isaacvr / github-metrics

Extract metrics from github API
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Metrics generator for github


Install all the dependencies using npm:

  npm install request chalk commander querystring glob

Then create in the project's folder, a file called auth.js with the content:

exports.client_id = '<my-client-id>';
exports.client_secret = '<my-client-secret>';

If you don't have any of these things, use the next configuration:

exports.client_id = -1;
exports.client_secret = -1;

If the configuration is different that before, there will be an unexpected behaviour.


Open the terminal at the project folder and type:

  $ node metrics.js -o $owner -r $repo -p $proxy

All the data goes to the folder json, that MUST exist.

Once the data is downloaded, you need to simplify -> bundle -> generate statistics. You can do that with the next commands:

  $ node simplify.js
  $ node bundle.js
  $ node genStats.js

That process is necesary because the github API provides a lot of data that we don't use, so in order to reduce the computational charge inside the browser, we do all the statistics before and then just show it.

The simplification process can reduce up to 11 times the size of the files.

Then run a static server at the same folder. For example:

  $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4000


  $ http-server -p 4000

Then open your browser at http://localhost:4000

All the parameters are:

$proxy is the only optional parameter