iqbal-lab-org / pling

Plasmid analysis using rearrangement distances
MIT License
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Pling is a software workflow for plasmid analysis using rearrangement distances, specifically the Double Cut and Join Indel (DCJ-Indel) distance. By intelligently combining containment distance (shared content as fraction of the smaller) and DCJ-indel distance ("how far apart evolutionarily" in a structural sense), and by preventing shared mobile elements from clouding the issue, it infers clusters of related plasmids.


These need to be installed beforehand by the user. All other tool dependancies are handled internally by Pling.


git clone

Basic Usage

Required input is a text file of a list of paths to fasta files genomes_list and a path to an output directory output_dir. All the genomes must be circular and complete. If you have all your genomes in one directory, you can navigate to that directory and generate genomes_list by running

ls -d -1 $PWD/*.fasta > input.txt

The if pling_path is the path to the directory to which you downloaded pling, then usage is

PYTHONPATH=pling_path python pling_path/pling/ input.txt output_dir align

Description and Output

Pling runs via the python script, which creates a config file and runs three snakemake workflows in succession. It starts by calculating containment distances and transforming nucleotide sequences into integer sequences (integerisation, details below), then calculates DCJ-Indel distances, and finally uses these to build a network and cluster on it. The outputs are:


An important step in the workflow is transforming the nucleotide sequences into integer sequences (integerisation), as this is necessary to calculate the DCJ-Indel distances. There are two approaches to this:

Alignment (recommended): integers correspond to synteny blocks. The integers are assigned to synteny blocks per plasmid pair, using sequence matches found by nucmer. This approach has been extensively tested and will work on diverse data.

Annotation: integers correspond to genes (or conserved blocks of genes). Pangenomes are calculate per plasmid containment community (using panaroo), and this is used for integer assignment. As plasmid communities can be very diverse, panaroo can fail to run on them (this can be somewhat mediated by choosing a stricter containment threshold). Furthermore, gene annotation and pangenome calculation carry a runtime cost, and we have encountered runtime issues with the DCJ-Indel distance calculations as well. If you really want to try this approach, the dataset shouldn't too big and you should know beforehand that there is some similarity between all the plasmids in the dataset. This approach is experimental and we cannot guarantee it will work.

Advanced Usage

usage: [-h] [--version] [--containment_distance CONTAINMENT_DISTANCE] [--dcj DCJ] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--sourmash] [--sourmash_threshold SOURMASH_THRESHOLD] [--identity IDENTITY]
                    [--min_indel_size MIN_INDEL_SIZE] [--bh_connectivity BH_CONNECTIVITY] [--bh_neighbours_edge_density BH_NEIGHBOURS_EDGE_DENSITY]
                    [--small_subcommunity_size_threshold SMALL_SUBCOMMUNITY_SIZE_THRESHOLD] [--plasmid_metadata PLASMID_METADATA] [--ilp_solver {GLPK,gurobi}] [--timelimit TIMELIMIT]
                    [--resources RESOURCES] [--cores CORES] [--profile PROFILE] [--forceall] [--dedup] [--dedup_threshold DEDUP_THRESHOLD] [--bakta_db BAKTA_DB]
                    genomes_list output_dir {anno,align}

positional arguments:
  genomes_list          Path to list of fasta file paths.
  output_dir            Path to output directory.
  {anno,align}          Integerisation method: "anno" for annotation and "align" for alignment. Note that recommended method is integerisation from alignment.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --containment_distance CONTAINMENT_DISTANCE
                        Threshold for initial containment network. (default: 0.5)
  --dcj DCJ             Threshold for final DCJ-Indel network. (default: 4)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        How many pairs of genomes to run together in one go (for integerisation from alignment and DCJ calculation steps). (default: 200)
  --sourmash            Run sourmash as first filter on which pairs to calculate DCJ on. Recommended for large and very diverse datasets. (default: False)
  --sourmash_threshold SOURMASH_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold for filtering with sourmash. (default: 0.85)
  --identity IDENTITY   Threshold for percentage of shared sequence between blocks (for integerisation from alignment and for containment calculation). (default: 80)
  --min_indel_size MIN_INDEL_SIZE
                        Minimum size for an indel to be treated as a block (for integerisation from alignment). (default: 200)
  --bh_connectivity BH_CONNECTIVITY
                        Minimum number of connections a plasmid need to be considered a hub plasmid. (default: 10)
  --bh_neighbours_edge_density BH_NEIGHBOURS_EDGE_DENSITY
                        Maximum number of edge density between hub plasmid neighbours to label the plasmid as hub. (default: 0.2)
  --small_subcommunity_size_threshold SMALL_SUBCOMMUNITY_SIZE_THRESHOLD
                        Communities with size up to this parameter will be joined to neighbouring larger subcommunities. (default: 4)
  --plasmid_metadata PLASMID_METADATA
                        Metadata to add beside plasmid ID on the visualisation graph. Must be a tsv with a single column, with data in the same order as in genomes_list. (default: None)
  --ilp_solver {GLPK,gurobi}
                        ILP solver to use. Default is GLPK, which is slower but is bundled with pling and is free. If using gurobi, make sure you have a valid license and gurobi_cl is in your PATH.
                        (default: GLPK)
  --timelimit TIMELIMIT
                        Time limit in seconds for ILP solver. (default: None)
  --resources RESOURCES
                        tsv stating number of threads and memory to use for each rule. (default: None)
  --cores CORES         Total number of cores/threads. Put the maximum number of threads you request in the resources tsv here. (This argument is passed on to snakemake's --cores argument.) (default:
  --profile PROFILE     To run on a cluster with corresponding snakemake profile. (default: None)
  --forceall            Force snakemake to rerun everything. (default: False)
  --dedup               Whether or not to deduplicate (for integerisation from annotation). (default: False)
  --dedup_threshold DEDUP_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold for separating paralogs in deduplication step (for integerisation from annotation). (default: 98.5)
  --bakta_db BAKTA_DB   Path to bakta database (required for integerisation from annotation). (default: None)

Network thresholds: --containment-distance and --dcj control the thresholds at which edges are added to the continament and DCJ-Indel networks. If looking for recent transmissions, we recommend trying threshold 0.3 for the containment distance. If you want to try different DCJ-Indel thresholds with the same containment threshold, you can run Pling at different DCJ-Indel thresholds with the same output directory -- this will mean that only the DCJ-Indel network will be calculated anew, which will significantly reduce runtime. Changing the containment threshold will prompt Pling to rerun the whole workflow though, and so you should change the output directory if you don't want to lose previous results.

Batching: --batch_size, --sourmash and --sourmash_threshold are all associated with the batching step in Pling, in which pairs of plasmids are assigned to a batch. Integerisation and DCJ-Indel calculation is then run per batch, as this improves runtime. If your dataset is in the 1000s, batch sizes of 200 or 250 tend to work well. If your dataset is in the order of the 100s or even less, the default batch size should work well enough. If you have a very large (>10k) and diverse dataset, you may want to prefilter which pairs of plasmids you calculate containment distances for and integerise, by first estimating containment distances with sourmash and discarding any too divergent pairs of plasmids early in the workflow. Note that currently the sourmash step is memory use heavy, so you may need to adjust resources. See 'Snakemake arguments' below for more information.

Integerisation from alignment parameters: --identity and --min_indel_size control how blocks of sequence are selected during integerisation. For a block of sequence to qualify as shared, its sequence similarity must at least be the value of --identity. Blocks of sequence that are not shared between plasmids are assigned an integer if they are greater than the value of --min_indel_size. Any blocks of sequence less than the value of --min_indel_size are discarded.

Clustering parameters: --bh_connectivity and --bh_neighbour_density both determine how a hub plasmid is defined. --bh_connectivity determines to how many plasmids a hub should at least be connected to, while --bh_neighbour_density determines how interconnected a hub's neighbours should be.

ILP solver: Calculating the DCJ-Indel distances involves solving and integer linear problem (ILP), and Pling allows a choice between two ILP solvers for this: GLPK or gurobi. GLPK is free and bundled with Pling, but a bit slower. Gurobi is a commercial software, with a free academic license, and you must have a valid license and gurobi_cl in your PATH beforehand to run Pling with it. Both solvers output the same final result. Generally calculating DCJ-Indel is an NP-hard problem, which means in its worst case calculation will take a very long time. The --timelimit variable sets a time limit for how long the ILP solver takes with a pair, before giving up and outputting the most optimal result it has at that point. However our experience is that when running with integers from alignment, the DCJ-Indel calculation is very quick.

Snakemake arguments: Arguments --cores, --profile and --forceall are passed as are directly to snakemake. Please refer to snakemake documentation ( for further information. Through --resources you can pass a path to a resources.tsv file, which will define number of threads and memory allocated for each rule in Pling's snakemake workflows. The format should be the same as the file found under pling/resources.tsv. If you use more than one thread in any rule, remember to set --cores to the maximum number of threads you'd like to use.

Integerisation from annotation parameters: As gene annotation is done via Bakta (, the Bakta database must be downloaded beforehand and provided via --bakta_db to do integerisation from annotation. If a gene is duplicated multiple times across two plasmids for which you are calculating DCJ-Indel, rather than assigning one integer label to all the paralogs, you may want to match together paralogs that are more similar to each other than the other paralogs. This can speed up the DCJ-Indel claculation, and also provide a more realistic distance. We call this process "deduplication" and it can be controlled via the parameters --dedup and --dedup_threshold. Note that this approach is scarcely tested, and we have not yet identified appropriate thresholds, so use at your own risk.


Pling is not yet published.

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