ironcodestudio / ironcode-git-enhancements

Enhancements for Command Line Git
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Ironcode Git Enhancements


This project has been archived in favor of salcode/salcode-git.




GNU General Public License, version 2.0



Lazy Installation

From the command line run

bash <(curl "")

Detailed Installation

  1. Clone this repo to your home directory
git clone ~/ironcode-git-enhancements
  1. Add line to ~/.gitconfig to load our Git configuration
git config --global include.path '~/ironcode-git-enhancements/gitconfig'

Git Shortcuts

git lg     = Display pretty color one-line log with branches, commits, and tags.

git d-     = Delete Previous branch

git drb <branchname> = Delete branch from remote origin
    - branchname defaults to currently active local branch name

git pf     = Push --force-with-lease
git please = Push --force-with-lease

git branch-delete-merged = Delete local branches already
    merged into current branch

git branch-clean = Remove both:
    - any branches already merged into current branch
    - any branch with a remote that has been removed from origin

git current-branch = Get the name of the current branch.

git move <branchname> [<number of commits>]
    = Move the most recent commit(s) to the branch "branchname"
        - if "branchname" does not exist create it
        - "number of commits" we are moving is optional and defaults to 1

git cfixup <commit> = commit --fixup <commit>

git csquash <commit> = commit --squash <commit>

git track-origin-same-branch-name = !git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/`git symbolic-ref --short HEAD`
    - sets current branch tracking to origin/<name-of-current-branch>

git delete-merged-on-origin = !git branch --all --merged remotes/origin/master | grep --invert-match master | grep --invert-match HEAD | grep "remotes/origin/" | cut -d "/" -f 3- | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin
    - delete all branches on remote "origin" that have been merged into "origin/master"

git delete-remote-tracking-branch <local branch> = !git push $trackingRemote --delete $trackingBranch;
    - delete the remote tracking branch that corresponds to the given local branch
    - <local branch> defaults to the current branch

# Check if a fast-forward merge is possible
# like a dry run for git merge --ff-only <branchName>
git can-ff-merge <branchName>

# Open the default web browser to the GitHub URL
# to create a Pull Request (PR) for the current branch
# into the "target" branch (or into the default
# branch if "target" is omitted)
git open-pr-github [<target>]

# Populate a new git commit message with the contents of .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
# This is helpful when the git commit-msg hook fails.
git recover-rejected-commit

Reference for Other Git Commands

Set an upstream remote

git remote add upstream

Fetch and merge upstream changes

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

Push Local Branch to Remote

git push origin example-branch-name

Add Submodule

git submodule add

Update Submodules on a Cloned Project

git submodule update --init --recursive

Undo Last Commit

git reset HEAD~1
More details at

Remove Untracked Files from Branch

git clean -f
use git clean --dry-run -f to preview
More details in this Stack Overflow Answer

Reset master to origin/master

git reset --hard origin/master
Warning This is a destructive change, you will lose any local changes on this branch.

Included Components

Git project template

The sub-directory git_template acts as a template when creating or cloning a repo.

Exuberant Ctags*

This is an optional feature for advanced users who want to use Exuberant Ctags. If your editor/IDE uses ctags for integration across files in a project, this will regenerate ctags after commits, merges, and checkouts. Users who are not interested in these features can ignore this section. The scripting in these hooks fails silently if Exuberant Ctags is not installed. This is based on Tim Pope's work Effortless Ctags with Git

Installation Notes
