isalin / TBbard

Automated FFXIV Bard Performer (Now with MIDI support!)
MIT License
35 stars 10 forks source link
bard ffxiv midi perform playback

Note: If nothing happens in FFXIV on playback, you might need to run the application as administrator (right-click the .exe version and "Run as administrator"). Drag and drop does not work when run as admin.


TBbard is a java application for playing back MIDI files in FFXIV using the Bard performance system.

Example Usage


Notes can be extracted by dragging and dropping a MIDI file onto the application or by clicking "Open" and navigating to the intended file. You can then select the instrument to play back.

Alternatively, it's also possible to manually enter or edit the "sheets".

For the automated music playback feature to work:

  1. In FFXIV, make sure the perform interface is open and that your character is ready to play.
  2. Drag and drop the file to play, or navigate to the file by using the "Open" dialog (or enter your own notes!).
  3. Click Play.
  4. Tab back to FFXIV, and make sure it's the currently selected window.
  5. Playback should start after the Start Delay.

Exe or jar

The .exe version is just a wrapper for the .jar version. It's mainly intended as a convenient way to quickly run the application as admin. You still need to have java installed!

UI description

Full keyboard layout

If you want to use the full keyboard layout, make sure your keys are bound like this: Full keyboard layout

Q: Why is the layout so weird?

A: Because there are so many international keyboardlayouts, and this way they should all be supported (hopefully).




Will this work with the mac version?

That doesn't appear to be the case. Unfortunately, I don't have a mac for testing it out at the moment.

Why is there a number next to each instrument?

The number reflects the midi channel index and is mostly intended for people making their own midi files for playback.

I have an issue, but I'm not sure if it's a bug or not?

Feel free to open an issue, chances are that other people are having the same problem and I just haven't noticed!

I want to play around with the code. How do I get this to compile?

Personally, I use eclipse. All you need to do after importing the project is get JavaFX working. In eclipse, this means:

Eclipse > Help > Install New Software... > Select your release in the "Work with: " dropdown > Find and install "e(fx)clipse" in the list

More detailed install instructions can be found here.