ipa320 / ipa_coverage_planning

Algorithms for floor plan segmentation and systematic coverage driving patterns
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First point of the boustrophedon trajectory ? #16

Open adriendetailleur opened 2 years ago

adriendetailleur commented 2 years ago


I would like to use the Boustrophedon algorithm for a surface overlay. However, I need the overlap to start at the front door of the room to avoid the robot rolling on its cable.

However, I don't understand how the first point of the trajectory is determined. I saw that boustrophedon first divides the room into cells that can be easily overlapped, that it draws a path in each of them, and that it then connects them all together to form the final path.

Does anyone know how the first point of each cell's path is determined, if this is configurable and how? Does the algorithm take into account the position of the robot? In which case I would just have to run the Boustrophedon algorithm when my robot is at the door? Also it would be interesting for me to know how the order of the cells is chosen.

Thanks in advance for your answers!


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ipa-rmb commented 2 years ago

Hi Arien,

I think we designed the algorithm to start planning from your given start position of the robot. You may send the starting position with the action request to the algorithm. See action message: https://github.com/ipa320/ipa_coverage_planning/blob/indigo_dev/ipa_building_msgs/action/RoomExploration.action:

16: geometry_msgs/Pose2D starting_position  # starting pose of the robot in the room coordinate system [meter,meter,rad]

Best, Richard