iosband / TabulaRL

MIT License
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Simple tabular reinforcement learning in Python.

This is a very simple project for tabular reinforcement learning (TabulaRL) that I wrote during my PhD studies. There are already several great open source packages for reinforcement learning, including:

Out of these, it looks like OpenAI Gym is currently the most promising... if I was starting this all again maybe I would have focused my attention here!

That said, I found that for studying simple tabular RL problems these frameworks were all a little bit of overkill. If you are experimenting with small, simple, tabular MDPs or just learning about RL for the first time it can be nice to have a really simple bit of code to get started. The nice thing about this code instead of something like Gym is:

But the main reason I'm putting this code up is so that people can more easily implement/verify some of the ideas in some of my papers!