ipujol10 / hybrid_robot

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Hybrid Robot

This project has the tools to work on a balancing robot.

It has a simple simulation world and the tools to control the prototype robot.


The whole project is though and designed to be used with ROS, it also uses Eigen3.4 to run the controller and Gazebo for the simulation.

It is important to at least install the velocity controllers for ROS to be able to use the package.

# Install all the controllers for the ROS-noetic version
sudo apt install ros-noetic-controller*

Used hardware

The hardware used on this project is the following:


To be able to use it, it is important to have built the catkin environment.

cd /path/to/catkin/workspace

# ROS noetic


To simulate the robot, it is just a matter of running the launch file:

roslaunch hybrid_robot hybrid_robot.launch

It can be changed the nodes to run and run other nodes individually through the terminal or any other IDE.

The needed nodes to run the simulation are:

Real world

To be able to run the prototype it is needed to upload the following scripts into the robot:


ROS node communication

ROS Connection

Electronic schematic

Electronic schematic