ios-xr / iosxrv-x64-vbox

IOS XR VirtualBox Vagrant Image Generation tools
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
78 stars 28 forks source link
cisco cisco-ios-xr vagrant virtualbox

=============== iosxrv-x64-vbox


All contributions under this project are done so under the BSD license detailed in the LICENSE file contained in this repo.

Purpose of this repository

The purpose of this workflow is to provide an IOS XR Virtual Machine to the user in the Vagrant VirtualBox format, without being concerned with the underlying architecture or networking that the VM is running on; so that the end user can access the app-hosting Linux environment, or simply begin to play with IOS XR - all with the convenience and economic benefit of using their existing laptop hardware.

Currently this supports IOS XRv (64-bit) only but will be adapted to also handle IOS XRv 9000_ images.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An IOS XRv (64-bit) VM: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Is an IOS XR Control Plane image built on with the latest XR architecture, with a 64-bit Wind River Linux_ (WRL) kernel.

This includes eXR – access to the WR7 Linux kernel including Netstack, giving access to the underlying server's interfaces and an app-hosting environment.

Small enough at 3G (mini) or 4G (full) to run on hardware with limited RAM (like a mac laptop).

Forwarding is supplied by SPP/Virtio - the same as the legacy IOS XRv (32-bit) platform.

This is the migration path from IOS XRv (32-bit) for education and simulation purposes.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An IOS XRv (64-bit) Vagrant Virtualbox: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Is a virtual machine image containing IOS XRv (64-bit) and metadata, that can be brought up by standard vagrant commands. E.g. vagrant add and vagrant ssh.

IOS XR is pre-installed and pre-configured in XR and WRL, with IP connectivity out of the box with an embedded Vagrantfile providing username/password and port-forwarding as well as internet connectivity (DHCP using Vagrant's IP address pool) for ease of use.

App-hosting space (WRL7_) is preconfigured with a user 'vagrant', password-less SSH, domain servers so the user can access the internet; basically set up to do app development out-of-the-box.

Therefore the user does not have to worry about networking, wiring, NICs and NIC drivers, connectivity, memory allocation etc - it's all going to work out of the 'box'.

A vagrant ssh command takes the user directly to the app-hosting space, no password needed. No messy configuration of /etc/resolv.conf issues for DNS lookup.

The box also allows IOS XR Console access, via SSH if a k9 image, via telnet if not.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The tool is: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A tool written to convert an IOS XRv (64-bit) ISO image to a Virtualbox image that can be brought up by vagrant.

The tool creates the Virtualbox image, brings it up, configures XR and opernns Linux so that future uses of the box bring it up fully networked and ready to run.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How to use this tool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  1. git clone this repo:


    git clone

  2. Install VirtualBox, Vagrant and socat (see guide below).

  3. Download the appropriate ISO file, e.g. iosxrv-fullk9-x64.iso

  4. Generate the VirtualBox box:


    ./iosxrv-x64-vbox/ iosxrv-fullk9-x64.iso

  5. Example with verbosity off


    iosxrv-x64-vbox/ iosxrv-fullk9-x64.iso [ - main() ] Creating Vagrant VirtualBox [ - configure_xr() ] Logging into Vagrant Virtualbox and configuring IOS XR [ - main() ] Powering down and generating Vagrant VirtualBox [ - main() ] Created: /Users/rwellum/Desktop/Boxes/machines/iosxrv-fullk9-x64/ [ - main() ] Running basic unit tests on Vagrant VirtualBox... [ - main() ] Passed basic test, box /Users/rwellum/Desktop/Boxes/machines/iosxrv-fullk9-x64/ is sane

  6. Full help output


    $ iosxrv-x64-vbox/ iosxrv-fullk9-x64.iso -h usage: [-h] [-o] [-s] [-d] [-v] ISO_FILE

    A tool to create an IOS XRv Vagrant VirtualBox box from an IOS XRv ISO.

    The ISO will be installed, booted, configured and unit-tested. "vagrant ssh" provides access to IOS XR Linux global-vrf namespace with internet access.

    positional arguments: ISO_FILE local ISO filename or remote URI ISO filename...

    optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o, --create_ova additionally use vboxmanage to export an OVA -s, --skip_test skip unit testing -d, --debug will exit with the VM in a running state. Use: socat TCP:localhost:65000 -,raw,echo=0,escape=0x1d to access -v, --verbose turn on verbose messages

    E.g.: box build with local iso: iosxr-xrv64-vbox/ iosxrv-fullk9-x64.iso box build with remote iso: iosxr-xrv64-vbox/ user@server:/myboxes/iosxrv-fullk9-x64.iso box build with ova export and verbose: iosxr-xrv64-vbox/ iosxrv-fullk9-x64.iso -o -v

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The tool is: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A tool written to copy a generated box to a repository, with a generated message to an alias.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How to use this tool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


$ iosxrv-x64-vbox/ -h usage: [-h] [-m MESSAGE] [-r] -s SUBDIR [-v] [-t] BOX_FILE

A tool to upload an image to a maven repo like artifactory using curl, the image typically being a vagrant virtualbox. User can select snapshot or release, the release images get synced to - where they are available to customers. This tool also sends an email out to an email address or an alias to inform them of the new image. It is designed to be called from other tools, like


positional arguments: BOX_FILE BOX filename

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
                         Optionally specify a reason for uploading this box
   -r, --release         upload to '$ARTIFACTORY_LOCATION_RELEASE' rather than
   -s SUBDIR, --subdirectory SUBDIR
                         subdirectory to upload to, e.g '6.1.1', 'stable'
   -v, --verbose         turn on verbose messages
   -t, --test_only       test only, do not store the box or send an email

   iosxrv-x64-vbox/ --release --verbose --message 'A new box because...'
   iosxrv-x64-vbox/ --release, --message 'A new box because...'
   iosxrv-x64-vbox/ -r -v -m
   'Latest box for release.'

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How to install Vagrant, VirtualBox and socat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This example is specific to OS X and is a guide only, users should research what their particular environment requires to run Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Pexpect_:


/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew cask install virtualbox brew cask install vagrant brew install socat

See also:

You may need to install Pexpect too: ::

brew cask install python pip install pexpect

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once box is created - how do I bring it up? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' How to bring up a single node instance: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' How to bring up multiple node instances: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

.. _IOS XRv 9000: .. _Homebrew: .. _Pexpect: .. _Vagrant: .. VirtualBox: .. Wind River Linux: .. _WRL7: