iqbal-lab-org / viridian

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Ultra-careful amplicon-aware viral assembly for tiled amplicon schemes.

Please see the Viridian Wiki for full documentation.



The recommended method is to use a pre-built Docker or Singularity container (see the wiki for how to build your own).

Both the Docker and Singularity container have the main script viridian installed.


Get a Docker image of the latest release:

docker pull

All Docker images from v1.2.1 onwards are listed in the packages page. Older images can be found on the old packages page (viridian used to be called "viridian_workflow", and hence were put on a packages page called "viridian_workflow" by github).


Releases include a Singularity image to download. Each release from v1.2.1 onwards has a singularity image file called viridian_vX.Y.Z.img, where X.Y.Z is the release version. Newer releases also have an image for ARM architecture called viridian_vX.Y.Z.arm.img. Older images (from when viridian was called "viridian_workflow") are called viridian_workflow_vX.Y.Z.img.


These instructions assume that you are assembling SARS-CoV-2 data.

To run on paired Illumina reads:

viridian run_one_sample \
  --tech illumina \
  --reads1 reads_1.fastq.gz \
  --reads2 reads_2.fastq.gz \
  --outdir OUT

To run on unpaired nanopore reads:

viridian run_one_sample \
  --tech ont \
  --reads reads.fastq.gz \
   --outdir OUT

To run on paired or unpaired Ion Torrent reads, use either of the above commands, but with the option --tech iontorrent.

Download reads with accession SRR12345678 and run:

viridian run_one_sample --run_accession SRR12345678 --outdir OUT

The sequencing tech and unpaired/paired is taken from the ENA metadata for each run.

Download and run on a batch of sequencing runs, using a file runs.txt of INSDC run accessions:

viridian dl_and_run --acc_file runs.txt --outdir OUT

Output files

The default files in the output directory are:

If the option --keep_bam is used, then a sorted BAM file of the reads mapped to the reference will also be present, called reference_mapped.bam (and its index file reference_mapped.bam.bai).

Useful options