ipfs / js-hamt-sharding

JavaScript implementation of hash array mapped tries for use in sharding
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JavaScript implementation of sharding using hash array mapped tries


A Hash Mapped Trie implementation for JavaScript.

This is used by @helia/unixfs for it's HAMT-sharded directory implementation.


import { createHAMT } from 'hamt-sharding'
import crypto from 'crypto-promise'

// decide how to hash buffers made from keys, can return a Promise
const hashFn = async (buf) => {
  return crypto

const bucket = createHAMT({
  hashFn: hashFn

await bucket.put('key', 'value')

const output = await bucket.get('key')
// output === 'value'


$ npm i hamt-sharding

Browser <script> tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make it's exports available as HamtSharding in the global namespace.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/hamt-sharding/dist/index.min.js"></script>

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