ironmonk88 / monks-chat-timer

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Monk's Chat Timer

Create a chat card to display a count down timer, allows you to either count up, or count down. Display a message to the chat card, and send a followup message when the timer finishes.


Simply use the install module screen within the FoundryVTT setup

Usage & Current Features

Requires the module Library: Chat Commands installed.


Enter a chat command to create a chat card with a timer

/timer Number flavor:String followup:String

@param {Number} The time to count in seconds. Adding a negative value will count down to zero, otherwise it will count from zero up to the number. You can also use time notation in case you want to specify something longer than seconds.

@param {String} A string to display in the chat card when it is created. This is optional. Leaving out this tag will consider any string after the time to be flavor

@param {String} A followup string to display in a chat message when the timer completes.``



You can also right cick on the chat card to pop it out in it's own window. That way you can keep track of timers that are currently running.

Monk's Little Details

This feature was previously part of the Monk's Little Details module, but was split out so that the modules were easier to maintain and could concentrate on the function they did best.

Bug Reporting

Please feel free to contact me on discord if you have any questions or concerns. ironmonk88#4075


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Or ko-fi

Not necessary but definitely appreciated.


This Foundry VTT module, writen by Ironmonk, is licensed under GNU GPLv3.0, supplemented by Commons Clause.

This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development from May 29, 2020.