ipfs-shipyard / peer-crdt

MIT License
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(Superseded by delta-crdts).

An extensible collection of operation-based CRDTs that are meant to work over a p2p network.




Returns a CRDT collection that has these defaults for the crdt.create() options.

CRDT.create(type, id[, options])

Returns an new instance of the CRDT type.

crdt.on('change', () => {})

Emitted when the CRDT value has changed.


Returns the latest computed CRDT value.

async crdt.peerId()

Resolves to a peer id. May be useful to identify current peer.

Other crdt methods

Different CRDT types can define different methods for manipulating the CRDT.

For instance, a G-Counter CRDT can define an increment method.


Allows the user to define high-level schemas, composing these low and high-level CRDTs into their own (observable) high-level structure classes.


Composes a new CRDT based on a schema.

Returns a constructor function for this composed CRDT.

const MyCRDT = CRDT.compose(schema)
const myCrdtInstance = MyCRDT(id)
const schema = {
  a: 'g-set',
  b: 'lww-set'

(Internally, the IDs of the sub-CRDTs will be composed by appending the key to the CRDT ID. Ex: 'id-of-my-crdt/a')

Instead of a key-value map, you can create a schema based on an array. The keys for these values will be the array indexes. Example:

const schema = [

Any change in a nested object will trigger a change event in the container CRDT.

You can then get the current value by doing:

const value = myCrdtInstance.value()

Full example:

const schema = {
  a: 'g-set',
  b: 'lww-set'
const MyCRDT = CRDT.compose(schema)
const myCrdtInstance = MyCRDT(id)

myCrdtInstance.on('deep change', () => {
  console.log('new value:', myCrdtInstance.value())

Dynamic composition

You can use a CRDT as a value of another CRDT. For that, you should use crdt.createForEmbed(type) like this:

const array = myCRDT.create('rga', 'embedding-test', options)

const counter = array.createForEmbed('g-counter')

array.once('change', (event) => {
  console.log(array.value()) // [0]

  array.on('deep change', () => {
    console.log(array.value()) // [1]



Here are the options for the CRDT.create and composed CRDT constructor are:

async function sign (entry, parents) {
  return await signSomehow(entry, parents)
async function authenticate (entry, parents, signature) {
  return await authenticateSomehow(entry, parents, signature)
async function signAndEncrypt(value) {
  const serialized = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(value))
  const buffer = signAndEncryptSomehow(serialized)
  return buffer

(if no options.signAndEncrypt is provided, the node is on read-only mode and cannot create entries).

async function decryptAndVerify(buffer) {
  const serialized = await decryptAndVerifySomehow(buffer)
  return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(serialized).toString())

signAndEncrypt/decryptAndVerify contract

The options.decryptAndVerify function should be the inverse of options.signAndEncrypt.

const value = 'some value'
const signedAndEncrypted = await options.signAndEncrypt(value)
const decryptedValue = await options.decryptAndVerify(signedAndEncrypted)

assert(value === decryptedValue)


If options.decryptAndVerify(buffer) cannot verify a message, it should resolve to an error.

Built-in types

All the types in this package are operation-based CRDTs.

The following types are built-in:


Name Identifier Mutators Value Type
Increment-only Counter g-counter .increment() int
PN-Counter pn-counter .increment(),.decrement() int


Name Identifier Mutators Value Type
Grow-Only Set g-set .add(element) Set
Two-Phase Set 2p-set .add(element), .remove(element) Set
Last-Write-Wins Set lww-set .add(element), .remove(element) Set
Observerd-Remove Set or-set .add(element), .remove(element) Set


Name Identifier Mutators Value Type
Replicable Growable Array rga .push(element), .insertAt(pos, element), .removeAt(pos), .set(pos, element) Array
TreeDoc treedoc .push(element), .insertAt(pos, element), .removeAt(pos, length), .set(pos, element) Array


Name Identifier Mutators Value Type
Last-Write-Wins Register lww-register .set(key, value) Map
Multi-Value Register mv-register .set(key, value) Map (maps a key to an array of concurrent values)

(TreeDoc is explained in this document)

(For the other types, a detailed explanation is in this document.)


Name Identifier Mutators Value Type
Text based on Treedoc treedoc-text .push(string), .insertAt(pos, string), .removeAt(pos, length) String

Extending types

This package allows you to define new CRDT types.

CRDT.define(name, definition)

Defines a new CRDT type with a given name and definition.

The definition is an object with the following attributes:

Example of a G-Counter:

  first: () => 0,
  reduce: (message, previous) => message + previous,
  mutators: {
    increment: () => 1

Read-only nodes

You can create a read-only node if you don't pass it an options.encrypt function.

const readOnlyNode = crdt.create('g-counter', 'some-id', {
  network, store, decrypt

await readOnlyNode.network.start()

Opaque replication

A node can be setup as a replicating node, while not being able to decrypt any of the CRDT operation data, thus not being able to track state.


const replicatingNode = crdt.replicate('some-id')

await replicatingNode.network.start()



A store instance should expose the following methods:


A network constructor should return a network instance and have the following signature:

function createNetwork(id, log, onRemoteHead) {
  return new SomeKindOfNetwork()

onRemoteHead is a function that should be called once a remote head is detected. It should be called with one argument: the remote head id.

A network instance should expose the following interface:


