Kotlin Multiplatform File System Watcher Library.
Add Kfswatch as gradle dependency.
// For Kotlin Multiplatform:
plugins {
kotlin {
sourceSets {
commonMain {
// ...
// For Kotlin/JVM or Kotlin/Android without Kotlin Multiplatform:
plugins {
// kotlin("jvm") // for JVM Application
dependencies {
// You can use as JVM library directly
// ...
val scope = CoroutineScope(coroutineContext)
val watcher = KfsDirectoryWatcher(scope)
// Add watching directories, and start watching
watcher.add("path/to/watching/directory2", "path/to/watching/directory3", ...)
// Observe events from Flow
launch {
watcher.onEventFlow.collect { event: KfsDirectoryWatcherEvent ->
println("Event received: $event")
// Stop watching
// Release all system's resources
watcher.close() // or scope.cancel() will trigger watcher.close() automatically
Kfswatch supports all platforms, so it supports only simple events.
Kfswatch does not support recursive directory watching. Only watching directory's child entry events will be reported. There are no events for watching directory itself.
data class KfsDirectoryWatcherEvent(
* Watching directory
val targetDirectory: String,
* A file name or directory name of event
val path: String,
* Event type
val event: KfsEvent
Event | Description |
KfsEvent.Create | Watching directory's child file or directory entry was created. This event contains situations below: A file/directory was newly created. A file/directory was renamed or moved to event.path name.A file/directory was moved into watching directory from other directory. A file/directory was replaced or overwritten. |
KfsEvent.Delete | Watching directory's child file or directory entry was deleted. This event contains situations below: A file/directory was deleted. A file/directory was renamed or moved from event.path name.* A file/directory was moved out to other directory from watching directory. |
KfsEvent.Modify | Watching directory's child file's content was changed. This event contains situation below: A file was overwritten. A file/directory was replaced by other entry. |
There are some platform specific behavior.
event may occurs on some platform.Modify
event may occurs on some
platform.Kfswatch uses platform's native File monitoring API, and map raw file system event to Create, Delete or Modify. Since file's status will change by moment, it is recommended to check the status by yourself.
For example, checking the file is exists after Create event occurred:
val watcher: KfsDirectoryWatcher = KfsDirectoryWatcher(scope)
launch {
watcher.onEventFlow.collect { event ->
// For example: JVM File implementation
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val file = File("${event.targetDirectory}/${event.path}")
if (event.event == KfsEvent.Create) {
val exists = file.exists()
if (exists) {
// ${event.path} file is created and still exists
// do your operation here
event is a fickle event.
For example, when a file's content have updated, Create
or Modify
event will happen, that is
depending on platform's File monitoring API.
That is also affected by the file is opened overwrite mode or replaced by other file.
If you'd like to determine that the file is exactly created, take a child entry differences.
Taking child entry differences:
// For example: JVM File implementation
val directory: File = File("path/to/directory")
val children: MutableSet<String> = directory.list().toMutableSet()
val watcher: KfsDirectoryWatcher = KfsDirectoryWatcher(scope)
launch {
watcher.onEventFlow.collect { event ->
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val file = File("${event.targetDirectory}/${event.path}")
val beforeExists = children.contains(event.path)
val exists = file.exists()
when {
(!beforeExists && exists) -> {
// When file is created
(beforeExists && exists) -> {
// It seems the file is modified, overwritten or replaced
// maintain the child entries
if (exists) {
} else {
Kfswatch assumes that watching directory is exist and that path will not be changed. If watching directory or it's parent directory have moved, the monitoring will continues or stops, that is platform specific behavior.
If watching directories path changing is expected, it's recommended to watch the parent directory yourself.
If you'd like to know platform specific behavior, please look at the test code KfswatchSpec.kt.
For example, watching parent directory:
val watcher: KfsDirectoryWatcher = KfsDirectoryWatcher(scope)
watcher.add("path/to/parent/target", "path/to/parent")
launch {
watcher.onEventFlow.collect { event ->
when (event.targetDirectory) {
"path/to/parent" -> {
if (event.path == "target" && event.event == KfsEvent.Delete) {
// watching directory was moved or deleted
"path/to/parent/target" -> {
// watching directory's event happened
Constructor options:
// watcher instance will automatically closed with this scope
scope = scope,
// a dispatcher that will be used for emitting SharedFlow
dispatcher = Dispatchers.Default,
// onRawEventFlow feature is enabled if true
rawEventEnabled = false,
// logger for debugging
logger = object : KfsLogger {
override fun debug(message: String) {
println("debug: $message")
override fun error(message: String) {
println("error: $message")
Event flows:
// File System's events
KfsDirectoryWatcher.onEventFlow: Flow<KfsDirectoryWatcherEvent>
// Started watching directory events
// String = directory path
KfsDirectoryWatcher.onStartFlow: Flow<String>
// Stopped watching directory events
// String = directory path
KfsDirectoryWatcher.onStopFlow: Flow<String>
// File System's Events are overflowed
// String = watching directory or null
KfsDirectoryWatcher.onOverflowFlow: Flow<String?>
// Generic Error events for debugging or error handling
KfsDirectoryWatcher.onErrorFlow: Flow<KfsDirectoryWatcherError>
// File System's raw events for debugging
KfsDirectoryWatcher.onRawEventFlow: Flow<KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent>
There is a File System's original events flow. This feature is for debugging or escape hatch.
val watcher: KfsDirectoryWatcher = KfsDirectoryWatcher(
scope = scope,
// This is needed for onRawEventFlow enabled
rawEventEnabled = true
launch {
watcher.onRawEventFlow.collect { event: KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent ->
when (event) {
is AndroidFileObserverRawEvent -> { /* Android's FileObserver Event */ }
is DarwinKernelQueuesRawEvent -> { /* iOS/macOS's KernelQueue Event */ }
is NodejsFswatchRawEvent -> { /* Nodejs fs.watch Event */ }
is JvmWatchServiceRawEvent -> { /* JVM WatchService Event */ }
is LinuxInotifyRawEvent -> { /* Linux inotify Event */ }
is WindowsReadDirectoryRawEvent -> { /* Windows ReadDirectoryW Event */ }
KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent classes:
// https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/android/os/FileObserver#onEvent(kotlin.Int,%20kotlin.String)
data class AndroidFileObserverRawEvent(
override val targetDirectory: String,
val event: Int,
override val path: String?
) : KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man2/kevent.2.html
data class DarwinKernelQueuesRawEvent(
val ident: ULong,
val fflags: UInt,
val filter: Short,
val flags: UShort,
val udata: ULong?
) : KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent {
// https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fswatchfilename-options-listener
data class NodejsFswatchRawEvent(
override val targetDirectory: String,
val eventType: String,
val filename: String?
) : KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent {
// https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/nio/file/WatchEvent.html
data class JvmWatchServiceRawEvent(
val kind: String,
val count: Int,
val context: Any,
val contextAsPathString: String?
) : KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent {
// https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man7/inotify.7.html
data class LinuxInotifyRawEvent(
val wd: Int,
val name: String,
val mask: UInt,
val len: UInt,
val cookie: UInt
) : KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent {
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winnt/ns-winnt-file_notify_information
data class WindowsReadDirectoryRawEvent(
override val targetDirectory: String,
val action: UInt,
val filename: String,
val filenameLength: UInt,
val nextEntryOffset: UInt
) : KfsDirectoryWatcherRawEvent {
Kfswatch is a Kotlin Multiplatform library.
Kotlin/JS browser has no File System, so Kfswatch has no operation implementation for that.
Platform | Target | Monitoring System | Status |
Kotlin/JVM on Linux/macOS/Windows | jvm | WatchService | :white_check_mark: Tested |
Kotlin/JS on Linux/macOS/Windows | nodejs | fs.watch | :white_check_mark: Tested |
Kotlin/Wasm on Linux/macOS/Windows | wasmJs | fs.watch | :white_check_mark: Tested |
Kotlin/Android | android | FileObserver | :white_check_mark: Tested |
Kotlin/Native iOS | iosArm64 iosX64(simulator) iosSimulatorArm64 |
Kernel Queues | :white_check_mark: Tested (by iosSimulatorArm64 only) |
Kotlin/Native watchOS | watchosArm64 watchosDeviceArm64 watchosX64(simulator) watchosSimulatorArm64 |
Kernel Queues | :white_check_mark: (Tested as iosSimulatorArm64) |
Kotlin/Native tvOS | tvosArm64 tvosX64(simulator) tvosSimulatorArm64 |
Kernel Queues | :white_check_mark: (Tested as iosSimulatorArm64) |
Kotlin/Native macOS | macosX64 macosArm64 |
Kernel Queues | :white_check_mark: Tested (by macosArm64 only) |
Kotlin/Native Linux | linuxX64 linuxArm64 |
inotify | :white_check_mark: Tested (by linuxX64 only) |
Kotlin/Native Windows | mingwX64 | ReadDirectoryW | :white_check_mark: Tested |