iredelmeier / jasmine-webpack-plugin

Run jasmine specs using webpack or webpack-dev-server
MIT License
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Jasmine Webpack Plugin

A simple webpack plugin that creates a specRunner.html file for running Jasmine specs in the browser, e.g., for use with webpack-dev-server and hot module replacement for fast development.


In your webpack configuration:

// webpack-test.config.js

var JasmineWebpackPlugin = require('jasmine-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  entry: ['specRoot.js'],
  // ... more configuration
  plugins: [new JasmineWebpackPlugin()]


filename - output filename; defaults to _specRunner.html

htmlOptions - an object of options to pass to HtmlWebpackPlugin; defaults to {}


Webpack doesn't support wildcards in config.entry. As a workaround to easily build and watch your spec files, you can provide something like this in your entry file:

// specRoot.js

const requireAll = (requireContext) => { requireContext.keys().map(requireContext); };

requireAll(require.context('spec/helpers/', true, /\.js$/));
requireAll(require.context('spec/', true, /[sS]pec\.js$/));

See require.context