles: huge armies now do not have such a big advantage. Protection from catapults: catapults now do not cause such great damage when attacking much smaller accounts. Time Zones: The time zone and date can be configured according to local time. Filtering reports: you can choose which reports to receive trading, and which - not. Stonemason's Lodge: The Stonemason's Lodge increases the strength of buildings in the capital by up to 200%. Encoding UTF-8: Travian supports almost all the alphabets of the world. A faster simulation of battles: tribes and the type of attack can be selected with a single click. Improved built-in help: requirements for building and troops can be obtained faster. Changes in substitutes: the deputy can no longer send normal attacks (not raids). New menu: the menu on the left was reordered, for more convenience 16 September 2006 Oases can be abandoned (abandoned) Capture of villages: villages captured by attackers with a large number of people will lose to the first level of buildings and fields in the captured village. It does not count when you reload your villages. 11th October 2006 Stronger animals give the hero more experience Less animals in the oases Reduced the construction time of resource fields to level 8 inclusive A hero dies if he loses more than 90% of his health in one battle. Heroes became weaker. Because of this change, players were allowed to redistribute 1/3 of their hero's points. Requirements for the Stonemason's Lodge were lowered to the main building of level 5 and the palace of level 3. Information in the player's profile and a survey of villages about which village is the capital. All registered players receive a so-called "task", telling them what they need to do at the beginning and are provided with resources for achieving some success. 16th October 2006 Changes on all German servers version T3 The maximum cost of resurrecting the hero in one resource is limited to 240 thousand. From the 60th level, the cost of recovery is no longer increased. 30th November 2006 Violations of certain rules are now banned programmatically. 2 December 2006 You can sort the reports by date in reverse order (plus) 16th January 2007 You can sort the messages by date in reverse order (plus) 11th February 2007 New images for troops in the tools for the game. February 21, 2007 New non-player race: Natara New buildings: a miracle of the world, a large warehouse and a large barn (can be built only in the village of Natarov) March 18, 2007 (Official presentation of "classic" servers) The old formula for culture There is no decrease in levels, when capturing a village from a player with a smaller population No trappers and heroes Resource fields in the capital can be raised only to the 12th level There are no oases There are no Stonemason's Lodge The capital can be declared only a village with a palace of the 10th level or higher 7th June 2007 New images for buildings of level 0 (ie under construction) Redesigned css-file and html-design Improved help with using graphic packages On the market: the "button" of the increase now depends on the capacity of the traders, instead of the 500-a by default, as before Faster navigation on the map with AJAX technology and "links" to move immediately to 7 cells More accurate timing using JavaScript 31 st December 2007 No, we are not lazy. Maybe since June and there were no innovations in the game, but we improved the panels of multi-users and supporters, and many other things that are not visible. 16th January 2008 Players who bought gold, while deleting their account, can transfer the remaining gold to another Russian-language server. 11th February 2008 Built-in forums for alliances are completely redesigned February 29th, 2008 A new event processing system (game engine) for better performance 18th March 2008 On the map, you can now navigate in 4 directions, by pressing the corresponding arrow buttons. If you hold Shift, you can move 7 cells at a time. 14th April 2008 New statistics: tribes in the game world, weekly statistics top-10 Now you can use more characters in the name of the village. At the collection point, reinforcements are now grouped by peoples if they become too numerous, and only 10 closest incoming troops are shown 27th November 2008 Plus statistics on new servers: In the first days of the server start, instead of the graphs of plus-statistics there was an inscription "no input data specified". Corrected. Full combat report, when none of the soldiers returns: "Full" combat reports will appear and for raids / attacks. Ie, the name of the player and the name of the village. Instead of the numbers, the defending player's soldiers will be shown the question marks: "?" The error in rounding off in combat reports: From time to time it was that the report contained information on 4 dead soldiers, but in fact there were only 3 dead. Fixed. Statistics, last pages: For example, in the statistics of players. Being on the last page, you could click "Next", but instead of statistics a blank page was opened. Corrected. The arena did not accelerate the settlers: Now it accelerates Combat reports, a new message, "It was not damaged": "Fake scan" with a catapult or battering ram to find out what level the wall or some other building does not work anymore. Instead of a message, for example, "Embassy building is destroyed from level 10 to level 10", now there will be a message "The Embassy building was not damaged". NPC-Merchant is now seven-digit: The fields for entering the quantity of resources in the exchange began to support seven-digit values. Report processing: Now remote players and villages will be marked "?" Everywhere. Previously it was only in remote villages during the attack. Link "Establish a new village": Having 3 settlers and selecting the appropriate cage on the map, the action "Establish a new village" was available even when the collection point was still only under construction. Corrected. Negative grain production: If in the village the production of grain went into minus and the main building was destroyed, then at a certain level of production it was possible to build the main building up to the first level. Construction up to the second level is possible only with positive grain production. However, the "Build up to the 2nd level" button was active when the grain production was still negative. Now this is fixed. Quests: Window problems on screens with a resolution of <600 pixels. I had some problems. Have corrected. Oases in statistics on villages: At the last places in statistics, oases were displayed as villages. Now the records have been deleted. 30th May 2009 (The beginning of version T3.5) New icons of troops New buttons / pictures New HTML structure (Old graphics packages do not work) Display the levels of buildings in the center of the village. On / off Improved map A large map can be opened both in the main window and in a separate window and will not close when you click on the cell. Icons above every village that you are currently attacking are scouting, defending or robbing. (Travian Plus) Notification of the allocation of resources when you mouse over an empty cell (For example, "1-1-1-15" for a cell with 15 fields of grain). Villages of players who are in a war with your alliance will be framed in a black box. Large profiles will no longer go beyond the allowed frames / boundaries. The offer page on the market was externally changed somewhat. Grouping of types of buildings - goals from catapults: resource, military, infrastructure. The number of resources that your troops have captured and how much they could seize is now visible in the combat report. (Travian Plus) Each player will be able to refuse the passage of quests and will receive 75% of the resources that would be received when performing tasks. Top 10 alliances, including medals for alliances Changes in the design on the statistics page New statistics for alliances Hero Stats Improved Trapper New building: Brewery New building: Horse Drinking Trough Treasury page changes Improved Chamber of Commerce of the Romans. With each level of the building, the load of Roman merchants increases by 20% instead of 10% (Only for Romans) The effect of the Stonemason's Lodge is now spreading New combinations of resource fields, in particular, with 7-grain grain fields. Bonus looting for Germans reduced to 20% The hero's defense bonus applies to any troops of this account in the same village. The lifting capacity of the phalanx is increased to 35 units (added +5 units) The carrying capacity of legionaries is increased to 50 units (added +10 units) The cost of training foreign players has been reduced: Wood: 120 Clay: 100 Iron: 150 (formerly 180) Grain: 30 (formerly 40) The time of training troops in barracks and stables (including large barracks and large stables) is reduced by 20% (from version 3.51) Artifacts in the middle of the game: in 150-180 days in the ordinary north and in 50-60 days on the high-speed. June 15, 2009 (The beginning of the version of T3.51) The table on the page "Earn gold" is reduced so as not to distort the layout. The collection point shows the correct reduced consumption of food in the presence of watering. The palace is no longer displayed in "buildings that are available in the near future," if it is already built elsewhere. Uncompleted HTML mnemonics (ex: λ) are no longer allowed in user names. Retired players no longer affect the medal of the alliance. In Internet Explorer, coordinate values ​​with a large number of characters (for example: -125 | 232) no longer cause line breaks. Catapults do not carry resources during a truce. A new design of the choice of goals for the catapults and the correct restrictions on the choice (for example, the tavern is not listed on the classic servers). Added descriptions of negative effects for the Chameleon artifact. July 2nd, 2009 Traps are no longer removed when the trapper is destroyed Now in the inside-game help there is the Miracle of Light (the link is added) Select sorting in LAN (only PLUS): (ascending / descending is stored in the cookies and remains, even if in the meantime anything else was selected) Icons of attack on / reinforcements in oases are now shown in the right color. Added a trap icon on several pages (Trapper and overview of villages - dorf3.php) Players during the removal can no longer buy gold. Security check for gold transfer.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj : can you conquer the Artefact of the unique fool from me ? Is on village : THE HIVE.

Still appear with account effect after replacing files.


Shadowss commented 6 years ago

@iopietro : some blank pages

Stack trace:

0 /home/outlet/public_html/ MYSQLi_DB->canClaimArtifact('15388', '19784', 3, 8)

1 /home/outlet/public_html/ Automation->sendunitsComplete()

2 /home/outlet/public_html/ Automation->__construct()

3 /home/outlet/public_html/ include_once('/home/outlet/pu...')

4 /home/outlet/public_html/ include_once('/home/outlet/pu...')

5 {main}

thrown in /home/outlet/public_html/ on line 7322 [26-Apr-2018 08:12:49 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getOwnArtifactsSum() on null in /home/outlet/public_html/ Stack trace:

0 /home/outlet/public_html/ MYSQLi_DB->canClaimArtifact('15388', '19784', 3, 8)

1 /home/outlet/public_html/ Automation->sendunitsComplete()

2 /home/outlet/public_html/ Automation->__construct()

3 /home/outlet/public_html/ include_once('/home/outlet/pu...')

4 /home/outlet/public_html/ include_once('/home/outlet/pu...')

5 {main}

thrown in /home/outlet/public_html/ on line 7322

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

We have a problem

Can it be just as worth doing here as you did for training troops?


Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Hmm strange , let @iopietro come and say what's wrong...

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj my village stay like yours after raid.. just keeps reloading afer troop movements..

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Fixed in 6394707e53db57cf3919f48d0163b7e7db98c67a.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj, In that case the attack will never arrive due to an error in Database.php, nothing to worry about, I fixed it.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Try now @velhbxtyrj

Ups something was wrong on this. All village dissapear

village village2

@iopietro : artifact is still on that village , is not conquered , but village is 0 population. Must to reinstall something or delete something from database ?

I delete all village from admin panel , and something wrong was appear


If i delete the village from admin , artifact must be available again , must to enter in Natars possesion

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss Please do the following:

it only takes you a minute or two to do it :) And we will start again to see how it works

Shadowss commented 6 years ago


I must to receive an message how to caputre artefact, etc. Must be added on bug list , it's not coded. I translated before. Or receive that image that is posted in other section

artefact fool

Area of effect is still appear account , must to be appear village.


iopietro commented 6 years ago

Nope, "Area of effect" of the unique fool is "Account" it's right as it is. I didn't remove the message from natars.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

I do not have any texts at all for the appearance of natars and artifacts. And just as I myself create villages for the construction of a miracle of the world, they do not appear themselves.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@velhbxtyrj I noticed a funny thing, in very high speed servers, the artifact of the fool effect change every second, lol (because of the formula I've made yesterday). Should we do something about that? Maybe putting a refresh time limit of 5 minutes or something like that.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro I have a speed of x200 and a time of 14 minutes)) I think it's necessary to limit)) Maybe even 30 minutes or an hour.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro It is also necessary to make the data marked in the picture real values of activation and change of effect. In the description of the treasury and in the description of the artifact. For example, activation after 2 hours means it should be displayed 2 hours.


iopietro commented 6 years ago

Right, 30 minutes. Yep, I need to change those two descriptions too.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

Perhaps regardless of a speed server, no make sense of limit the time of artifacts... Just like medals, 1 week interval (no modify with the game speed).

I think it shoul have the normal durations.. whatever your server has 1x 3x 10x or 1000x ( this is one of the rules with nothing to do with game speed)

(For me the whole travian must be played at normal speed to have a great game and duration of hundreds of days of fun ..)

iopietro commented 6 years ago

It makes sense only for the artifact of the fool, because in a 10000x server it'll change every 1 seconds, and it makes no sense, lol.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

I agree with @eliopinho

fritz-net commented 6 years ago

How about an additional time factor for artifacts?

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

Its my opinion only, artifacts should mantain is original time settings... But for me no big deal.. i always play at 1x or 3x

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro Tell me please, do I understand this function correctly: $artifacts = $database->getInactiveArtifacts(round($time - (86400 / (SPEED == 2 ? 1.5 : (SPEED == 3 ? 2 : SPEED)))));

If we have a server speed of x1 then the activation time is 24 hours, else if x2 = 24/1.5 = 16 hours, else if x3 = 24/2 = 12 hours, else if x4 = 24/speed = 24/4 = 6 hours and etc.

If my understanding is correct then there is nothing to panic for everything :) Everything will work as expected.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Yes, it works like you said. The problem isn't there, but in the "artefactOfTheFool" function (in Automatio.php). If you set your speed to 100000x, the artefact of the fool will continue to change every second.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Great work with artifact @iopietro , must to recreate the MAP where is spawned the artifact that is posted below by me.

What's next ?

iopietro commented 6 years ago

I'll do it after fixing all bugs. Now I'll do general fixing.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

On Ancient Construction Plan on Bonus must to be printed : You can construct World of Wonder or something like that.

arte ww

iopietro commented 6 years ago

"Fixed" in 9e2d2b68428fb7482b68ab979dc277317597eb86.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Great release , sever has been updated.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

A slightly distorted view of the page when the announcement is displayed

default 2

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Good morning,

fool only 2 zecimals

I think is better to user maximum 3 decimals , on rat should be 0.333 crop

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Good morning, I think that I forgot to round the upkeep somewhere, because the upkeep should be rounded to the greatest integer (so 1 in that case).

iopietro commented 6 years ago

@Shadowss, what active artifact did you have?

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

I put a screen with what artifact i have.

Unique fool with effect consume less with 3

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I didn't see it from the cellphone.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

Fixed in cf745144514ee71d9e3c280196d93359a32155f0.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

This is the great automation function

30th November 2006 Violations of certain rules are now banned programmatically.

System / Automatic Enforced Game Rules The following things are automatically enforced by the system. Therefore it is no longer possible that you get banned for sending too many resources or friendly conquering / attacking another village: the system will simply not allow you to do this.

Automatic Pushing Protection To get rid of the complete pushing (= excessive resource transfers) section in the rules we developed the below described automatic pushing protection system.

The limitations to the amount of resources a player may send to another one are now hard coded. Therefore it is no longer possible that you get banned for sending too many resources: the system will simply not allow you to do this.

The limitations are complicated and connected to the relationship between the accounts in question.

The different connection types are:

Type 1 Players were not sitters and have not used the same computer or the same network (IP) recently. Type 2 Players have been sitters recently or have used the same network (IP). Type 3 Players are currently sitters or used the same PC recently.

Additionally 6 transfer categories exist:

Resource transfers to a bigger player Resource transfers to a smaller player Resource transfers to a bigger player to feed own reinforcements Resource transfers to a smaller player to feed own reinforcements Raiding a bigger player Raiding a smaller player

Hourly production

All limitations are based in the hourly production. The resources produced in an hour are calculated by summing up the production of lumber, clay, iron and crop (all crop produced minus the inhabitants of your account) for the complete account. Furthermore one hour of the last week's average net raiding (raiding income - resources lost by being raided) is added to give the hourly production for the account.

Possible combinations of resources:

If the resource transfers are limited to crop (e.g. feeding of reinforcements or supplying artefact villages) resource transfers which include other resources than crop may not be possible. Therefore you have to take care about the combination of resources you try to send away.

Sending resources in advance:

In some cases it is allowed to send resources for some days in advance. For example if you are allowed to send 7 days in advance, you could send the sum of the hourly production from Monday till Sunday all at once.

Rules for connection type 1

can send 2 production hours to bigger player (7 days in advance) but nothing if your account is smaller than 50 population can send 3 production hours to smaller player (7 days in advance) but nothing if your account is smaller than 50 population can send 150% crop consumed by your troops reinforcing the other player (100% for 24h in advance) can send 300% crop consumed by your troops reinforcing the other player (100% for 24h in advance) can raid bigger player unlimited (when in the same alliance §2 in this section applies) can raid smaller player unlimited (when in the same alliance §1 in this section applies)

Rules for connection type 2

can send 1 production hours to bigger player (3 days in advance) but nothing if your account is smaller than 50 population can send 2 production hours to smaller player (3 days in advance) but nothing if your account is smaller than 50 population can send 125% crop consumed by your troops reinforcing the other player (100% for 12h in advance) can send 150% crop consumed by your troops reinforcing the other player (100% for 12h in advance) can raid bigger player unlimited (when in the same alliance §2 in this section applies) raiding a smaller player is limited by §1 in this section

Rules for connection type 3

cannot send anything to bigger player, bigger player needs to send first can send 2 hours production to smaller player (1 days in advance) but nothing if your account is smaller than 50 population can send 100% crop consumed by your troops reinforcing the other player (100% for 6h in advance if the transfers are only crop) can send 100% crop consumed by your troops reinforcing the other player (100% for 12h in advance if the transfers are only crop) can raid bigger limited by §2 in this section can raid smaller limited by §1 in this section cannot raid villages that have been sent resources in the last 6h by a player you have connection type 3 with


Wonder of the World villages can be supplied unlimited. Wonder of the World villages can be attacked and reinforced unlimited. Artefact villages can be supplied with CROP unlimited. Marketplace trades: If the trade balance (without raid and supply) is within 20% a trade is always possible.

Automatic Conquering Protection The conquering limitations are also hard coded.

These limitations are not that complicated but also connected to the relationship between the accounts in question.

The different connection types are:

Type 1 Players were not sitters and have not used the same computer or the same network (IP) recently. Type 2 Players have been sitters recently or have used the same network (IP). Type 3 Players are currently sitters or used the same PC recently.

Rules for connection type 1

can conquer village when both players have not been in the same or an allied alliance within the last 2 days AND both players are not currently in alliances that have NAP with each others

Rules for connection type 2

can conquer village when there has been NO active sitter connection within the last 14 days AND both players have not been in the same or an allied alliance within the last 2 days AND both players are not currently in alliances that have NAP with each others

Rules for connection type 3

can NOT conquer village of each other


Wonder of the World villages can always be conquered as long as they are not the last village of the defender. Artefact villages can always be conquered as long as they are not the last village or the capital of the defender.

Bot Detection Good things come to those who wait.

Lots of you got angry because more and more bots and scripts were being used in Travian.

What does that mean for you?

For the fair player nothing changes, except that fair play now pays off. On the other hand a user with a detected bot or script will receive an appropriate punishment.

Please note that not all accounts on a server are checked at the same time! The detection system checks accounts on all servers on a random basis. This means that while a script user may use it for a while without problems, the moment his account is checked the trouble will start.

The detection is fully automated. 24/7 activity provides no reason to assume positive detection.

The users caught by the system will either receive captchas and also an instant punishment or will get automatically banned to discuss the ban with the Multihunter before a punishment is applied. The given punishment will get harder the more often a user gets caught by the system.

As we are modifying and improving our detection all the time we will always be one step ahead of the bot programmers even if they modify them. This means, unfair players will only have an advantage for a very short period.

iopietro commented 6 years ago

It will be coded while refactored.

Shadowss commented 6 years ago

Good morning ,

On raid list , margins can be cetered to the left of page ?


For the unique artifact of fool must added a new line for effect change


eliopinho commented 6 years ago

@iopietro when you have your troops on reenforcement, and want to send back to you, all the troops are automated writen to send back , like this sem titulo

but if you want to retrieve only some amounts of troops you have to rewrite hall fields to 0 and change only the type of troops that you want send back..

i think was more logical the send back troops works like send trops away you can select or not full amount of troops, and inicialy all starts with 0. just like sem titulo2

at the end also has sem titulo3

when i send the troops back it shows this... but game of thrones is my village not the village ive reenforced i do not know if you should change to

Return "to" Village X


Return from "correct village"

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@eliopinho When you have a lot of reinforcements and so that fewer precious units are killed by hunger, need to leave it as it is. And if you need to send one unit back to yourself, then it is not difficult for you to remove all unnecessary units for sending. As far as I remember, this was realized as it is now.

eliopinho commented 6 years ago

i do not remember how it works on official.. just coment to the process of select amount of troops stays equal, when send or retrieve troops..

iopietro commented 6 years ago

In the original Travian all troops are maxed out when retiring enforcements.

velhbxtyrj commented 6 years ago

@iopietro I just read the information that if a player to whom we send reinforcements has a minus, then the troops that came in reinforcements will die first. By the code it is so implemented?