ipa320 / softkinetic

This repository holds a ROS driver package for an interactive gesture camera (softkinetic).
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terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DepthSense::StreamingException' #68

Open TarekTaha opened 7 years ago

TarekTaha commented 7 years ago

I am having the following problem when trying to launch the "softkinetic_camera_ds325.launch ", an suggestion on how to fix it ?



NODES / softkinetic_camera (softkinetic_camera/softkinetic_bringup_node)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [22174] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to 3f99da54-8e22-11e6-93e9-ecf4bb706005 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [22187] started core service [/rosout] process[softkinetic_camera-2]: started with pid [22198] [ INFO] [1476018843.975272903]: Number of Devices found: 1 [ INFO] [1476018843.975422446]: Serial Number: 137DS32528260702047 Argument Exception: argument "node": context already has control over the node terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DepthSense::StreamingException' what(): VIDIOC_STREAMON failed (No space left on device) [softkinetic_camera-2] process has died [pid 22198, exit code -6, cmd /home/kuri/catkin_ws/devel/lib/softkinetic_camera/softkinetic_bringup_node 0 __name:=softkinetic_camera __log:=/home/kuri/.ros/log/3f99da54-8e22-11e6-93e9-ecf4bb706005/softkinetic_camera-2.log]. log file: /home/kuri/.ros/log/3f99da54-8e22-11e6-93e9-ecf4bb706005/softkinetic_camera-2*.log

TarekTaha commented 7 years ago

For those facing the same problem, you have to do the following : add this line: blacklist snd_usb_audio at the end of this file: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

reboot and it should work

lekhamohan commented 7 years ago

Above fix still doesn't work for me. Is there anything else that I can/should try ?

robotican commented 7 years ago

The fix works for me but i need to use my external usb microphone (I have no analog microphone port on my pc). Any idea how to solve this?