hlink is a Python package that provides a flexible, configuration-driven solution to probabilistic record linking at scale. It provides a high-level API for python as well as a standalone command line interface for running linking jobs with little to no programming. hlink supports the linking process from beginning to end, including preprocessing, filtering, training, model exploration, blocking, feature generation and scoring.
It is used at IPUMS to link U.S. historical census data, but can be applied to any record linkage job. A paper on the creation and applications of this program on historical census data can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01615440.2021.1985027.
Wellington, J., R. Harper, and K.J. Thompson. 2022. "hlink." https://github.com/ipums/hlink: Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation, University of Minnesota.
hlink requires
You can install the newest version of the Python package directly from PyPI with pip:
pip install hlink
We do our best to make hlink compatible with Python 3.10-3.12. If you have a problem using hlink on one of these versions of Python, please open an issue through GitHub. Versions of Python older than 3.10 are not supported.
Note that pyspark 3.5 does not yet officially support Python 3.12. If you encounter pyspark-related import errors while running hlink on Python 3.12, try
Installing the setuptools package. The distutils package was deleted from the standard library in Python 3.12, but some versions of pyspark still import it. The setuptools package provides a hacky stand-in distutils library which should fix some import errors in pyspark. We install setuptools in our development and test dependencies so that our tests work on Python 3.12.
Downgrading Python to 3.10 or 3.11. Pyspark officially supports these versions of Python. So you should have better chances getting pyspark to work well on Python 3.10 or 3.11.
The documentation site can be found at hlink.docs.ipums.org. This includes information about installation and setting up your configuration files.
An example script and configuration file can be found in the examples
The main class in the library is LinkRun, which represents a complete linking job. It provides access to each of the link tasks and their steps. Here is an example script that uses LinkRun to do some linking.
from hlink.linking.link_run import LinkRun
from hlink.spark.factory import SparkFactory
from hlink.configs.load_config import load_conf_file
# First we create a SparkSession with all default configuration settings.
factory = SparkFactory()
spark = factory.create()
# Now let's load in our config file. See the example config below.
# This config file is in toml format, but we also allow json format.
# Alternatively you can create a python dictionary directly with the same
# keys and values as is in the config.
config = load_conf_file("./my_conf.toml")
lr = LinkRun(spark, config)
# Get some information about each of the steps in the
# preprocessing task.
prep_steps = lr.preprocessing.get_steps()
for (i, step) in enumerate(prep_steps):
print(f"Step {i}:", step)
print("Required input tables:", step.input_table_names)
print("Generated output tables:", step.output_table_names)
# Run all of the steps in the preprocessing task.
# Run the first two steps in the matching task.
# Get the potential_matches table.
matches = lr.get_table("potential_matches")
assert matches.exists()
# Get the Spark DataFrame for the potential_matches table.
matches_df = matches.df()
An example configuration file:
### hlink config file ###
# This is a sample config file for the hlink program in toml format.
# The name of the unique identifier in the datasets
id_column = "id"
### INPUT ###
# The input datasets
alias = "a"
file = "data/A.csv"
alias = "b"
file = "data/B.csv"
# The columns to extract from the sources and the preprocessing to be done on them.
column_name = "NAMEFRST"
transforms = [
{type = "lowercase_strip"}
column_name = "NAMELAST"
transforms = [
{type = "lowercase_strip"}
column_name = "AGE"
transforms = [
{type = "add_to_a", value = 10}
column_name = "SEX"
### BLOCKING ###
# Blocking parameters
# Here we are blocking on sex and +/- age.
# This means that no comparisons will be done on records
# where the SEX fields don't match exactly and the AGE
# fields are not within a distance of 2.
column_name = "SEX"
column_name = "AGE_2"
dataset = "a"
derived_from = "AGE"
expand_length = 2
explode = true
# Here we detail the comparison features that are
# created between the two records. In this case
# we are comparing first and last names using
# the jaro-winkler metric.
alias = "NAMEFRST_JW"
column_name = "NAMEFRST"
comparison_type = "jaro_winkler"
alias = "NAMELAST_JW"
column_name = "NAMELAST"
comparison_type = "jaro_winkler"
# Here we detail the thresholds at which we would
# like to keep potential matches. In this case
# we will keep only matches where the first name
# jaro winkler score is greater than 0.79 and
# the last name jaro winkler score is greater than 0.84.
operator = "AND"
comparison_type = "threshold"
feature_name = "NAMEFRST_JW"
threshold = 0.79
comparison_type = "threshold"
feature_name = "NAMELAST_JW"
threshold = 0.84