iotaledger / shimmer-evm-governance

Implementation of Open Zeppelin Governor on the Shimmer EVM
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Community Treasury Governance (EVM - based)


On-chain governance for SMR token holders in the Shimmer EVM Chain.

To make it secure and transparent for the Shimmer Community to control and access the Tokens in its Treasury, it is necessary to implement a Governance system based on Smart Contracts to vote on and execute funds transfers from the smart contract that holds the Community Treasury Tokens.

The Governance system, which will run on the ShimmerEVM network, includes smart contracts based on OpenZeppelin open source libraries and uses Tally to provide a user-friendly interface that facilitates the governance operations.

To participate in Governance, SMR tokens from L1 must be deposited in the Shimmer EVM Chain to receive the SMR tokens on the user's L2 Account. This can be done via the Firefly wallet. After that, the SMR tokens on L2 need to be wrapped into wSMR tokens as the governance token. The wrapping functionality will be provided by the Shimmer EVM toolkit application

The wrapping of a user's SMR tokens is necessary because only wSMR tokens include the necessary ERC20votes extension that enables Governance functionalities:

This extension keeps a history (checkpoints) of each account's vote power. Vote power can be delegated by calling the delegate function directly or providing a signature to be used with delegateBySig. Voting power can be queried through the public accessors getVotes and getPastVotes

The wSMR tokens can be unwrapped back into the SMR tokens.


npm i

Compile contracts

npm run compile


Governance deployment

This is implemented in the file scripts\deploy_governance.ts where governance setup is implemented in the file deploy\setup-governance.ts.

Deploy to local Hardhat

npm run deploy-hardhat

The deployed contract addresses are stored in the folder deployed-contract-address\hardhat

Deploy to ShimmerEVM testnet

npm run deploy-shimmerEvmTestnet

The deployed contract addresses are stored in the folder deployed-contract-address\shimmerEvmTestnet

Deploy to ShimmerEVM mainnet

npm run deploy-shimmerEvmMainnet

The deployed contract addresses are stored in the folder deployed-contract-address\shimmerEvmMainnet


Proposal state and cancellation

Proposal late quorum extension

Unit-test result

npm run test

> if-governance@1.0.0 test
> npx hardhat test

  IF governance test of proposal creation for changing governance settings
    ✔ Deploy governance contracts (1253ms)
    ✔ Setup governance (91ms)
    ✔ Verify wSMR total supply after users have deposited (62ms)
    ✔ Verify IFGovernor contract property
    ✔ Create proposal to change governance settings including timelock delay, quorum fixed amount, voting period, voting delay, proposal threshold and late quorum extension (72ms)
    ✔ Vote the created proposal. If proposal still active, any attempt to queue/execute/cancel it will revert. (147ms)
    ✔ Queue & Execute the proposal (142ms)
    ✔ Verify the newly-changed governance settings
    ✔ Governance settings change will revert if not via proposal execution (56ms)

  IF governance test of proposal creation for transferring ERC1155 tokens
    ✔ Deploy governance contracts (114ms)
    ✔ Setup governance (56ms)
    ✔ Verify wSMR total supply after users have deposited (46ms)
    ✔ Verify IFGovernor contract property
    ✔ Any attempt to create proposal from not whitelisted address will fail.
    ✔ Create proposal to transfer ERC1155 tokens to the specified RECIPIENT_ERC1155 (43ms)
    ✔ Vote the created proposal. If proposal still active, any attempt to queue/execute/cancel it will revert. (92ms)
    ✔ Queue & Execute the proposal (108ms)
    ✔ Governance settings change will revert if not via proposal execution

  IF governance test of proposal creation for transferring ERC20 tokens
    ✔ Deploy governance contracts (101ms)
    ✔ Setup governance (61ms)
    ✔ Verify wSMR total supply after users have deposited (46ms)
    ✔ Verify IFGovernor contract property
    ✔ Any attempt to create proposal from not whitelisted address will fail.
    ✔ Create proposal to transfer ERC20 tokens to the specified RECIPIENT_ERC20 (40ms)
    ✔ Vote the created proposal. If proposal still active, any attempt to queue/execute/cancel it will revert. (86ms)
    ✔ Queue & Execute the proposal (88ms)
    ✔ Governance settings change will revert if not via proposal execution

  IF governance test of proposal creation for transferring ERC721 tokens
    ✔ Deploy governance contracts (113ms)
    ✔ Setup governance (48ms)
    ✔ Verify wSMR total supply after users have deposited (44ms)
    ✔ Verify IFGovernor contract property
    ✔ Any attempt to create proposal from not whitelisted address will fail.
    ✔ Create proposal to transfer ERC721 tokens to the specified RECIPIENT_ERC721
    ✔ Vote the created proposal. If proposal still active, any attempt to queue/execute/cancel it will revert. (80ms)
    ✔ Queue & Execute the proposal (92ms)
    ✔ Governance settings change will revert if not via proposal execution (43ms)

  IF governance test of proposal creation for transferring native SMR with late quorum extension
    ✔ Deploy governance contracts (78ms)
    ✔ Setup governance (53ms)
    ✔ Verify wSMR total supply after users have deposited (48ms)
    ✔ Create proposal to transfer native SMR to the specified RECIPIENT_NATIVE_SMR (49ms)
    ✔ Big vote on the proposal to make it reach the quorum. Verify the voting period extension (62ms)
    ✔ Queue & Execute the proposal (70ms)

  IF governance test of proposal creation for transferring native SMR
    ✔ Deploy governance contracts (77ms)
    ✔ Setup governance (49ms)
    ✔ Verify wSMR total supply after users have deposited (49ms)
    ✔ Verify IFGovernor contract property
    ✔ Any attempt to create proposal from not whitelisted address will fail.
    ✔ Create proposal to transfer native SMR to the specified RECIPIENT_NATIVE_SMR
    ✔ Vote the created proposal. If proposal still active, any attempt to queue/execute/cancel it will revert. (83ms)
    ✔ Queue & Execute the proposal (67ms)
    ✔ Governance settings change will revert if not via proposal execution

  51 passing (4s)

Code coverage

npm run code-coverage

File                              |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 governance/                      |    85.71 |    47.37 |    82.76 |    81.63 |                |
  IFGovernor.sol                  |    86.67 |      100 |    85.71 |     87.5 |        111,176 |
  IFGovernorQuorumFixedAmount.sol |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  IFGovernorWhitelist.sol         |    55.56 |       10 |       50 |       50 |... 47,56,58,60 |
  IFTimelock.sol                  |      100 |    54.17 |      100 |    94.12 |             27 |
All files                         |    85.71 |    47.37 |    82.76 |    81.63 |                |