isaiahxs / SereneHaven

SereneHaven is a dynamic web app that empowers users to seamlessly manage rental listings, comments, bookings, & favorites. Offering a comprehensive range of functionalities - creation, viewing, updating, & deletion. Developed using React.js, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, & CSS for the frontend, & Express, Node.js, & PostgreSQL for the backend.
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SereneHaven is a dynamic web application that empowers users to seamlessly manage rental listings, comments, bookings, and favorites. Offering a comprehensive range of functionalities - creation, viewing, updating, and deletion - SereneHaven was developed using React.js, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for the frontend, and Express, Node.js, and PostgreSQL for the backend. This project aims to provide an intuitive and feature-rich platform for an enhanced location-rental experience.

The live site can be found here.


Project Overview

Independently created a responsive web application that allows users to post, view, book, review, and rate locations, using JavaScript, Node.js, Express, React, Redux, and PostgreSQL.

Technologies Used



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Challenges and Solutions

During the development of SereneHaven, I encountered several challenges that led to valuable learning experiences:

Handling Data Management

Creating a seamless data flow for spots, reviews, and bookings was crucial. I utilized Express to design API endpoints that allowed for easy CRUD operations, maintaining data integrity in PostgreSQL.


User Authentication and Data Security

Ensuring user authentication and data security were paramount. I implemented user authentication and authorization checks using Express middleware, safeguarding sensitive data and enhancing user privacy.

Responsive User Interface

To offer an optimal user experience across devices, I employed responsive design principles in React. The interface adapts to various screen sizes, providing a consistent and intuitive experience.

Form Validations and User Input

Form validation was implemented to ensure error-free user input. Express middleware and React components were used to validate and handle user-submitted data, enhancing data quality and user satisfaction.

State Management and Redux

Managing the application's state efficiently was essential. I integrated Redux to manage state changes across components, enabling seamless data updates and interactions.

Testing and Debugging

Thorough testing and debugging were crucial to identify and rectify issues. I employed tools like Redux DevTools and debugging tools in the browser to ensure a stable and reliable application.

Getting Started - Installation



  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory.

    cd serene-haven
  3. Install the project dependencies using npm.

    npm install
  4. Create a .env file in the root directory and provide your environment variables.

  5. Run the development server. The project should then be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

    npm start

Code Snippets

Breakdown of SpotId Component

State and Variables:

Declaring and initializing currentSpotReviews using the useSelector hook to fetch reviews related to the current spot. Creating an empty array currentSpotReviewsArray to hold transformed review objects.

const currentSpotReviews = useSelector(state =>;

let currentSpotReviewsArray = [];
if (currentSpotReviews) {
    currentSpotReviewsArray = Object.values(currentSpotReviews);
    const totalStars = currentSpotReviewsArray.reduce((total, review) => total + review.stars, 0);
    const averageStars = currentSpotReviewsArray.length > 0 ? totalStars / currentSpotReviewsArray.length : 0;

Data Transformation:

If currentSpotReviews has data, transform it into an array currentSpotReviewsArray.

Calculate the totalStars by adding up all the review stars.

Calculate the averageStars by dividing the total stars by the number of reviews.

const totalStars = currentSpotReviewsArray.reduce((total, review) => total + review.stars, 0);
const averageStars = totalStars / currentSpotReviewsArray.length;

State and Dispatch:

Use the useState hook to manage the showDeleteModal state and reviewToDelete.

Create a dispatch variable using the useDispatch hook.

Get the spotId from the URL using the useParams hook.

const [showDeleteModal, setShowDeleteModal] = useState(false);
const [reviewToDelete, setReviewToDelete] = useState(null);

const dispatch = useDispatch();
const { spotId } = useParams();

Fetching Data and Component Lifecycle:

Use the useEffect hook to fetch data based on user authentication.

Dispatch actions for fetching spot bookings, spot details, and reviews.

Clear spot details when the component unmounts.

useEffect(() => {
    if (sessionUser) {
        let fetchData = async () => {
            // Wait for spotBookingsThunk to resolve before proceeding
            await dispatch(spotBookingsThunk(spotId));
    } else {
        let fetchData = async () => {

    // Clear the spot details when the component unmounts
    return () => {
}, [dispatch, sessionUser, spotId]);

Handling Review Deletion:

Use another useEffect to handle showing the delete modal when reviewToDelete changes.

useEffect(() => {
    if (reviewToDelete !== null) {
}, [reviewToDelete])

Conditional Rendering:

If detailState and currentSpotReviews are available, render the spot details.

if (detailState && currentSpotReviews) {
    return (

Spot Details Rendering:

Render spot details, such as name, city, state, and country.

If a user is authenticated and not the owner, show the "Favorites" component.

<h1 className='name'>{}</h1>
<div className='spot-detail-header'>
    <h2 className='heading'>
        {}, {detailState.state}, {}

{sessionUser && !== &&
    <Favorites spotId={spotId} />

Spot Images + Owner Information:

Render spot images using the SpotImages component.

<SpotImages />

Render owner information and description.

<div className='owner-info'>
    {!sessionUser &&
      <h2 className='host-name'>Hosted by {detailState.Owner.firstName} {detailState.Owner.lastName}</h2>

    {sessionUser && !== &&
      <h2 className='host-name'>Hosted by {detailState.Owner.firstName} {detailState.Owner.lastName}</h2>

    {sessionUser && === &&
      <h2 className='host-name'>Hosted by you</h2>

    <h3 className='detail-description'>{detailState.description}</h3>

About Me

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