iqbal-lab-org / minos

Variant call adjudication
MIT License
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Variant call adjudication.

Minimal instructions are below. Please see the minos wiki page for more details.



Get a Docker image of the latest release:

docker pull

All Docker images are listed in the packages page.

Alternatively, build your own Docker image:

sudo docker build --network=host .


Releases include a Singularity image to download (from version 0.12.1 onwards).

Alternatively, build your own Singularity image:

singularity build minos.simg Singularity.def

From source


Install by cloning this repository (or downloading the latest release), and running:

pip3 install .

Quick start

To run on one sample, you will need:

For example, if you have two call sets in the files calls1.vcf and calls2.vcf, then run:

minos adjudicate --reads reads1.fq --reads reads2.fq out ref.fasta calls1.vcf calls2.vcf

where reads1.fq and reads2.fq are FASTQ files of the reads and ref.fasta is a FASTA of the reference corresponding to the two input VCF files. The final call set will be out/final.vcf.

Unit tests

Run tox to run all unit tests. They require nextflow, gramtools, vt, vcfbreakmulti, vcfallelicprimitives, vcfuniq in your $PATH.

Run an individual test file with tox tests/

Run the main entry point with python3 -m minos.