ipa320 / ipa_coverage_planning

Algorithms for floor plan segmentation and systematic coverage driving patterns
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Some problems of covering paths on obstacle maps #25

Open ZengJunTao111 opened 1 year ago

ZengJunTao111 commented 1 year ago

Dear author, I'm having a problem overwriting paths on a map with static obstacles. As shown in the figure, when the Boustrophedon algorithm is used, the cell will be divided, and then the line between the cell and the cell will pass through the obstacle. I have tried to use the A star algorithm to deal with this connection, so as to achieve the obstacle avoidance effect, but there is still no change.Do you have any ideas?Thank you. image

ipa-foj commented 1 year ago

Dear ZengJunTao111, thanks for the interest in our software.

I think this effect just occurs because of the plotting of the path. In principle we compute the individual cell paths and then stack them together to create one big path for the whole environment/room. So basically the path "jumps" from the last point of the previous cell to the first point of the next one. If the drawing then just draws a line from the previous to the next point it appears that the path goes through an obstacle.

We assume that there is a move_base instance running on the robot, to which we can just send the individual points of this generated path and then the global/local planner performs the obstacle avoidance.

ZengJunTao111 commented 1 year ago

Dear author, thank you for your proposal, your proposal is very useful to me. But now I have a small problem, that is, when I was planning the path, I found a missing part of the path in the last part, as shown in the figure below, and a missing part on the far right. But I can't seem to find a solution to this small problem in the computeBoustrophedonPath function. Can you tell me the cause of this problem? What other part of the code needs to be changed to fix the problem? 6210965b1c8c41e1b43996e2813d5b6

ipa-foj commented 1 year ago

Dear ZengJunTao111, in this specific case I don't really see why this should happen. Could you try playing around with the corresponding parameters for planning and see if the issue disappears?

ZengJunTao111 commented 1 year ago

Dear ipa-foj,thank you very much for your suggestion. I will try to modify it now.