isac322 / OneDrive-SDK-java

OneDrive SDK for Java
MIT License
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한국어 (korean) | English

OneDrive API for Java

purse fast, easy to use, intuitive API.

Supported Operation




These are already included in gradle configuration file 'build.gradle'.


jar files will be located on build/libs after build


gradlew.bat build

Linux, MacOS

./gradlew build

if gradle is installed in your computer

gradle build

Simple example

You can see little bit more complicated examples in

1. Construct Client object

import com.bhyoo.onedrive.client.Client;

String clientId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
String[] scope = {"files.readwrite.all", "offline_access"};
String redirectURL = "http://localhost:8080/";
String clientSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

// with login
Client client = new Client(clientId, scope, redirectURL, clientSecret);
// without login
Client client = new Client(clientId, scope, redirectURL, clientSecret, false);

// With tokens provided from outside source 
String accessToken = "<access_token>";
String refreshToken = "<refresh_token>"
String tokenType = "bearer";
long expiresIn = 0;

Client client = new Client(clientId, scope, redirectURL, clientSecret, accessToken, refreshToken, tokenType, expiresIn);

2. Folder, file fetch

import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.DriveItem;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FileItem;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FolderItem;

// assume that Client object is already constructed

// get root directory
FolderItem root = client.getRootDir();

// get folder by ID
FolderItem folder = client.getFolder("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");

// get folder by path
FolderItem folder1 = client.getFolder(new PathPointer("/{item-path}"));

// get file by ID
FileItem file = client.getFile("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");

// get file by path
FileItem file1 = client.getFile(new PathPointer("/{item-path}/{file-name}"));

// or if you don't know whether ID is file or folder
DriveItem item = client.getItem("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");

// or if you don't know whether path is file or folder
DriveItem item1 = client.getItem(new PathPointer("/{item-path}"));

3. get children of a folder

import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.DriveItem;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FileItem;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FolderItem;

// assume that Client object is already constructed
FolderItem root = client.getRootDir();

DriveItem[] children = root.allChildren();
FolderItem[] folderChildren = root.folderChildren();
FileItem[] fileChildren = root.fileChildren();

4. Create folder

import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FolderItem;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.pointer.PathPointer;

// assume that Client object is already constructed

FolderItem root = client.getRootDir();

// create folder by parent folder object
FolderItem newFolder = root.createFolder("test");

// create folder by client with parent folder id
FolderItem newFolder1 = client.createFolder("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX", "test1");

// create folder by client with parent folder path
FolderItem newFolder2 = client.createFolder(new PathPointer("/"), "test2");

5. Copy folder or file

import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.*;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.pointer.*;

// assume that Client object is already constructed

FileItem item = (FileItem) client.getItem("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");
FolderItem destination = client.getFolder("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");

// direct copy
// direct copy with new name
item.copyTo(destination, "newName");

// copy by reference object
// copy by reference object with new name
item.copyTo(destination.newReference(), "newName");

// copy by path string
// copy by path string with new name
item.copyTo(destination.getPathPointer(), "newName");

// copy by id string
// copy by id string with new name
item.copyTo(destination.getId(), "newName");

// using `Client`, copy by path
client.copyItem(new PathPointer("/{item-path}"), new IdPointer("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX"));

6. Download file synchronously

import java.nio.file.Paths;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FileItem;

// assume that Client object is already constructed
FileItem file = client.getFile("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");

String path = "/home/isac322/download";

// download by system path string with original file name;

// download by system path string with new name, "newName");

// download by path object with original file name;

// download by path object with new name, "newName"); PathPointer("/{item-path}"), Paths.get(path));

7. Download file asynchronously

import java.nio.file.Paths;
import com.bhyoo.container.items.FileItem;

// assume that Client object is already constructed

FileItem file = client.getFile("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");
String path = "/home/isac322/download";

// download by path object with original file name

// download by path object with new name
file.downloadAsync(Paths.get(path), "newName");

DownloadFuture future = client.downloadAsync("{file-id}", Paths.get(path), "newName");

// wait until download is done

8. Move folder or file

import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FileItem;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.FolderItem;
import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.pointer.*;

// assume that Client object is already constructed

FileItem item = client.getFile("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");
FolderItem destination = client.getFolder("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");

// direct move

// move by reference object

// move by path string

// move by id string

// using `Client` object, move by folder path
client.moveItem(new PathPointer("/{item-path}"), new IdPointer("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX"));

9. Update folder or file's metadata & Refresh

import com.bhyoo.onedrive.container.items.DriveItem;

// assume that Client object is already constructed
DriveItem item = client.getItem("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!XXXX");

// change item's name and flush to server.
item.rename("new name");

// change item's description and flush to server.
item.updateDescription("blah blah");

// refresh item's all variable to latest value

10. Upload file (asynchronously)

import java.nio.file.Path;

// assume that Client object is already constructed

UploadFuture future;

// start to upload file
future = client.uploadFile("{remote-folder-id}", Paths.get("local-file-path"));
// wait until uploading is done

*Item diagram
