This repository is no longer in use, it does not represent the current IPLD roadmap and has been archived.
Welcome to the IPLD Roadmap!
Please use GitHub issues to discuss anything you'd like to see added to the Roadmap or any questions you have about the current Roadmap.
Enable the Internet of Data.
The IPLD project vision is quite large, so there's a big disparity between what we are doing now and what the project's intended scope is.
The teams spends most of its time in two categories of work: research engineering and dependency engineering.
Research engineering is code and spec writing for things that are not solidified yet and should rarely be used or relied upon yet by others.
Dependency engineering is code and spec writing for things people already depend on, or will rely on very soon.
When planning and documenting our activity we try to distinguish between these two activities as best we can because the process, timelines, and guarantees we can make about each category are very different.
The project is not currently spending much time on: external messaging, education, evangelism, or product development. We do some of this work occasionally, but it's not our top priority at this moment.
Quarter OKR's (Objective, Key Result) are in the okr directory.