ircmaxell / Tuli

A static analysis engine
MIT License
169 stars 7 forks source link

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A static analysis engine...


bin/tuli analyze file1 file2 path


Install it as a composer dependency!!!

$ composer require ircmaxell/tuli dev-master

Then simply execute vendor/bin/tuli as normal

Or check it out into its own project. Then composer install the dependencies:

$ composer install

Then simply bin/tuli to execute.




$a = 1.0;
$b = 2;

$c = foo($a, $b);

$d = foo($b, $c);

function foo(int $a, int $b): int {
    if ($a > $b) {
        return $a + $b + 0.5;

Then, in shell:

$ bin/tuli analyze code.php
Analyzing code.php
Determining Variable Types
Round 1 (15 unresolved variables out of 20)
Detecting Type Conversion Issues
Type mismatch on foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:6
Type mismatch on foo() return value, found float expecting int code.php:12
Default return found for non-null type int code.php:10

The three errors it found are:

That's it!

Currently Supported Rules:


Another example:


class A {
    public function foo(int $a) : int {
        return $a;

class B extends A {
    public function foo(float $a) : float {
        return $a;

class C extends B {
    public function foo(int $a) : int {
        return $a;

function foo(A $a) : int {
    return $a->foo(1.0);


$ bin/tuli analyze code.php
Analyzing code.php

Determining Variable Types
Round 1 (5 unresolved variables out of 7)

Round 2 (3 unresolved variables out of 7)

Detecting Type Conversion Issues
Detecting Function Argument Errors
Detecting Function Return Errors
Type mismatch on foo() return value, found float expecting int code.php:22
Detecting Method Argument Errors
Type mismatch on A->foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:22
Type mismatch on C->foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:22

Again, it found 3 errors: