= Curriculum for the https://isaqb.org[iSAQB] Train-the-Trainer Course
:toc: :toc-placement!:
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This is <<copyrighted,copyrighted work>>.
== Content This repository contains a very early work-in-progress version for the iSAQB Train-the-Trainer curriculum in AsciiDoc.
== How to contribute or participate Create an issue or a pull-request
== How to use this repository
Via SSH: git clone git@github.com:isaqb-org/curriculum-t3.git --recursive
. Initialize and update submodules with git submodule init
and git submodule update --recursive --remote
. Build the project with http://www.gradle.com[gradle] (You need a locally installed and current JDK, at least Java 17) via ./gradlew
. Once the "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" is shown, you can review the build result under ./build/index.html
== On writing style
To keep writing style consistent across multiple iSAQB documents, please apply the styles used in the Foundation Level Curriculum.
=== Heading Capitalization
Use title case for all headings:
When in doubt, opt for https://capitalizemytitle.com/style/Chicago/[Chicago Style].
=== Bullet Point Lists
To unify upper/lowercase within the (EN) version, we use the Chicago manual of style proposal":
For a possible German (DE) version, don't use punctuation at the end of bullet-list items, unless on the end of sentences.
== Maintainers
This repository is currently maintained by the iSAQB Train-the-Trainer Working Group (T3WG). It was forked from https://github.com/isaqb-org/advanced-template currently maintained by Benjamin Wolf, which in turn was forked from https://github.com/isaqb-org/curriculum-template, so the contributors of those projects basically contributed to this one, too.
[[copyrighted]] == Licensing and Copyright
This is COPYRIGHTED work.
(C) (Copyright), International Software Architecture Qualification Board e. V. (iSAQB^(R)^ e. V.) 2024
The curriculum may only be used subject to the following conditions:
We stress that, as a matter of principle, this curriculum is protected by copyright. The International Software Architecture Qualification Board e. V. (iSAQB^(R)^ e. V.) has exclusive entitlement to these copyrights.
The abbreviation "e. V." is part of the iSAQB's official name and stands for "eingetragener Verein" (registered association), which describes its status as a legal entity according to German law. For the purpose of simplicity, iSAQB e. V. shall hereafter be referred to as iSAQB without the use of said abbreviation.