ip-tools / patzilla

PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
97 stars 21 forks source link
dpma epo-ops information information-retrieval intellectual-property open-data opendata patent patent-data patent-search patents research research-and-development research-data research-tool researcher researchers search-engine technology-analysis uspto

################################################ PatZilla: Patent information research for humans ################################################


PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit. It provides access to multiple data sources, like the OPS service from EPO, and other professional fulltext patent databases.

The system features an efficient user interface for convenient data exploration in its standalone version. Its software components and interfaces can also be used to build different kinds of vendor solutions.

Currently, PatZilla powers Europatent PATOffice Navigator and Serviva PATselect 4.0.



User interfaces

Graphical user interface

A picture says a thousand words.

.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ip-tools/patzilla/main/patzilla-screenshot.png :alt: PatZilla :target: https://github.com/ip-tools/patzilla

Command line interface

The CLI interface offers access to the machinery of PatZilla on your fingertips.

Note that most of the following commands will need appropriate configuration of corresponding access credentials. For more information, please follow up reading the cli documentation_.

Examples using EPO/OPS::

# Display usage information of EPO/OPS in JSON format.
patzilla ops usage

# Submit search query to EPO/OPS, within "title" and "abstract" texts.
patzilla ops search "txt=(wind or solar) and energy"

# Inquire information about pages and images of full document.
patzilla ops image-info --document EP0666666B1

# Acquire first page of patent document in PDF format.
patzilla ops image --document EP0666666B1 --page 1 > EP0666666B1-page1.pdf

# Acquire first drawing of patent document in PDF format.
patzilla ops image --document EP0666666B1 --page 1 --kind FullDocumentDrawing > EP0666666B1-drawing1.pdf

Example using IFI CLAIMS::

patzilla ificlaims search "text:(wind or solar) and energy"


Data sources

PatZilla uses different API services for accessing patent information.

Primary data sources:

Auxiliary data sources:

Getting started

Getting started with the software or deploying it yourself is quite easy if you are familiar with Python or Docker. See the install documentation_ page about how to install, configure and run PatZilla.

Project information

The source code of »PatZilla IP Navigator« is available under an open source license using the brand name »PatZilla«.

For further details, please visit:


The software got some applause from professional researchers for its unique user interface and rich feature set when it was released to the first audience in 2014. We hear from our users they are still having a great pleasure working with it on a daily basis.

After four years of development, the source code finally gets released under an open source license in 2017. We are looking forward to opening up the development process as well, every kind of participation and support is very much welcome.

After a project hiatus from 2020 to 2022, the code base is getting a refresh, many software tests have been added, and the aim is to finish migration to Python 3 within the end of the year.


We are always happy to receive code contributions, ideas, suggestions and problem reports from the community. Spend some time taking a look around, locate a bug, design issue or spelling mistake and then send us a pull request or create an issue_.

Thanks in advance for your efforts, we really appreciate any help or feedback.


This software is copyright © 2013-2022 The PatZilla authors. All rights reserved.

It is and will always be free and open source software.

Use of the source code included here is governed by the GNU Affero General Public License <GNU-AGPL-3.0_> and the `European Union Public License <EUPL-1.2>_. Please also have a look at thenotices about licenses of third-party components`_.


For enterprises, dedicated commercial support is also available through Elmyra UG. Elmyra UG_ is the software development company that’s spearheading the ongoing development and as such will ensure continuity for the project.

If you are using PatZilla in your company, and you need support or custom development, feel free to get in touch with us by sending corresponding inquiries to info@elmyra.de.

In this way, you are contributing to the ongoing maintenance and further development of PatZilla.

.. _cli documentation: https://docs.ip-tools.org/patzilla/running/cli.html .. _GNU-AGPL-3.0: https://docs.ip-tools.org/patzilla/_static/license/GNU-AGPL-3.0.txt .. _install documentation: https://docs.ip-tools.org/patzilla/install/ .. _issue: https://github.com/ip-tools/patzilla/issues .. _Public Domain NASA technologies: https://web.archive.org/web/20210620125651/https://technology.nasa.gov/publicdomain .. _notices about licenses of third-party components: https://github.com/ip-tools/patzilla/blob/main/THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.rst .. _Elmyra UG: https://elmyra.de/ .. _EUPL-1.2: https://docs.ip-tools.org/patzilla/_static/license/EUPL-1.2.txt .. _Europatent PATOffice Navigator: https://web.archive.org/web/20210613132912/https://www.europatent.net/software/patofficenavigator/ .. _Serviva PATselect 4.0: https://serviva.com/ps-4-0/

.. _document view demo: https://patentview.ip-tools.io/view/pn/EP0666666A2 .. _nasa-public-domain demo: https://patentview.ip-tools.io/?op=eyJhbGciOiAiUlMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.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.gejftmq0JiHZEyjBQbQy0QSsKpjDd0TsGl0Zp8BVhH9IrxPi4YT5sxxXjWOU46I3OASzAANodttMJydzgP2DjeIF7VJnjMA9ZrHeqAL30gk8WOmbEIse7l2ciOfhJtyT .. _numberlist demo: https://patentview.ip-tools.io/?numberlist=DE102011075997A1%2CDE102011076020A1%2CDE102011076022A1%2CDE102011076035A1&mode=liveview .. _search demo: https://patentview.ip-tools.io/?op=eyJhbGciOiAiUlMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.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.fCl7I5wPd0r48O48UkVQxzw9QOy5PjFaFecmAoYisbM-Her9Z6R0E2hxc82TSdH68gz379jQe5v9eF6g620aG4odTOXtdhyoDrWcb-GJcfR-0BfpiqPRwzLng53ape69

.. _CIPO: http://cipo.gc.ca .. _DPMA/DEPATISnet: https://depatisnet.dpma.de/DepatisNet/depatisnet?window=1&space=menu&content=index&action=index&switchToLang=en .. _EPO/OPS: https://ops.epo.org/ .. _IFI Claims: https://www.ificlaims.com/ .. _MTC depa.tech: https://depa.tech/ .. _USPTO/PATIMG: https://www.uspto.gov/