isaacvr / manim-js

Manim-like animation framework for the web.
18 stars 3 forks source link

What's this?

The center of this project is to bring the manim library (core) to the web, and to use it to create a nice set of animations to explain math (and other contents) visually.

This library is written using the latest features of JavaScript and is currently not supported for most of the browser, but that's not a big deal for now.

First step

Take a quick look to manim-js in action here.

Notice that this is a project that's starting recently, so don't be sad if is here only the core of manim, but that will change in the future.


First, download the code or clone it:

> git clone
> cd manim-js

To set things up, you need to install the following dependencies:

> npm run install-deps

Building the stuff

> npm run build

now in the /dist folder you will have the file animator.js that you can include in your code and have fun with it.

Using it in developer-mode

In the root directory of the project, type:

> node watcher

That's a very simple program who detects changes and rebuild them.

Then, run a server in the same path:

> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080


> http-server -p 8080

or any other.

Open the browser at localhost

and see the results.


You are free to send a Pull Request with some features and if is the first time, there will be kind of a test to see if you really understood the project's code.

Also, you can directly contact me through my Telegram account