irrelephant-io / mountainhome

A city builder card game full of avarice, industry and inebriation
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Mountainhome Build and Deploy to Azure

Welcome, bearded traveller!

Let me tell you the tale of the weary wandering dwarves, roaming the land to find the perfect place to put their roots down. Are you the dwarven leader to unite them all? Leave your pickaxe by the chest, sit down by the crackling fire and get a mug of our own foamy ale. Revel at the treasures we have amassed.

We want you here in our community, a place we one day strive to call the Mountainhome.

Setting up the game

Setting up the game requires setting up a deck for every player and a common exploration deck and the Mountain Goat Co. building office.

In order to set up the construction office for X players,

Then place top 3 cards of the resulting pile face up next to it. The construciton office is ready.

Then, each player draws their starting deck and shuffles it. The deck contains

Total starting deck should contain 12 cards. Players shuffle the deck and place it face down on the table - this is their draw pile.

Exploration deck consists of resources, events, building blueprints and dwarves:

Shuffle the exploration deck and place it in the middle of the table. Each player draws 6 cards from their draw pile.

The game is ready to begin.

Turn order

Players play in turns, starting from the player agreed upon and going clockwise. Player turn consists of several steps:

Action step

During a player’s action step they get to do any amount of the following actions:

Once the players have exhausted their potential actions or don’t wish to play more of them, they move onto the exploration phase.

Out of turn effects

Some effects could be played out of turn order. Anything involving exhausting a card for resource gain can be played out of turn or during bids (but before the cards have been revealed) to be added to the bid value.

Exploration step

During the exploration phase players draw and resolve the top card of the exploration deck: If it is a resource, building blueprint or an event card, they put it into their discard pile. They get to draw it later to play it.

Prepare for next turn

Player discards their hand and turns up-right all of their exhausted buildings, then they draw their new hand. The player draws a new set of 6 cards from their draw pile. If there are not enough cards in the draw pile, players draw however many cards are left in it, shuffle their discard pile and place it in place of a draw pile, then draw the remaining cards. This ensures that players are constantly cycling through their decks as they play.

This cycling of the deck happens at any time players would need to draw a card and there are not enough cards in the draw pile. This includes dwarf effects, bonus draw from bidding and all other situations where players draw cards.

After the final step, the next player gets to do their turn. If for some reason players had to discard more cards from their hand, they don’t draw new cards until the end of their next turn.

Winning the game

The game is concluded after more than half of the dwarves have been found and added to players’ decks. All the victory points (VPs) are tallied up and the player who has the most VPs is declared the winner. If there is a tie in the amount of VPs, the game continues until one of the players gets ahead of another by obtaining victory points through any means (constructing a building granting VPs or getting another dwarf into their deck).

Mechanics and keywords

Following is the explanation of common keywords and gameplay mechanics mentioned in the rulebook and on the cards.


Whenever a dwarf has been revealed or any event card has players bid for something, the bidding game is played. The game is executed in following steps:

Tie Breakers

When a bid would result in a tie, the winner of the bid is the player who had trashed the most valuable card for a given situation. In a rare event that people trash the same value of the card, they get to trash an additional card. The process happens until the tie is resolved. Certain buildings and events can also automatically resolve ties, such as in the event where a player owns a special building or an event that would do so.


In order to construct a building in their town, a player has to play a blueprint from their hand. The blueprint is placed on a table in an exhausted state. Unfinished buildings do not turn upright during the owner’s ready-up step. Commit a dwarf to a construction job and pay the step’s construction cost. When the last step of construction is completed, the building is turned up-right right away and can now be used to trigger its abilities during the player’s turn.

Adding, discarding and trashing cards

Unless explicitly stated on the card, whenever players are required to get new cards through events, exploration or buying, cards are added into their discard pile so that they can only enter play upon a reshuffle of the discard pile.

Discarding refers to placing a card into the discard pile. This will allow it to be used again after a cycle of draws and reshuffles.

Trashing refers to placing a card into a common trash area outside of play - this results in a card being out of the game. Cards can only be interacted in there through special events and other mechanics.

Mountain Goat Building Co.

At any point during their turn, a player can purchase one basic building blueprint from the Mountain Goats Building Co. shop. For this, a player has to pay a total of 3 shinies and place the blueprint into their discard pile. Then they draw the top card off the blueprint deck and put it in place of the purchased card.


The game is prroudly presented to you by the members of teams Irrelephant & Devoted Pineapple.

Eugene 'marengo_hue' Rebedailo Game design, Layout

Karina 'Hel' Sterzel Creative Writing, Playtesting

Ørjan 'Jasker' Polden Artwork, Layout, Playtesting

Paulina 'DeCannelle' Ćwikowska Playtesting