irongut / EDlib

A .Net Standard library for creating companion apps for the game Elite Dangerous by Frontier Developments.
MIT License
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EDlib EDlib

A .Net Standard library for creating companion tools for the game Elite Dangerous by Frontier Developments.

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EDlib provides classes that enable your .Net apps to easily consume information about the Elite Dangerous universe from several APIs. Information available includes:

EDlib conforms to .Net Standard 2.0 making it compatible with .Net Framework, .Net Core and .Net 5 and has been used for CLI, desktop, Xamarin Forms and Azure Functions projects.


EDlib is currently available as a Nuget package from GitHub.

Installation from GitHub

To install EDlib from GitHub you will need to add either a local Nuget package feed or GitHub Packages as a package feed using the Package Manager UI or the Nuget CLI.

Source Link

EDlib is built with Source Link enabled. Source Link enables source code debugging of .NET assemblies from NuGet by embedding source control metadata inside assemblies and the package. If you have Source Link enabled in Visual Studio you can step into the EDlib source code for a better debugging experience. To enable Source Link in Visual Studio please see this excellent guide by Aaron Stannard.

Please Contribute!

This is an open source project that welcomes contributions, suggestions and bug reports from those who use it. If you have any ideas on how to improve the library, please read the How to Contribute article and create an issue on GitHub.



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