iron-io / iron_mq_php

PHP client for IronMQ.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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IronMQ v4 PHP Client Library

IronMQ is an elastic message queue for managing data and event flow within cloud applications and between systems.

This library uses IronMQ API v3.


*If you're using laravel and see "Class IronMQ not found" error set iron_mq version to `1.` and install/update dependencies**

Update notes

Getting Started

Get credentials

To start using iron_mq_php, you need to sign up and get an oauth token.

  1. Go to and sign up.
  2. Get an Oauth Token at


Install iron_mq_php

There are two ways to use iron_mq_php:

Using composer

Create composer.json file in project directory:

    "require": {
        "iron-io/iron_mq": "2.*"

Do composer install (install it if needed:

And use it:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$ironmq = new \IronMQ\IronMQ();
Using classes directly (strongly not recommended)
  1. Copy classes from src to target directory
  2. Grab IronCore classes there and copy to target directory
  3. Include them all.
require 'src/HttpException.php';
require 'src/IronCore.php';
require 'src/IronMQ.php';
require 'src/IronMQException.php';
require 'src/IronMQMessage.php';
require 'src/JsonException.php';

$ironmq = new \IronMQ\IronMQ();



Three ways to configure IronMQ:

$ironmq = new \IronMQ\IronMQ(array(
    "token" => 'XXXXXXXXX',
    "project_id" => 'XXXXXXXXX'
$ironmq = new \IronMQ\IronMQ('config.json');


Keystone Authentication

Via Configuration File

Add keystone section to your iron.json file:

  "project_id": "57a7b7b35e8e331d45000001",
  "keystone": {
    "server": "",
    "tenant": "some-group",
    "username": "name",
    "password": "password"

In Code

$keystone = array(
    "server" => "",
    "tenant" => "some-gorup",
    "username" => "name",
    "password" => "password"
$ironmq = new \IronMQ\IronMQ(array(
    "project_id" => '57a7b7b35e8e331d45000001',
    "keystone" => $keystone

The Basics

Post a Message to the Queue

$ironmq->postMessage($queue_name, "Hello world");

More complex example:

$ironmq->postMessage($queue_name, "Test Message", array(
    "timeout" => 120, # Timeout, in seconds. After timeout, item will be placed back on queue. Defaults to 60.
    "delay" => 5, # The item will not be available on the queue until this many seconds have passed. Defaults to 0.
    "expires_in" => 2*24*3600 # How long, in seconds, to keep the item on the queue before it is deleted.

Post multiple messages in one API call:

$ironmq->postMessages($queue_name, array("Message 1", "Message 2"), array(
    "timeout" => 120


Reserve a Message


When you pop/get a message from the queue, it will NOT be deleted. It will eventually go back onto the queue after a timeout if you don't delete it (default timeout is 60 seconds).

Reserve multiple messages in one API call:

$ironmq->reserveMessages($queue_name, 3);

Reservation Id is needed for operations like delete, touch or release a message. It could be obtained from message model after reserving it:

$message = $ironmq->reserveMessage($queue_name);
$reservation_id = $message->reservation_id;


Delete a Message from the Queue

$ironmq->deleteMessage($queue_name, $message_id, $reservation_id);

If message isn't reserved, you don't need to provide reservation id

$ironmq->deleteMessage($queue_name, $message_id);

Delete a message from the queue when you're done with it.

Delete multiple messages in one API call:

$ironmq->deleteMessages($queue_name, array("xxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxx"));

Delete multiple messages specified by messages id array.

It's also possible to delete array of message objects:

$messages = $ironmq->reserveMessages($queue_name, 3);
$ironmq->deleteMessage($queue_name, $messages);



http error: 0

If you see Uncaught exception 'Http_Exception' with message 'http error: 0 | ' it most likely caused by misconfigured cURL https sertificates. There are two ways to fix this error:

  1. Disable SSL sertificate verification - add this line after IronMQ initialization: $ironmq->ssl_verifypeer = false;
  2. Switch to http protocol - add this to configuration options: protocol = http and port = 80
  3. Fix the error! Recommended solution: download actual certificates - cacert.pem and add them to php.ini:

curl.cainfo = "path\to\cacert.pem"


Updating notes



IronMQ Client

IronMQ is based on IronCore and provides easy access to the whole IronMQ API.

$ironmq = new \IronMQ\IronMQ(array(
    "token" => 'XXXXXXXXX',
    "project_id" => 'XXXXXXXXX'


List Queues

This code will return first 30 queues sorted by name.

$queues = $ironmq->getQueues();

Optional parameters:

Assume you have queues named "a", "b", "c", "d", "e". The following code will list "c", "d" and "e" queues:

$queues = $ironmq->getQueues('b', 3);


Retrieve Queue Information

$qinfo = $ironmq->getQueue($queue_name);


Delete a Message Queue

$response = $ironmq->deleteQueue($queue_name);


Post Messages to a Queue

Single message:

$ironmq->postMessage($queue_name, "Test Message", array(
    'delay' => 2,
    'expires_in' => 2*24*3600 # 2 days

Multiple messages:

$ironmq->postMessages($queue_name, array("Lorem", "Ipsum"), array(
    "delay" => 2,
    "expires_in" => 2*24*3600 # 2 days

Optional parameters (3rd, array of key-value pairs):


Get Messages from a Queue

Single message:

$message = $ironmq->reserveMessage($queue_name, $timeout);

Multiple messages:

$message = $ironmq->reserveMessages($queue_name, $count, $timeout, $wait);

Optional parameters:


Touch a Message on a Queue

Touching a reserved message returns new reservation with specified or default timeout.

$ironmq->touchMessage($queue_name, $message_id, $reservation_id, $timeout);


Release Message

$ironmq->releaseMessage($queue_name, $message_id, $reservation_id, $delay);



Delete a Message from a Queue

$ironmq->deleteMessage($queue_name, $message_id, $reservation_id);


Peek Messages from a Queue

Peeking at a queue returns the next messages on the queue, but it does not reserve them.

Single message:

$message = $ironmq->peekMessage($queue_name);

Multiple messages:

$messages = $ironmq->peekMessages($queue_name, $count);


Clear a Queue



Push Queues

IronMQ push queues allow you to setup a queue that will push to an endpoint, rather than having to poll the endpoint. Here's the announcement for an overview.

Create a Queue

$params = array(
    "message_timeout" => 120,
    "message_expiration" => 24 * 3600,
    "push" => array(
        "subscribers" => array(
            array("url" => "", "name" => "first"),
            array("url" => "", "name" => "second")
        "retries" => 4,
        "retries_delay" => 30,
        "error_queue" => "error_queue_name"

$ironmq->createQueue($queue_name, $params);


The following parameters are all related to Push Queues:


Update Queue Information

Same as create queue. A push queue couldn't be changed into a pull queue, so vice versa too.

Add/Remove Subscribers on a Queue

Add subscribers to Push Queue:


$ironmq->addSubscriber($queue_name, array(
       "url" => "",
       "name" => "subscriber_name",
       "headers" => array(
          "Content-Type" => "application/json"

$ironmq->addSubscribers($queue_name, array(
            "url" => "",
            "name" => "first"),
            "url" => "",
            "name" => "second")


Replace Subscribers on a Queue

Sets list of subscribers to a queue. Older subscribers will be removed.


$ironmq->replaceSubscriber($queue_name, array(
       "url" => "",
       "name" => "subscriber_name"

$ironmq->addSubscribers($queue_name, array(
            "url" => "",
            "name" => "first"),
            "url" => "",
            "name" => "second")

Remove Subscribers from a Queue

Remove subscriber from a queue. This is for Push Queues only.


$ironmq->removeSubscriber($queue_name, array(
       "name" => "subscriber_name"

$ironmq->removeSubscribers($queue_name, array(
        array("name" => "first"),
        array("name" => "second")

Get Message Push Status

$response = $ironmq->postMessage('push me!');

$message_id = $response["ids"][0];
$statuses = $ironmq->getMessagePushStatuses($queue_name, $message_id);

Returns an array of subscribers with status.


Acknowledge, That Push Message Is Processed

This method could be used to acknowledgement process of push messages. See IronMQ v3 documentation on long-processing for further information.

$ironmq->deletePushMessage($queue_name, $message_id, $reservation_id, $subscriber_name);


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